Chapter 15

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"She's here."

That was the worst thing Yuta had heard come from Sicheng's mouth. He wanted to tell himself that it wasn't true. That it was all a lie. But he knew.

It was hard for him to pay attention to school and the group. They had decided to do a dance for the talent show so they were planning it. It was very complicated and many of them felt lost whilst choreographing it, some more than others.

Flash back

"How are we doing this?" Jisung asked.

No one was really sure but they were determimed to do so. So they got started finding a song. Which was a fail.

"Okay, I can't think of any kind of song that can work." Jaehyun complained. What seemed like a 5 minute job turned into almost an hour and a half. Nothing seemed to match their style.

"How about we don't use a song or even sing that much. It could just be a dance performance rather than singing." Suggested Jaemin, followed by many "YES" 's.

And that's how the performance was born.

.   .   .

A little while later they had written a rap for the dance. Seeing as they wouldn't be able to find a song, they decided to make one. The dance was coming on nicely and everything was going well... ish. They still needed more ideas.

"Okay so our song's called Black on Black-" Taeyong spoke.

"Should we wear black then?" Lucas interrupted.

"No, we'll wear red. Of course we'll wear black!" Doyoung replied.

"Whatever. Are we going to include our group name in somewhere?" Taeyong asked.

"Group name? We haven't got one." Renjun said.


"Well then lets make one, dumbass." Donghyuk replied. Renjun just rolled his eyes.

"Any ideas?" Johnny asked. He was by the window, looking outside.

"Something that suits us obviously." Jisung muttered. Everyone rolled their eyes again.

Suddenly, Kun said, "Technology?"

"Technology? Why?" Sicheng said. Kun looked like he was thinking about it.

"There's so many of us that it reminds me of lines of code in a game or something." He concluded.

"Okay, that's one idea." Ten scribbled it down.

"No one better start calling us a video game, then." Jeno mumbled. "No fun." Chenle snickered.

"Any others?"

Silence, once again. They could hear students from the other classrooms.

"... Neo? Sounds futuristic." Yuta suggested. No one disagreed. Well until...

"I was going to say culture." Taeil muttered.

"Neo Culture Technology?" Jaehyun repeated.

Donghyuk replied, "Kinda a mouthful, innit?"

"NCT then." Mark stated. Jungwoo looked slightly confused, "N city?"

"I'M FROM N CITY." Lucas yelled. So loud that Mr Park told him to shut up.

"There we go. World, get prepared for NCT." Taeyong finished.



"I hate us so much wtf. I'm out." Donghyuk exclaimed, grabbing his belongings.

End flash back

Sicheng had called the police, telling them about the girl. They said that they'd try to figure out where the messages were coming from and that in the meantime they should keep an eye out.

Today it was Saturday. Yuta was at Sicheng's house this time. The latter was on a call with his family, letting them know what was happening and to be careful.

Sicheng hung up the phone. Arms wrapped around his waist. He turned around and saw Yuta. He embraced him.

.   .   .

Two weeks later

"Remember the talent show is in a week. I expect you all to be there." Mr Park announced.

How could any of them forget? It was all around the school. From the juniors to the seniors. Even in town. It was going to be the biggest show/festival of the year. Doyoung had also found out that it wasn't only happening at SM. Many other schools were participating. Hence why it's going to be the biggest one of the year.

There were going to be lots of people to watch them.

The boys had spent day and night practising their performance. It had to be perfect.

"We got this!" Taeyong encouraged, lifting everyone's spirits a little.

I hope so, Sicheng thought.


Thank you everyone for the over 4k reads!

Btw I have a second book out. Please check it out. Thanks!

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