Chapter 5

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Author's Note: This chapter contains graphic depictions of a make out session between an idiot and an alien clown. You've been warned. If you choose to read past this point, I'm not responsible for any resulting trauma. 


Rudy gingerly made his way down the sidewalk, popcorn-filled bag in hand, his dead eyes scanning the streets for signs of movement. The Klowns had split up upon entering town, hoping to cover more ground that way; the goal was to have the storage room completely filled by the end of the night. He parked himself in front of the general drugstore, mimicking the actions of the animatronic ape across from him as two female humans approached the entrance. They gawked at him for a moment or two, confused but intrigued by his presence, before one commented to the other, "Cute," and they entered the store.

"Cute," Rudy unknowingly repeated to himself, slowing his movements and looking back at the drugstore entrance. That was a word he'd had applied to himself before, yes, but only by Juicy. He wasn't expecting to hear it out of anyone else's mouth. But rather, he was less concerned by a potential meal complimenting him than he was by the fact that Juicy was missing, and the Klown sent after her was the most hostile of the bunch. There was no certainty that Slim would fulfill his duty to locate the prototype, not because he wasn't capable, but because he simply had no interest in the assignment. He was nowhere near as averse to breaking the rules as Rudy was. If he wanted, he could skip out on the job and claim he simply failed to find her. Or perhaps he was too prideful for that...

It didn't matter. The point was that Juicy was Rudy's mate, and he had been too cowardly to volunteer for the task himself. Why, he was worried that showing any interest in Juicy beyond something strictly professional would reveal the truth. It had been a concern of his from the start, but the fear had worsened as their relationship intensified.

It hardly differed from their friendship, at first; Juicy was affectionate as she'd always been, and Rudy was as accepting of this as he had gradually become. However, the girl began asking for things that she hadn't before—perhaps she felt she had the right now that she had claimed the depressed Klown for herself.

"So, do you wanna make out?" she'd asked one night, shortly after the two had retired to Rudy's cabin. They'd been spending an awful lot of nights together, though neither seemed to mind; Rudy especially felt safer engaging in what was essentially treason behind closed doors.

"I don't know how," Rudy had responded, attempting to conceal his growing anxiety. No, he definitely didn't know how. Juicy had kissed his cheeks before, but didn't she say something about tongues?

"That's okay, I can show you! I saw it in movies, remember?" She placed her sweaty palms on his cheeks, pulling his face forward until their noses touched. "If you don't wanna, we don't gotta. But it'd be fun!"

Rudy considered. He wasn't entirely sure what he was about to get himself into, but if it was anything like their past intimacy—the hugs, the cheek kisses, the hand-holding—it likely wouldn't be as terrifying as he initially envisioned. "Okay, as long as you tell me what to do," he said, lightly shrugging his shoulders.

Juicy giggled and clapped her hands like an excited child. "Yay, great! Okay, so, first we gotta kiss." She puckered her lips for emphasis, her face taking on the appearance of a somewhat constipated fish, if such a thing existed. Rudy awkwardly imitated the look as best he could, but it seemed more like he was having a stroke. Taking his struggle as a sign of encouragement, Juicy closed the space between them, pressing her tiny lips against his massively thick ones. They stayed that way for a moment, simply getting used to the act; Juicy's kiss was surprisingly gentle, or perhaps she was just too small to make a dent in Rudy's wrinkly exterior. It was warm, the alien noted.

They pulled apart briefly, primarily so Juicy could continue her tutorial. "Okay, so we do that, yeah? Except this time, we open our mouths, and stick our tongues down each other's throats."

"All the way down?" Rudy asked nervously, recalling the frightening length of his mate's tongue. A defect, it supposedly was.

"Nah, I don't think so! The movies didn't show how far they went. I guess it's up to us!" She grinned, revealing a stretch of yellowed, crooked teeth. Rudy returned the smile, but it was more like a wince. His facial features had adapted to perpetual frowning. The human reached for him again, this time wrapping her arms around his neck, and Rudy found his hands instinctively cupping her face, his pudgy fingers encompassing her cheeks. It wasn't as uncomfortable as he had expected it to be, but that was how these types of interactions with Juicy usually went; awkward at first, enjoyable over time. He leaned in as she did, the kiss continuing to be soft and slow, until Juicy opened her mouth wide, her fat, purple tongue lunging forward like a predator.

Rudy opened his own mouth in response, but his timing was poor. Her tongue slapped against his nose like a dying snake, a spray of saliva shooting up his nostrils. He sneezed, and Juicy cackled, wiping the resulting flecks of mucus off her face with her sleeve.

"A little warning might be nice," Rudy said, his nose tingling.

"Okay, sounds good," Juicy replied, setting her hands on the alien's shoulders, "this is my warning!" She shot her tongue out again, wheezing in laughter as it made contact with Rudy's left eyelid and slid down his cheek. Her volume was increasing, and the Klown felt a familiar spike in his chest as the possibility of getting caught entered his mind. Panic would soon follow if she didn't settle down.

"How about I go first?" he suggested, wiping the moisture from his sagging flesh. The human nodded feverishly, and he leaned forward again, this time placing his hand on the back of her neck to hold her steady. Juicy kept her tongue in her mouth, surprisingly, and Rudy took the opportunity to kiss her normally for a little while longer, just to get used to it, of course. The heat was stronger than before, likely the result of the intensity of the whole situation, and there was a different spike in the alien's chest as he opened his mouth slightly and allowed his own, mediocre-in-length tongue to dart out.

That was where a lot of it started, if he had to be honest with himself—the feelings that he couldn't particularly identify, the weird bursts of heat and heaviness in his body that pinned him under their weight and threatened to suffocate him. He never spoke of them aloud, because they were no easier to describe for him than they were to label. But after the "make out session", as Juicy referred to it, the sensations began popping up regularly, spreading nothing but confusion and a kind of embarrassment that seemed eager to swallow him whole. And then there was the want, which he denied as persistently as he could manage, for the longer he did so the stronger the urges became. He didn't like admitting to himself that he enjoyed the taboo, but that was eventually what it came down to; he was either to remain loyal and be plagued with unruly desires, or betray the all-powerful Jojo and engage in pleasurable activities. Neither option sounded too enticing. However, he could no longer deny that he was—

The alien's train of thought was interrupted as he crashed headfirst into a rack, causing the entire thing to topple over. He could hear the distant stuttering of the cashier, but when he looked up, what he saw was the two female customers, watching Rudy with their hands to their mouths. Oh well, he thought, removing a conveniently placed Cocoon Gun from his pocket and aiming it at the startled girls, there's a time and place for everything. A thin ray of light shot from the gun's nozzle, engulfing the humans in a pink glow. The process was quick and, for the most part, silent aside from a couple thumps as the newly made cocoons hit the floor.

The Klown sighed and turned back to the fallen rack, its contents strewn about. As he looked over them, he could feel his curiosity calling to him, a familiar sensation from his previous visits to Earth. He had been advised not to get distracted time and time again, or he would no longer be allowed on excursions—but Rudy simply couldn't help himself. And who's to say he wasn't doing his job? He had just successfully cocooned two human females. He might as well have a little playtime.

Yes, those were the thoughts running through his head at that very moment; Slim would take care of Juicy, all would be well, and Rudy could have some time to himself fooling around in the drugstore. Fantastic. 

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