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Peter had no words for the castle he stood in front of.

The building was made with dark rocks that was lighted with golden lines, there were a few towers that had dark green roof tops. Loki grabbed Peter's hand as they walked threw the gates of the castle, the chambers opened, Peter stood in awe as he saw a hall lined with black silindors and golden walls. Peter had no words for what he was looking at, it was just breathing taking knowing that Loki made this when he was so young.

"Peter are you alright?" Loki said, he cupped Peter's face in his hands and tit his head up. Loki locked his emerald eyes with Peter's chest nut ones. Peter's eyes were widen and Loki saw that he wasn't saying anything which made him worried. "What...Oh yeah, i'm fine. I was just amazed by THIS." Peter waved his hand in front of the castle so Loki would know what he meant.

Loki laughed as he grabbed Peter's hand and lead him down the hall, Luna followed them inside walking behind them. Loki lead Peter to the back of the castle into the garden, Peter was amazed by all the colors of the flowers, trees, and all sorts of different Asgraden fruits surrounded them. Loki brought Peter over to a tree and sat him down to the ground, Loki walked closer to the tree and started to climb it. Peter watched him as he pulled his body up the tree, getting higher with each step.

Peter looked over at the land and smiled, there were these flowers with frozen tips at the end of them.

Peter was so amused by what his eyes were seeing, Peter turned his head over his shoulder when he heard Loki's feet hit the ground. In his hands he was holding two pieces of some kind of fruit, Loki handed Peter one of the fruits and sat down beside him.

"My Spider here, these are called frost fruits. They grew on this very tree I have planted when I was little and they are riped." Loki explained, he brought the snow looking fruit up to his mouth taking a bit out of it. It took Peter a minute but he finally bit into the fruit, his eyes lit up as the fruit sensed a ice cold feeling threw his body.

"Loki this is really good!! What do you call it?" Peter asked with a mouth full of the strange fruit. Loki pounder for a minute till he finally came up with something, "I call it, frostysnow." "Well it's really good."

Later that day (its night)

Peter kept his hands around Loki's waist as they ride Lune back to the castle. Peter had a wonderful time with Loki, but if he can be honest he always has a wonderful time when he is with the god of mischief.

The stable doors open and Lune walked in he stall, Loki go down and helped Peter down. Loki places his head on Peter with his eyes closed, Peter closed his eyes and stayed there with Loki for what felt like forever. They pulled away when they heard Thor calling out to his brother, Loki watched as Thor ran over to him out of breath.

"What do you want know brother?"

"Loki, I'm so glad your back."

"Why what's going on?"

"Brother the gala is tonight, you and the spider child needs to get ready."

My Spider, I Will Love You No Matter What 🕷💚 (Peter x Loki)Where stories live. Discover now