Chapter 11

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Once again it was Monday. To say that the unlikely group of boys were tired would be an understatement. For some reason they had all gone to sleep late and were now paying high price for it.

On that same day it walso anounced that there would be a new plan for how the classrooms would be arranged. Something of putting two or three classes together to form one class. The new arrangements would be anounced after lunch and the forming of the class would be the next day.

"Whose bloody idea was this?" Johnny asked. His question came out muffled since he had his head in his arms. Not one of them could answer. Nor could they care to find out. Finally, the teacher walked in.

"Okay, everyone. As you all know, the classroom arrangements with be changing starting from today at lunch. Now I will be giving you a piece of paper with some questions on it. Answer them truefully." The teacher handed around the paper to everyone, making sure not to miss anyone.

Yuta blankly stared at the questions. He had stayed up til almost 4 am on netflix. Now his brain wasn't functioning properly. The paper was a simple questionaire about the school and classes. To Yuta's eyes it looked like some alien language.

1- Do you think that the school needs to change something?


2- Do you believe something should be added to the school?


3- Would you eat a rotten egg?

Yuta blinked. Did that really just ask if he'd eat an egg? A rotten one at that? He looked again.

3- Would you add anything to the classrooms?

Ah well, that seemed about right.


4- Would you rather fart glitter or spew rainbows?


5- Do you think you could eat onions for the rest of your life?

Yes:_____ No:_____

6- Would you believe someone if they said they were a unicorn?

Yes:_____ No:_____

Yuta pulled his hair in frustration. This was going to be a long day.

.   .   .

Lunch came and went. People were crowding around the notice boards to check out the new class arrangements.

"I wonder who else will be in our class." Mark said as the group went over to the notice boards.

MIX CLASS N° 21 (127, U, DREAM)

Moon Taeil
Seo Youngho
Lee Taeyong
Nakamoto Yuta
Qian Kun
Kim Dongyong
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul
Jung Yoonoh
Dong Sicheng
Kim Jungwoo
Wong Yukhei
Lee Minhyung
Huang Renjun
Lee Jeno
Lee Donghyuck
Na Jaemin
Zhong Chenle
Park Jisung


"Anyone has a watch or something?" Taeil asked. His watch was broken. Jaehyun checked his watch and almost swore out loud. "Bloody hell, its 1:52." With that the boys ran as fast as they could to the right classroom. They found it on time just before the teacher had arrived. The teacher unlocked the class and they entered.

 The teacher unlocked the class and they entered

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(A/N I actually drew this myself. Pretend that its a lot bigger than it is or Johnny is gonna have some trouble)

"Seperate the desks a bit. There won't be enough room if you don't."

"Especially not for Johnny."

"Shut up."

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