Chapter 1

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Yuta's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm setting off. 6:30 am it read. I groaned as I tried to turn it off but missing since my arm doesn't coorperate with my brain at these hours in the morning. Finally, I manage to make to shut it up. I snuggle back into my blankets, trying to fall asleep again. Unfortunately I have school in a bit so might as well drag my lazy self from dreamland to the reality of which school existed. When I'm done getting dressed my phone beeped. Bloody group chat being awake at these hours as well.


TYtrack: Hey whaddup my hos

Loosecas: delete ur life plz

Seagull: Both of you delete your lives please thank you.

Loosecas: I'm older than you, Mark Lee Seagull

Johnny: Y'all as stupid as your usernames

TYtrack changed Johnny's username to Tallbeanpole

Tallbeanpole: yes i know im tall thanks

TYtrack: plus u a ho

Tallbeanpole: I-


Tallbeanpole: istg

Yutato: you crackheads its too early for this kind of shit

Loosecas: In this chat its never too early to do anything

Yutato: -.-

Teail: Binches where tf are you

Tallbeanpole: u dont sound cool

Teail: wasnt trying to

TYtrack: already in class finishing my plan

Seagull: What might that be

Seagull: u know what i dont wanna know

Teail: I just got to the classroom...

Teail: he's trying to stick pictures of his face on the notice boards

Loosecas: And today, class, you can see the wild Lee Taeyong in his natural habitat

Yutato: I'm so done with you guys shit rn

Mute chat

8 hours ✔

I sigh as I walk out my house. I'm not hungry for breakfast yet. Besides I have more pressing matters to think about.

Such as soulmates.

Anyone can find out who their soulmates are just by writing on their arm. I don't know why but I this makes me nervous. I'm gay so having my soulmate being a girl would be the new low for me. Another thing I'd rather not have the messages my soulmate writes on my arm where everyone can see. Is privacy on holiday or something?

Finally, I reached the school entrance. Suddenly, I hear a loud thud and then I see Johnny lying face first on the floor. He's lucky that there isn't anyonne watching aside from me. I try to hold back my laughter but failed and started laughing at him.

"Whoever is laughing at me I swear I'm going to step on them with my converse." Johnny grumbled. I stop laughing and go over to help him.

"Chill, Johnny. Its just me." I say as I pull him up. Correction, try to pull him up. In the end, he stood up so we made our way to the classroom where we found Taeil, Lucas and Mark. Taeyong was inside... with his face plastered on the notice boards.

"You weren't kidding..." I trailed off when Taeyong produced MORE pictures of his face from I don't even know where anymore. Taeil just shook his head and pulled a pen out from his pocket.

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