Chapter 14

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After the 127 students came back

Only ten more minutes, Yuta thought as he looked at the clock. School would be over soon a he was exhausted. They had some assembly to do that only had a certain amount of classes. He couldn't even remember what it was about, so therefor he quickly erased the memory from his brain.

Everyone else seemed ready for school to be over. It was Friday, for goodness sake! They had a right to feel exhausted and ready for the weekend. Yuta decided that later he'll sleep.

"Before you leave, I wanted to mention that the school is hosting a talent showcase along with some others. Due to the curriculum, it is mandatory that all mixed classes are to participate. I hope you all think of something fantastic." Mr Park announced. With that the bell rang and school was officially over.

Yuta was packing up the rest of his things in his bag when his phone went off. He had an idea who it could be and at this point he gave two flying f*cks about it.

He was about to go when Jisung walked over to him. He looked terrible. "Hyung, can you help me out, please?" He asked. Yuta nodded and waited.


"Jisung, slow down you're speaking at the speed of light."

"Okay, so I found out that Kun is my soulmate but my parents are gonna kill me what do I do? I love him a lot even before the soulmate thing now what do I do?" Jisung rushed. He was restless now. Yuta just smiled.

"Well go and tell him. Your parents can't tell you who to love."

"Easy for you to say..." Jisung muttered.

"Oi I'm the hyung here. If you love him then go. Hearts decide. Not your parents." Yuta said. Jisung nodded. Seemed he was already going to do it but he needed a little push first. He turned quickly and ran up to Kun. Yuta smiled again and continued walking, catching up to everyone else.

.    .    .

"Um so what should we do for the talent thing?" Renjun questioned. Everyone shrugged. "We could try to do like a dance routine or whatnot." Sicheng started but got cut off. "Cus you can dance, hyung." Lucas complained. Sicheng rolled his eyes.

"I think that's a good idea." Donghyuk agreed. "High praise from the queen." Jaemin cried.

They split off to go home. Now only Sicheng and Yuta were there, arguing about what the best thing to do is on a lazy day.

"I swear to the lord of chocolate that the best thing to do is sleep!" Yuta protested. Sicheng retaliated saying, "And what about watching films and eating? THOSE are the best things to do on a lazy day."

"Nuh uh!"

"Whatever you say, babe." Sicheng pecked Yuta on the cheek. Yuta 'hmmpff' but hugged him anyways. They continued talking for a while. So long, actually, that they didn't realize that someone was following them. That someone being the main source of certain text messages.

Sicheng noticed something seemed off about... something. Gut feelings. He looked around. There weren't many people around but still a few. One caught his eye though. A girl with bleached hair at the bubble tea shop. Sicheng grabbed Yuta's hand and pulled him away. "Don't turn around." Was all he said. Yuta frowned but nodded. He was slightly concerned about Sicheng's behaviour at the moment, and didn't calm down until Sicheng led them to his house.

They entered, locked the door and windows, shut the curtains and went to the bedroom. Sicheng had managed to get a better bed so they just sat there.

"What is it what happened?" Yuta asked, slightly scared. He gripped the chinese's hand tightly. The latter holding his hand tighter.

Sicheng's face was pale. Paler than paper.

"She's here."


Short chapter.

Over 3k veiws, wtf. Thank you everyone, sorry for being dead for the past months.

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