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Loki: greetings everyone, I simply do must apologize for the lack of updates here it's just our writer has something she wants to say. Please understand that what she is about to say, she is not meaning to sound rude or anything. It's just something that has been on her mind lately and she really wants to say this to you all without sounded rude or ungrateful for all the love and support you all have given us, take it away dear.

Me: Thanks Loki.

Me: I just want to first say, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not updating this book and I know 'sorry' won't really fix it, it's just lately I found myself not really being into Marvel like I was when I first started this book along with my other ones. I'm not saying I stopped being part of the Marvel fandom I still love Marvel with all my heart. It's just I found the fire I had when I started these books die a little, the fire was giant and big but slowly the fire started to die a little and I've been trying to spark it up again.

Loki: it's taken a lot longer then we expected.

Me: yeah, I also have found that my love for my SpiderLoki books die a little. I still love this ship and everything, I just ran of ideas for them. Another reason why I haven't updated lately, and I know you all can see on my profile that I have posted a lot of other books mostly Danganronpa and My Hero Academia. You see, I'm trying to show my love towards other fandoms I love so much.

Me: I know it the dumbest excuse ever, but I can't focus on one fandom my entire life. I want to show my love for these two fandoms and more by writing all shorts of stories for them. I know you all probably hate me, and that's okay.

Loki: Dakota?

Me: *tears up* I hate me too.

Me: just please know that my love for Marvel and this ship will come again, I don't know when but it will. Just please have a little patience with me, it takes me awhile when this bullshit happens. When my love for a fandom dies a little I need to take time and re-spark my love the said fandom, so I find that when I focus on other fandoms slowly the love for the other fandom I love slowly sparks back up.

Loki: she is not meaning to sound ungrateful or anything. This has been on her mind for sometime now and she believes it was time to tell you all, and I agree with her. So, I do hope you all will be a little bit more patience with us. It will take her sometime.

Me: I promise everyone. I promise my love for Marvel and SpiderLoki will spark back up. I just hope you all understand way I needed to tell you all.

My Spider, I Will Love You No Matter What 🕷💚 (Peter x Loki)Where stories live. Discover now