Chapter 11

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Spike and Jacko were experiencing some problems of their own. Spike, for starters, had been forced to set aside his usual state of ignorant bliss in order to process the announcement he'd received on his Mo-Klone—but unlike one of his more intelligent Klown companions, he hadn't realized that sharing the news with the defective human may be a bad idea. In fact, almost immediately upon flipping open the communication device and seeing the notification, he'd loudly blurted, "JUMBO IS DEAD?!"

As far as Spike knew, Jacko had never been particularly interested in Jumbo. They'd interacted, surely, but Jumbo was definitely a wise one; he was likely the most skilled of the Klowns in regards to evading the defects' attention. Whether it was through simply avoiding their line of sight or distracting his way out of a potential encounter, he knew how to maintain a sort of distance between himself and the challenged humans, though he never spoke harshly of them. As a result, neither twin appeared to think much of the large Klown, and Spike was not at all prepared for Jacko's response to his demise.

The reaction was immediate; within mere moments, Jacko had collapsed to the sidewalk the two had been parading along, wailing as though she had just watched her child get gunned down in the middle of the road. She was pounding her fists uselessly against the ground, practically turning her despair into an entire opera for anyone happening to stroll by. Her alien counterpart was too stunned to act at first, his eyes bulging out of their sockets as he watched his friend sob inconsolably, and then it struck him—there was absolutely no way that any living creature within a five mile radius wasn't getting a load of this. This might as well be a fucking Broadway show. Spike's eyeballs nearly popped right out of his skull.

"Jacko," he mewled, hesitantly stepping closer to the girl's crumpled body, his wrinkly arms outstretched. Not only did he hate to see the human this way, but the scene she was making could definitely attract unwanted attention, and he knew he had to put a stop to this as quickly as possible. He was still somewhat confused as he approached her, not having expected any notable reaction from her regarding the loss of Jumbo. Hell, the poor guy hadn't even taken a moment to mourn the casualty himself, not that he'd been particularly close to the deceased Klown either. For the time being, all he could process was that he and the defect could be in serious danger if they didn't get a move on.

"Jacko," he called again, attempting to remain calm as he knelt down to her. He tried to keep his voice steady, but he was already beginning to stammer in his state of confused distress. Thankfully, it didn't actually matter at all, because Jacko's piercing cries simply drowned out the attempts at communication. She had already reached the point of full-on screaming, and Spike's ears vibrated in irritation as he brought a fat, shaky hand towards the source of the noise. Gently massaging her shoulder, he tried again, "Jacko, we have to go now. It's dangerous out here."

Surprisingly, Jacko seemed to hear this piece of dialogue. Slowly, she shifted her gaze to the Klown kneeling beside her, her shrieks gradually dissipating as she processed his words. There was a brief silence between the two, and then, Jacko's mouth reopened. Spike prepared for the screams, but there were none.

Instead, what the unsuspecting Klown was greeted with was a fountain—no, a tsunami—of projectile vomit, thick, chunky, and undigested, the kind emetophiles probably go nuts for. Spike was drenched upon contact, the viscous fluid entering just about every visible orifice, his nostrils, eyes, ears, and open mouth becoming clogged with the substance. He choked for air as the force of Jacko's puke pushed him onto his back against the concrete, his limbs flailing about wildly. The stream of vomit lasted a solid ten seconds, the accompanying noise much like that of a broken fire hydrant, until piss-yellow bile followed the chunks of whatever the fuck the defect had last ingested. The powerful surge of fluid became filmy, and Spike laid motionlessly against the ground as the vomiting session finally died down, breathing heavily.

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