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Loki sat on Peter's bed with his head buried in Peter's chest, tears were streaming down his emerald eyes. Loki's heart felt heavy as he remembered someone he loved, and he remembers how he lost that person.

This very person was Frigga. His mother. Loki didn't care that he wasn't her son but he still loved her so much. He remembers being a baby and being help in her arms, he remembers how she always smelled like cut lilies which were her favorite flowers. When ever Loki was upset or having a very bad day he would go to Frigga and everything that had happened that day would melt away being in his mother's arms.

Loki felt even more pain as he remembered that his last words to Frigga were, 'no your not.' When Frigga said to him, 'then am i not your mother?' He said that to her because he found out that he was a Jotun a monster that he was taught to hate all his life, once Loki found out that he was not her son he was blinded by anger, he couldn't even think about what he was saying or what he was doing. He missed Frigga so much, she meant everything to him. Now she's gone.

Every time Loki closed his eyes he saw her, he saw her looking at him with a faint smile on her lips. He misses her so much.

"It's my fault that she's gone, the only parent who cared about me is gone." Loki said, his voice was broke as waves of fresh new tears started to roll down his eyes.

"It's never easy losing someone we love, remember your not alone. I lost my uncle, so trust me i would now." Peter replied to him looking down at his love.

"But i could have saved her!! I could have saved her if i wasn't locked away because of my misdeeds!! It's my fault!!"

Peter pulled Loki away from his chest, he looked down and saw a giant wet stain on his shirt. He didn't care though. Peter cupped Loki's cheek and brought his face up so Loki would look Peter in the eyes.

"Loki don't you ever blame yourself for Frigga getting killed, you didn't know what would happened to her. Please listen to me, now that you are a Avenger when it comes to missions please now that not everyone cane be saved. Your friend, family," Loki watched as Peter started to drift off once he said family, Peter wiped his eyes and Loki could tell that he was crying a bit. "Sometimes you can't save every life, but it's important to now that you tried."

Peter wiped Loki's eyes with his thumbs and gave Loki a small kiss on the forehead. 

"Thank you Peter, i love you."

"I love you too."

My Spider, I Will Love You No Matter What 🕷💚 (Peter x Loki)Where stories live. Discover now