planting love with lilies

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"I have conquered problems of many,
And earned my place in history."


"There was a war. Amongst the people of a big, big town in which my old school is placed, where my kids study now, against a very powerful man who believed that others are unworthy to live in their town, because they weren't born there and they didn't have local blood." Hermione told Alex after dinner, walking to the indoor garden of the hotel.

"A war? That's bloody barbaric. And racist. How come it didn't go on the news?" Alex asked.

"We stopped it once it spread all over the world. Many people who weren't their people were killed. I'm sure that went on the news." Hermione looked at him.

"When was this?" Alex asked.

"1998. Very dark times." Hermione sighed.

"Oh. I was too young to notice. Well, what happened to the man?" Alex asked.

"We defeated him. Me, my best friends, Harry and Ron, and many others fought against him. My friend Harry killed him." Hermione said.

"Where was Draco?" Alex pushed.

"He was the man's follower. Don't worry. He didn't do it willingly. He was forced, cause if he declined, his family would've been tortured. And he didn't want that. So he went to their side."

"Oh. Were you guys friends?"

"No. In fact, my friend Harry and Draco were enemies. Once, I punched him in our 3rd year." Hermione smiled.

"Cool. But how did you guys became...?" Alex asked.

"After the war, their ministry decided to have a law. A marriage law. Because of the drastic drop in their population.." Hermione started.

"What? That's stupid." Alex cringed.

"It was. Then I somehow got paired up with Draco. I don't know how it happened, but it did. And I couldn't be more thankful for it." Hermione smiled at him.

"You've been through a lot, huh?" Alex asked.

"No shit, Alexander." Hermione said, ruffling his hair.


"Ma, when's pa coming here?" Ara asked Hermione.

"You'll see him tomorrow morning, darling." Hermione smiled at her.

"Good. I miss him terribly." Hydra said sadly.

"I do too. We all do." Hermione leant against the wall.


"Ugh! I need a dress for tomorrows ball!" Lin waves her arms frantically in the air.

"Don't worry. I booked us all a spa session before the ball. I also bought your dresses." Gladys said, shoving their dresses to the designated daughter.

"Ooh. Where's the modesty, Mother?" Say teased. The dress was a strapless, sweetheart neckline and reached the knees that was so tight, you can't breathe. It'll hug all the curves and layers.... Of their bellies.

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