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The sun glowed threw the windows of Loki's chambers, the sun landed on Loki's face making him stir in his sleep. Loki moved his arms a bit only to stop when he felt something, no someone, resting in his arms. Loki looked down only to see a ball of fluffy brown hair tucked in his arms, Loki remembered who this was in a second. It was Peter. Peter had his arms wrapped around Loki's back with his face pressed against his chest, Loki smiled as his fingers started to brush in Peter's hair, this action made Peter let out a small nose as he nuzzled closer to Loki.

A blanket was draped across both of them, "how did i get so lucky with you?" Loki said out loud, he knew Peter probably heard him but he didn't care. A knock made Loki perk up at the sound, "just a minute." Loki said, he carefully removed Peter's arms from his back. He roused out his bed and walked over to his chambers doors, he pulled them back and Loki was face to face with Sif. "Morning Loki, how's the little Spider?" Loki turned his head over his shoulder looking at Peter still resting. "He's doing fine Sif, what can i help you with today?"

Sif handed Loki and pair of Asgradein clothing, "here i thought the little guy could wear these." Loki took the clothing in his hands and gave Sif and smile. "Thank you Sif, this is what he needed." Sif gave Loki and slight nod and walked off. Loki closed his chambers and placed the clothing on his dresser, he walked back over to Peter and kneeled down in front of him. Loki looked at the Spider lying in his bed the blanket covering him up to his shoulders, Loki's thoughts started to take control of him.

Loki started to think about everything.

When he was a little god, when him and Thor would always run in the garden playing tag. They would chase each other around till getting called in for dinner. When he lost his first tooth and Frigga was their for him to help him threw the pain he was feeling. When he met Tony in New York and they became fast friends. When Loki was locked up in the cell when him and Thor returned home, all he could think of was the little boy who waved to him before they left. He had no idea that was the little Spider who was sleeping in his bed right now.

"Loki, are you okay?" Loki lifted his head up hearing that small voice, it was Peter, he was up. "Do not worry about me love, i was just thinking." Peter placed his hand under Loki's chin and brought his head up to look at him, "is there anything you want to talk about?" Loki shook his head. He grabbed Peter's hand and held it in his, giving it a small kiss. "I'm just fine," Peter wrapped his fingers around Loki's and pulled him closer, Peter leaned over and gave a small kiss to Loki's head. 

Loki grabbed Peter's hand and pulled him out of bed, Peter groaned. "I don't want to get up." Loki letted out a small laugh, "love you can't stay in bed forever. There is still so much of Asgard to see, i want you to see it all." Peter looked at Loki and climbed out of bed, Loki handed Peter the clothes Sif had brought. "Thanks." Loki looked away as Peter changed, Loki looked back at him when he was done.

He looked amazing!!

Loki looked at Peter in awed, out of all the clothing he wore on Midgrad, Asgardin clothing looked amazing on him. Loki grabbed Peter's hand as he pushed his chamber doors open, "are you ready for an adventure?" "As long as your with me, always." That's all Loki needed to know, they ran out the chambers and ran down the hall.

Let's hope things go well.

My Spider, I Will Love You No Matter What 🕷💚 (Peter x Loki)Where stories live. Discover now