Chapter 24

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My bath lasted much longer than any of us wanted to. Once I was soaking in the hot water, my eyes became heavy with exhaustion and it wasn't until Renit stormed into my chambers and banged on the door so loud that I woke up. He created so much of a scene that one of the guards came to check if I was all right and wasn't sure if the prince would ever so such a thing. The only person Renit is kind to, apparently, is the guards. They believe he is selfless, brave, and not at all like the king. I beg to differ.

He nearly dragged me out of the tub, gave me adequate time to dress and stomped back out to the clearing where Silas was waiting for my presence. For him to inherit my power, I have to be there physically so his power can recognize it. I've never understood how his power works but with the intense training in the capital, the crown prince has every tool at his disposal to understand the conducts of what flows inside him.

Before long, he enveloped the power into himself, folded the magic into a ball and stuck it inside him to remember for later. Although nothing changed within me, everything altered for him as he ushered us to step back. If the power is unpredictable at my hand, the same could be said for him.

I stand, arms crossed at Renit's side as Silas takes a deep breath and allows the power to settle within him. There's been something on my mind, nagging at me since breakfast. I shift uncomfortably on my feet, words on my tongue, and Renit doesn't budge. He's as solid as a tree and unmoving as such.

"Does...does Darius talk to every girl like that?" I ask quietly. The question is nearly drowned out by the wind.

"Only the girls he thinks are interesting enough to court," Renit sighs with reluctance.

"But he can't court me, I'm engaged to you."

Dust swirls around Silas's fingers, closely mimicking my own, and my heart leaps with excitement. Never has another witch of ground been in my presence and I'm eager to see this power like I'm watching through a mirror. Renit tenses at the sight, his mouth tightening, but he doesn't move away from me or closer to his brother. He's learned to never back down.

"No, he's technically not allowed to court you but he has every right to ask you to his bed." Silas's grunt cuts through the clearing, nearly drowning out Renit's words, as the power develops. The familiar grumble of ground underneath my feet is hardly a distraction anymore.

I turn to him, eyebrows raised. "That makes no sense, I'm engaged." I point at the ring on my hand for emphasis and Renit frowns at the band, reminding him of the mistake that was made to force that ring there. I want to tell him he could have avoided it all by leaving me in Arego but that conversation is best saved for another time.

"You're allowed to warm another's bed," Renit counters, staring at me quizzingly.


He pinches the bridge of his nose. "Roux, I'm saying that you don't have to be alone. I'm saying you can explore the castle. You're not shackled to me entirely." The words are so simple coming out of his mouth, yet I don't quite believe them. He's never told me anything straightforward without a sarcastic or angered meaning behind the words.

"Have—have you...explored the castle?" I hate asking but curiosity takes over. I avoid looking at him to find the storm hidden underneath his stare.

"Not the castle, no. But the capital is full of lonely people." He sighs. The ground rumbles again and now Silas's eyes are open. There's a different fire there as the dirt swirls around his bare forearms, sleeves rolled to his elbows. The dark whorls of ink glisten in the afternoon sunlight, as haunting as blacked out stars. "I don't force myself to find comfort in no one and neither should you. If you think Darius—"

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