Chapter 22

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Two days.

I've been in the dungeons for two days. My entire body aches when shivering and there's a constant battering of my skull when my teeth clank together. Sleeping curled up in a ball whenever I can, in the pile of straw that reeks of urine, is the only way for me to envelope myself in warmth. With that warmth follows a stiff neck and aching back when I wake to find I haven't moved in hours and my legs are stuffed so tight against my chest I can barely unroll myself.

I haven't seen Renit or Celestine. No one has come down the dungeons steps to see if I'm ready to come out. He wasn't kidding when he said to keep me down here for three days and nothing less. I make a note to listen to him later because he clearly doesn't lie whenever he speaks; not even when he promises to lock his betrothed in a dungeon cell.

The only interaction I've had is with the dungeon servants. There's three a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. They serve a meal on a metal tray with a wooden utensil so I don't think about stabbing them when they retrieve what is left behind. I would never think of stabbing someone but if I had wanted to, a guard follows them around so none of the prisoners take advantage. I'm offended for them even thinking I have the strength to stoop that low.

Down in the dungeons, I'm beginning to smell like the rest of the prisoners. I'm unwashed and my hair is knotted and oiled as the rest of me—my fingers are too cold to brush through the strands but again, it would be no use because the straw ruins any bit of beauty I might possess, including what I was wearing when Renit threw me in here.

I'm grateful for my cloak but after being in the rain, I came in here damp. When the temperatures reach their lowest at night, the only indication that it is night, my clothes freeze. That first night, my sleeve cracked with the chill because rainwater had soaked through the fabric. I'll have to talk to Mani about finding me something to wear outside in storms.

With a prince of storm, one able to pull from white clouds; rain, lightning, and thunder—I'll be around a storm more often than Mani imagines. Especially if he keeps devising fits.

The servants deliver my tray of food, a piece of stale bread, cheese, and a cold bowl of porridge. I eat what I can even when my stomach aches so much I can barely handle the bites without vomiting up my guts. I've done that once, yesterday morning when I ate too fast and my stomach was too empty.

With every bite I take, I curse Renit. When I get out of here, I will not mess around any longer. I will figure out my power and then we will move onto the next step in training. After that, I will forget all contact with him and only interact when it is asked of me.

After my meal, I nestle into the silence. No one will be around for the next few hours so this is the time to catch up on sleep us prisoners didn't get the night before because we were too busy shivering to make slumber count. Besides, who wants to sleep with their hands tucked so far into their armpits they can barely breathe?

As I close my eyes, ready to drift off to sleep in the urine-scented straw, I hear him. He's calling my name, searching the cells while he stomps through the many twisting halls. None of the prisoners speak, no one responds.

I run to the bars, calling back, "Silas!" If there's one person able to remove me from this cell, it's the crown prince. He's the next king, the only person who holds power over Renit's orders.

A few moments later, he peers around the corner, spots me, and rolls his eyes. I press my forehead to the bars and sigh under my breath. "That idiot," he grumbles to himself. "He's a damn fool." There is no joy on his face as he moves to the cell and looks for the key hanging from the many metal hooks embedded in the walls. I haven't seen a key. Silas comes back to the cell and searches the hooks closest. Nothing. "He knew I would come down here, he took the key for himself. Guards, summon Prince Renit immediately!" His voice surges down the halls and someone repeats the order to another guard unless that is Silas's voice still echoing through the stone walls.

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