Chapter 4

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The next day...

Sicheng's P.O.V

Today is the day I finally moved into my new house. My parents weren't coming as this was for me to go to SM. I wasn't really sure about it but I'm actually glad that I can be independent. Also that Yuta also lived in Seoul so I was excited.

I sat down in the living room. Boxes were strewn everywhere. Some were empty and some were very much full of all sorts of stuff. The place came fully furnished so less work for me. I did hate that bed though. Of all terrible things that could have been in this place it had to be the bed. Le sigh. Aside from that everything was alright.

My phone starts ringing. I grab it. It was Lucas.

"Hey." I mumble.

"Hey, Winwin! Guess what?!?!"

"I don't know. What?"

"I said guess!"

"You have finally gotten someone to call you Lucas Bieber?"

"Pffft. You know that people already call me that. Anyway that's not it. I met my soulmate!"

"Really? Congratulations!"

"I know right? His name is Jungwoo. He's a little fluffball."

"I'm glad that you found your soulmate but you painfully reminded me that I haven't seen mine yet."

"Ah sorry, Winwin. Did you write to them yet?"

"Yeah, I did. I think you know him, too-"

"Really?!? Tell me what's their name?!?!"

"Nakamoto Yuta-"

"YOUR SOULMATE IS NAKAMOTO YUTA FROM MY SCHOOL?!?!?!?!" Lucas screamed so loud that the neighbour next door must have heard.

"Yes-" I start.



"Ahaha sorry once again."

"Sometimes I question our friendship."

"Welp. Anyway, I gotta go now."

"You call me and now you're leaving?"

"Yes now shh. See you at school."


I hang up the phone and just sit there staring into nothing. I'm glad that Lucas found his soulmate but once again it painfully reminded me about my situation.

I smile as I remember what happened last night. Yuta looked so fluffy. If I had been there with him I probably would've been squishing his cheeks all night. I wonder what he's doing now.

3rd person P.O.V

Yuta was lying down on his bed, reading a book which he had randomly picked from his shelf. He wasn't even paying attention to the words anymore. Suddenly his phone rang. It was Sicheng. Yuta smiled.

"Hi." He answered.

"Hey Yuta! How are you?" Sicheng's voice flew from the phone. Yuta's smile widened. "I'm good, quite bored though. What about you?"

"I just moved in. The boxes are breeding."

"Haha. Do you want me to go and help out? I've got nothing to do."

"If you're up for it."

"Okay! Text me the address. I'll go get ready."

"Okay, see you later!"


Yuta hang up and went to go get some clothes. Not feeling like going through every piece of clothing; he just grabbed a pair of jeans and a hoodie.

Ping! That's his phone with a message from Sicheng with the address. Luckily it's only about ten minutes away from his flat.

Yuta walks up and knocks on the door. It opens to reveal Sicheng. Yuta can't help but smile. For some reason it was so cliché.

"Hi..." Yuta said, looking down.

"Hi. Do you want to come in?" Sicheng asked.

"What am I going to do if you don't let me?" Yuta replied. Sicheng thought about it. "Fair point."

"Need any help?"

"If you're willing to help."


Half an hour later

And inevitably...


Why? Well, as they had been emptying the last two boxes, Yuta found a brown teddy bear. Sicheng had made to grab it but the latter jumped up and darted across the room, saying that he had hit the jackpot in blackmail. Sicheng ran after him and Yuta fled. Which led them to this scenario.

"NO WAY!" Yuta screamed as he ran up the stairs. He tried to find a place to hide as he was getting tired from all the running. Without thinking he ran into one of the rooms. He paused to take a breath, placing the bear on the bed. At that moment Sicheng entered and Yuta realized that he was trapped. He gulped as Sicheng advanced forward. Yuta walked backwards until his back hit the wall. Sicheng placed his arms on either side of him.

Now Yuta was in a sticky situation. Sicheng was taller than him by a bit and he was stuck between said latter and the wall. Yuta looked down, suddenly feeling embarrased.


Said person refused to look up. Sicheng moved his head under to look up at Yuta's face but the latter avoided him every time he tried. At the fifth attempt, Sicheng sighed and gently cupped Yuta's face, lifting it up to make eye contact. The smaller blushed. Sicheng gazed down at Yuta's lips, the latter doing the same. Slowly, Sicheng kissed him. It was so sweet and loving that Yuta felt like he was melting. He wrapped his arms around his neck whilst the other wrapped them around his waist.

They pulled away from the lack of air about fifteen seconds after. Sicheng's cheeks were softly dusted pink while Yuta's were bright red.

"Yuta. Will you be my boyfriend?" Sicheng asked.

Yuta smiled. He nodded, blushing again. Sicheng smiled as well, pecking him.

"So..." Yuta said.

"Do you want to watch a film or something?"

"With cuddles? And popcorn?"

"Of course."


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