Chapter 10

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3rd person's P.O.V

Sicheng woke up to a bright light. The curtains were open and making it impossible to sleep futher unless someone got up to close them. And Sicheng was not leaving the bed. Too comfy.

He looked down to a still sleeping Yuta. Sicheng pulled him closer to his chest. Said action caused Yuta to squirm and wake up. His eyes fluttered open slowly before gazing up at Sicheng.

"What time is it?" Yuta asked. Sicheng looked at the alarm clock on the table. "10:10" was the answer.

"We should get up already." Yuta said. Wordlessly, they got up and went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. The whole time they were preparing it there was a lingering aura of awkwardness. Neither one could help it though. Finally the food was done and they sat down to eat. Halfway through the meal, Yuta spoke up.

"Sicheng... who is this person?"

There it was. The question that the japanese wanted answered. Nothing else. He made his inquiry clear.

Sicheng sighed deeply. He had hoped that he wouldn't have to deal with this again. He had hoped that it would stop. But no. Life just wasn't on his side and allowed this to fly back like a boomerang and slap him in the face. And it hurt.

"A girl who used to go to the same school as I did in China. In all honesty, I don't even know her name. She was in a different class than me and she was a year younger. One day she saw me with Lucas, while he was still in China, and she just ran over to me to ask for my number. Or more like she got on her knees and begged for it."

Sicheng paused for a moment.

"She stayed like that for almost five minutes, even after I said no. Finally she left. The next few weeks she'd leave letters in my locker and on my desk. Sometimes she would follow me and Lucas around. Got to the point where she'd stalk me back to my house. My family were getting really worried about it. I was getting stressed out. They told me that she had even started messaging them to get me to go out with her. Finally, I went up to her and told to stop it. That it was scaring my family. She told me to forget about them. That she was all I needed. I was furious. I told her that if she attempted something else that I'd call the police.

'You'll regret this.' Was all she said."

Yuta was stunned.

"A few weeks after that incident, my cousin YangYang and his two friends, Dejun and Hendery, were staying at ours. I had nearly forgotten that girl. But... we were in the front yard and... all of a sudden a bloody car comes running into us. All four of us were sent to hospital. Yangyang slipped into a coma..." Sicheng started crying. Yuta panicked, quickly walking over to hug him.

Sicheng finally calmed down. They decided to drop the subject and explain it to everyone else later. They finished eating and cleared everything up.

Before they did anything else, Yuta held Sicheng's face and kissed him. He didn't say anything bacause he couldn'g think of anything to say. Sicheng didn't care though. There were many great things and many bad things in his life, but he was glad that Yuta could be part of it.

It was kind of like the previous night. Showing how neither one was stronger nor weaker than the other. How both of them have something that will always hit at their feelings.

Be it good one or bad ones.

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