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Sierra Nevada - Spain

Warm light from above bathed the travellers in heat, though the sun was nowhere to be seen. A thick layer of cloud had rolled in earlier that same day, and had neglected to leave. Still, it was no bother to the tourists - it didn't look as though it was going to rain, and there was still plenty of heat. 

The hiking trail they had chosen on a whim had been abandoned a few kilometres back - they had travelled all over the world hiking various routes - and they had never ran into any problems before. Besides, they had backpacks full of supplies. Maybe too many supplies... even the strongest of the bunch was getting tired carrying such a weight on his back. 

The bronze-haired man in the front let out a deep breath, stopping to face his companions. "Well, I think it's about time we took a break!" The others mumbled in agreement, walking a little while further until they found a nice set of rocks for them to sit on, overlooking a large lake. "Liam, pass me a beer, yeah?" 

The younger boy (almost an adult, but not quite) did as he was told, before taking a seat on one of the smooth rocks, looking not towards the lake like the rest of his family was, but up above. The others had ignored the cloud-filled sky, but to Liam it seemed like a bad omen. "Maybe we should head back soon?" He suggested. 

"Why?" His mother questioned, sitting besides him. "I thought you liked hiking?"

"Teenage boys." He first man, his father, rolled his eyes. "They never make their mind up."

Liam shrugged, looking back at those clouds. "I just have a bad feeling." 

The others shrugged and went back to watching the lake, but Liam's eyes were still trained on the sky. 

Right as he was watching, the clouds seemed to turn a deep shade of grey. He jumped up, shocked at what he was witnessing. 

He could see something... small but light in colour, easy to see against the bright clouds... was falling. It was almost like it had erupted right from the clouds, forcing them into that threatening shade. 

"Look!" He shouted to his parents. They follow his gaze, them too, seeing this strange falling object. The landscape was darker now too, though the adults with him still seemed unconcerned, gazing at the falling object with curiosity rather than fear. 

"It's a UFO!" His dad shouted excitedly. Hitching his bag back onto his shoulders and tossing his empty beer onto the grass. 

Liam had read about UFO's... but they were flying objects, not falling

It was falling from quite a distance too, though it was so small. Was it just a piece of rock? A meteor? That interested Liam more... Though it wasn't burning up.

The three of them all watched as the object rocketed down to the ground, before crashing with an enormous crack into the forest, shaking the ground on which they were standing. They each turned to look at each other in surprise, before staring at the tree's in which it had fallen, just a few minutes walk away... 

"Let's check it out." The man said eagerly, already heading in that direction. His wife was less keen, but still followed him, her expression cautious. 

Liam didn't particularly want to go with them... but he didn't want to be alone anymore either. Begrudgingly, he followed along. Letting them go first - just in case. 

As predicted, it didn't take them long at all to reach the impact zone. 

"Oh, my!" He heard his mother exclaim when the object entered their view, just seconds before Liam saw the object for himself.

There it was, laying in the middle of a broken up boulder... her head was resting on its side, her face hidden by long, shimmering blonde hair.

It was not an object... it was a girl.


This is the sequel to my book 'Wings', so go read that first if you haven't already! Hopefully you liked this Prologue, I'll be trying to update the first few chapters soon but I'm also in the process of editing the first book properly. 

Please vote/let me know what you thought of this chapter!


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