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Loki and Peter walked down the hall of the place, their hands intertwined with each other. Loki decided to take Peter to a secret place only he knows about, so he took Peter to the stables, Loki looked around and saw no one.


Loki took Peter over to his horse, who he named 'Luna'. She was a black mare with white spots blanketing her body, Loki held out his hand, when she saw him she moved closer putting his hand under her snout. "Hello my darling, you ready for some fun?" (EDIT: THERE I CHANGED IT!! HAPPY?!)

She looked at Peter then at Loki, she letted out a small nose meaning she was ready for anything. Loki grabbed her stale and threw it over her back, he started to tie everything together. When the stale was on Loki lead her out of the stables, when they were farther out of the stables Loki got on top of her, he looked at Peter and used his magic to get him on Luna.

"Loki were are we going?"

"You will see soon my Spider."

With that they were off, Luna ran past all of Asgard. They passed by all the people, homes, they even ran by some little kids who were playing tag with each other. Luna kept running till she made it to the woods, that's when she started to slow down, her movement almost sounded like Peter's heartbeat.

"Loki what is this place?" Peter asked, he tightened his grip around Loki's waist as they walked past all the trees that came their way. Peter had never been in the woods before, the way the sun was blinded by all the trees scared him a little.

"I'm here, my Spider. You do not need to scared." Loki said, Peter's grip loosened a little. He looked over Loki's shoulder only to see the light of the sun shining threw some of the trees, Peter was in awe once he saw where Loki was taking him. Peter was soon met with what looked like to be some kind of meadow, but all the trees and flowers seems to be the color of white, like snow.

"Loki what is this place?" Peter asked, Loki jumped off Luna and held his hand to Peter. The young Spider took the god hands as he helped him get off Luna. Loki snapped his fingers as Luna started to follow them, Loki didn't let go of Peter's hand as he lead him over to a tree that stood beside a rushing river. Loki hands left Peter's in a second making Peter reaching our for him again, a whimper leaving his lips.

Loki looked back at him, letting a small sinker leave his lips. "This will only take a moment my Spider." Loki snapped his hands back as an emerald glow formed around his hands, and just like that two giant trees were moved away from this giant hole in the stone wall. Peter stood there, he looked at the cave with widen eyes. "Loki what is this?" Loki didn't ask, he grabbed Peter's hand and pulled him into the cave with Luna following them.

Loki used his magic and covered the cave with the trees again, making everything go dark. Peter clung to Loki's arm with a mouse like sound leaving his lips, Loki laughed a little, he grabbed Peter's hand and pulled him close. "My Spider, watch this." Peter watched as a green fireball formed in Loki's hand, Loki dropped down fast on his knees slamming the fireball to the ground. A green blast of fire flew threw the hall, and torches with green fire blazing in them.

Loki pulled Peter along with him as they walked down the stone hall, Luna followed them walking behind them with her head held high. They kept walking down the stone hall till they made it to the end. Peter stood in awe as he saw what looked like another castle.

"Loki what is this place?"

Loki walked over to the gates of the other castle and pushed the gates opened, he looked at Peter with his arms out opened wide a giant grin on his face.

"My Spider, welcome to castle i made when i was young."

My Spider, I Will Love You No Matter What 🕷💚 (Peter x Loki)Where stories live. Discover now