Chapter 12

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When the morning sun crests over the distant mountains, brightening the hillside and the castle built within it, the door to my chambers slams shut. At first, it doesn't startle me but then I realize that I don't live in Arego anymore and anyone, including the prince across the hall, could kill me if he really wanted to.

On the second slam, I force myself awake and standing over me is the prince, frowning. "Why are you sleeping on the floor?" He questions blandly. He wears a fitting black shirt with a leather baldric across his chest, supplied with knives. His black pants billow from the leather boots, tied to his shins.

"That's none of your business," I groan as I twist to lie on my back. My hip joints pop in response and everything that spent curled into a ball the entire night finally releases and stretches. My legs tremble as I stretch myself out.

Renit sighs and looks towards the untouched bed. "Is the bed not good enough? We can throw you in the dungeons if you plan to be stubborn."

"I'm not being stubborn." I prop myself up onto my elbows. "This is how I slept in Arego so this is how I will sleep now. I didn't realize you would be so far up my ass to where I can't even sleep where I want to sleep."

I'm aware of the proximity of his boot to my face as he stares down at me, probably wondering if he should kick me. He scoffs. "Be in the kitchens, dressed for training in fifteen minutes. We have plenty to do and not enough hours. Hurry up." With that, he stomps from the room, leaving me there on the floor. The fire has died out and the only thing left are hot coals towards the iron rack where the logs once were. Do the servants clean that or am I to do that myself?

Renit would never answer that question.

The room is illuminated with a new light this morning, the sunrise instead of the evening glow. It warms the back of the castle, Renit's chambers, so I don't get to watch the sunrise but at least with every night, the sunset will be to my full advantage.

I turn towards the untouched bed and a small note sitting on the duvet on top of a pile of clothes. The parchment is smooth in my hand and the writing is chopped, like that of a witch of healing. The note reads:

More clothes are coming. Wear these today in training and by the

time you get back, I'll have a full supply for you to flaunt.

Good luck and don't forget to show Renit who's boss.

Burn this note so he doesn't see that.

Sincerely, your favorite, Mani

The note soothes me, in a way. Mani is the only contact I have with the outside world other than the prince and Celestine; although I have yet to see her. Instead of burning that note, I fold it and place the parchment in the back corner of my bedside table so Renit doesn't see it; if he didn't already. He was in my chambers moments ago and if he saw anything, it would be that note. I don't know how much he enjoys snooping around but if he were to see an insult by one of the stylists, a threat, he might take Mani's head.

I make a note to tell the stylist to be careful with what he writes.

Fifteen minutes gives me enough time to take a quick bath and scrub myself with that almond soap and lather lotion onto my dry skin. With my hair brushed out and the tight-fitting pants and leather jacket perfect for training, I look like a member of the royal family's army. And it sickens me.

I've never worn such comfortable leather boots, but this pair reaches my knees with straps and buckles meant for holding weapons. I can't go anywhere without the titanium band on my wrist; Renit is not about to give me any weapons I can use against him. That band is a heavy weight against my skin and repeatedly, I find myself looking for that power, somewhere deep inside me but discover nothing remains.

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