Chapter 3

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One week later. Yuta's P.O.V

One week had gone by and Sicheng still hasn't arrived. I know he said that he would arrive in almost two weeks but I just really wanted to see him.

It was Saturday today. Very late actually; it was almost eleven at night. I had tried to sleep but I had a nightmare. I don't remember what it was but I woke up shivering and close to crying. It took me almost ten minutes to calm down.

Without thinking, I grabbed my pen and started writing on my arm, the words coming out shaky.

Hey, are you still awake?

I wasn't expecting an answer so I snuggled down into my blanket. While I was in my little cavern of blankets, words started appearing on my arm.

Yeah, why are you still awake?

I... went to sleep and I had a nightmare

Awwwwwweeee my poor babyyyy

I'm not a baby!!

To me you are :)


I'm tired

Go to sleep

Noooo I'm scared

Do you want me to call you??


Soon after that my phone started ringing. It was a video call.

"Hello?" I said, suprised that I didn't stutter whilst speaking.

"How are you?" Sicheng said. His voice made me melt.

"I'm okay... for now."

"I can stay up for as long as you need me to."

"You need sleep."

"And so do you. It won't do any good for either of us if you can't sleep. Then I won't be able to sleep either because I will be worried." He said.

"You're so sweet..." I blurt out. I realise what I just said and I couldn't help but blush. Sicheng smiled.

"Why, thank you. Also wanted to say you look adorable, right now." He stated. I blushed again.

We continued like this until my eyes started closing and loud yawns kept escaping. Sicheng noticed this.

"You should sleep, Yuta." He said. I nodded and covered myself with the blanket again.

"Good night, Sicheng."

"Good night, baby."


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