crazy rich wizards

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"Life isn't better with money. Just makes it a lil fancier."


"What'cha watching?" Ara peered over Scorpius' shoulder to see a showering Leo Malfoy, holding a showerhead as a microphone and singing-

"-for me... fOR ME.... FOR MEEEEE!" Showering Leo said at the top of his lungs.

Not bad actually.

Freddie Mercury is quaking.

"Hey Leo, you should sing Bohemian Rhapsody more in public." Ara snickered.

"What?" Leo asked confused and looked at Scorpius' phone, "delete that footage now!"

"I don't want to." Scorpius said.

"I wasn't asking, I was ordering. Do it." Leo frowned.

The prideful Scorpius was unfazed, "Who are you, Shia LeBouf?"

"Oh shut up. Delete it Scorpius, or I will rip your favorite shirt into pieces while you sleep." Leo threatened.

"Pfft. I'll wear it to bed then." Scorpius said smugly.

"Won't stop me." Leo said nonchalantly.

"Alright, enough! Leo, you are actually pretty good at singing so you should be proud of that video, and Scorpius, just delete it." Hydra sighed.

"Sure, Hya." Leo said nervously.

"No problem, little sis," Scorpius smiled at her with fearful eyes.

"Hide a camera in his room, though," Ara whispered at Scorpius, who just winks at her in agreement.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Hermione asked her children.

"Eat and stay in bed watching Netflix." Leo replied immediately.

"Read my new book." Ara exclaimed.

"Finish my book." Hydra added.

"Sleep." Scorpius shrugged.

"Wow. Okay, we are doing none of that. Boys, you come with me. Girls, go with your Mum. We meet in the lobby for lunch. M'kay?" Draco ordered.

"Yes Dad." The Malfoy children chorused.


"What the hell, was that?" Gladys yelled at her daughters.

"Acting nice towards the Malfoys is understandable but being nice to Hermione is unacceptable."

"Well, Mother," Liz stepped forward, "technically, Hermione is a Malfoy. As are her children."

Gladys slapped Liz. Liz and her sisters looked at her in shock, Liz holding her left cheek.

"You will not disrespect me!" Gladys yelled.

Say and Lin rushed beside their older sister.

"If you hurt her, you hurt all of us." Say said.

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