Chapter 13

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It was free hour at the moment. The classroom changes had been almost two weeks ago and everyone has been adapting quite well. Sure, there were occasional arguments from time to time. Also about how there were still some single pringles.

Sicheng was doodling in his notebook because he was bored as hell. The students originally from the 127 class had left to do something so that meant no Yuta for at least an hour. This almost meant that he was stuck with the students from U and the dreamies.

Which meant-





-that. Silence who?

Sicheng was about to continue drawing when Kun came over. Or 'Fat Kun' as Lucas often called him. He took the empty seat on his left.

(A/n chinese in italics)

"Hey" Kun said. He was looking extra glum today. And restless. His hands were shaking and his fingers were constantly tapping at the table. "Hi, what's up?" Sicheng asked. Kun just sighed. "I've got a bit of a problem..." he saidd. Sicheng waited until he continued.

"I found out who my soulmate is..." Kun continued, "don't you dare start with congratulating me. I'm not finished yet."

" Can you at least tell me who it is?" Sicheng asked. He didn't like being kept in the dark.

"Alright... it's Jisung." Kun finally answered. Sicheng realized why Kun had a problem. Jisung had spoken with them previously how his parents were homophobic and how he was too nervous to come out. "Now I get it... How did you find out?" Sicheng trailed off. Kun buried his head in his arms and sighed. Then he told him.


It was Monday. It was the last class they had. It was dance practice as well, which meant that everyone was exhausted.

"Alright, well done everyone! Pack away your things and get some rest. See you tomorrow!" Their teacher said. Within a few minutes everyone was ready to leave. Kun had sat down on the floor and had no plans of getting back up again.

Jisung walked over and offered him a bottle of water. "Thanks, Jisung." Kun said. Jisung just sat down next to him tiredly. "Hyung... have you found your soulmate yet?" The younger asked. Kun shook his head. Neither of them said anything. They were too tired to do so. Suddenly, Kun got up. He was tired still and in dire need to sleep but he'd much rather do that in his bed. "I'm going to go home now." He yawned. Jisung got up unsteadily and almost tripped had it not been for Kun grabbing his arm.

That was when he saw the writing. It was an accident completely but he saw anyway. And one thing stood out most.

Qian Kun.

That's when Kun thought two things. One being that his soulmate was Park Jisung. The other, are everyones soulmates in the same class?

End flashback

"See my point?" Kun finished. Sicheng nodded. "Then why don't you just tell him?" Sicheng said, "His parents may be against it but that boy is as straight as a rainbow. You'll figure something out for sure." He added. Kun thought for a moment. "I was planning to confess but what about his parents?"

"Like I said, you'll figure something out."

Kun smiled. "Than-" he started but-




Sorry for not updating but writers block is my worst enemy

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