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"Here this should fit the Spiderling." Sif said as she handed Loki another of Asgarden clothing, Loki took the clothing and smiled at Sif. "Thank you these will look wonderful on him, see you out there. Also let me know if Odin is there."

"You got it Loki." Sif walked off and headed to the main hall were the gala had started. Loki closed the chamber doors and walked over to Peter who was sitting on the bed. Loki handed him the clothing and smiled at me, "here, I think these well do." Peter took the clothing from Loki and smiled.

"Thanks Loki. I'll be right back." Peter jumper off the bed and rushed into the bathroom to get change. Loki walked over to the mirror and sat down, he looked at his reflection and sighed.

"If father finds out about Peter being from Midgard he will be so disappointed, it's not like he's already disappointed in me. But what would mother say? She'd be disappointed in me as well." Loki loved Peter don't get him wrong, but he knew what Odin could say.

That's it's wrong to we with a Midgarden.

'If I was there, I would say I'm happy that you found someone who's love you just as much I did.'

Loki's head snapped up and his eyes widen when he saw Frigga standing behind him. "No, no this has to be a dream you're not here. You're gone."

'I may be gone but just know that what I'm saying is true, you love this spider child and he loves you. You mean the world to him and he means the world to you, just like how you were the world to me my little trickster. Whatever Odin well say when he finds out just ignore him, all he wants to do is remind you of everything you have done. Don't let him, remember all the good things you have done to make up for everything. My little trickster your heart has gone from cold to warm, you'll be alright my dear.'

Loki used the pom of his hand and wiped the tears that started to leave his eyes, he messed these moments where he could talk with Frigga about anything.

"Thank you mother, I love you so much."

'I love you too my little trickster.'

Frigga started to disappear, but Loki stopped her.

"Mother before you go, I miss you and I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said before what happened, you are my mother and I miss you truly."

Frigga walked over to Loki, she placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned her down and kiss the top of his head.

'I know you never meant what you said my little trickster, I miss you and Thor so much. Know I must be going, love you my son.'

"I love you so much."

Then she was gone.

Loki's heart sank for a second but he started to feel better, he told Frigga he was sorry and that she was his mother no matter what. In a way he had made that piece in his heart better.

"Loki are you okay?"

Loki looked up when he heard that voice, Peter came out with the Asgarden clothing Sif had given him.

"Yes I'm fine, we should get going."

"Lead the way love."

My Spider, I Will Love You No Matter What 🕷💚 (Peter x Loki)Where stories live. Discover now