Chapter One

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-This is my first story, so I'm sorry but the first chapter won't be very good-
4 years ago...

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean I'm pregnant. If you want this baby, you better tell me or I will abort it."

"I definitely want it!" I say.

"Okay..." Dakota walks out of my room and says something to my parents and leaves the house. I take a deep breath knowing that I will have to face them to tell them the news. I walk out of my room and see my parents in the living room. I walk over to them.

"I have to tell you something and it may anger you, but I-I am going to be a father" I say. My mom looks up from her book, and my dad from the tv.

"Huh? Did I just hear you say your going to be a father?" my mom says.

"Yes," I say. My parents look upset, or they look disappointed. 


I peek into Rosalee's room and gush. She is fast asleep and she is so peaceful. The sound of the ocean filling her room. I look over at the sound machine and turn it off. I tiptoe over to her and kiss her on the forehead. I sneak out of her room, then shortly after I hear.

"Da-daddy?" I sigh and go back inside.

"Hey baby, how are you?" I say.

"Tired, and hungry" she looks at me and does grabby hands. She wants me to pick her up and make breakfast. I pick her up and put her on my side. I carefully walk downstairs knowing that the roommates are still asleep. We make some breakfast and sit at the table.

"How'd you sleep baby?" I ask. She looks at me.

"Like a rock-in water on an island in the ocean." she giggles and looks at me. I giggle with her, she loves making little stories up about things. She is so adorable. Elton comes in rubbing his eyes.

"How long have you guys been up for?"he asks.

"Not long" I say. I look at Rosalee and she's falling asleep.

"Does someone need a nap?" I say. Rosalee looks up.

"No!" she yells. I laugh, I'll put her down for a nap in a little bit.

"I'm going to record today, so if you don't want Rosie in the video, keep her upstairs," Elton says. When I first moved to LA with Rosie, we didn't establish that I didn't want her in the videos. So when they were editing their videos, I had to tell them to crop her out. I hate keeping her a secret, but I have to. Then in another instance I had to convince my viewers that I don't have a daughter, someone had tried to leak pictures. But luckily I got them taken down before anyone really saw them.

"Okay. I'll make sure. Actually we might leave and go to Brennen's or something." I say.

"Okay. What's the story?" Elton asks.

"I went to Tender Greens with Brennen" I say. I look at Rosie and she is falling asleep again. I stand up and grab her and carry her to her room. I kiss her on her forehead and turn on her sound machine. A smile appears on her face.

Time skip

We meet up with Brennen at his house.

"Kobe where are you!!" Rosie sings. Kobe comes running out and jumps up on her. Brennen walks out of the kitchen.

"Hey, dude!" I say and hug him.

"Hey man!" Brennen says. We both look at Rosie and Kobe.

"How's she doing?" Brennen asks.

"Good, she's perfect. How's you and Kobe?" I say.

"Good you know, living the life." He says with a smile. We look over at Rosie who is playing with Kobe on the floor. Brennen smiles.

"I don't know how you do it, man," Brennen says.

"I just take it day by day." Brennen shakes his head.

"You know, I want one, someday. But man I can't find a girl who will stick." I laugh.

"Well that's cause you always pick the wrong girl, and anyway, having Rosie was the best thing that happened to me, even if her mom didn't want her, I would never leave my kid. Ever. She was a happy accident." I say.

Later at Brennen's

"Rosie its time to go" I say.

"Okay..." she says sadly. We say goodbye and leave the apartment. We start walking over to the car when a guy grabs Rosie. He's scruffy, his beard looks like it hasn't be well kept, his skin was dirty, and he wreaked of trash.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" I yell. He pulls out a knife and puts it to Rosie's throat.

"Woah, Woah. What do you want?" I ask.

"Give me 40,000 dollars and I'll give her back." He says.

"I don't have that kind of money on me. Just hand over my kid" I say. He makes a slight cut on her throat.

"STOP!" I yell.

"I'll get you the money," I say.

"Meet me at the suicide bridge. You know it well," he says.

"What will happen if I can't get the money?" I ask.

"She will end up like the others that go there for their reasons. We meet at 6pm sharp. If your not there I throw her off." he says. At this point Rosie is bawling. I act tough for her. I think about taking this man and beating his ass, punching him as hard as I can. I make a fist and pull back. My fist lands on his cheek, he falls over and I grab Rosie. I rush Rosie to my car, I drive away as fast as I can.

"Da-daddy why did that man grab me?" I was angry, the angriest I've been in my life.

"That man was sick, you need to stay away from people like that." I look in the rearview mirror and she nods. Once we reach the house I carry her inside.

"Hey, Colby! What's wrong?" Sam asks me. I try to set Rosie down but she won't let go.

"A man tried to take Rosie so I punched him."

"Oh my God Colby! Are you serious?"

"Dead serious" Sam shakes his head. I carry Rosie to her room, I place her on her bed. Rosie's face looked up at me sad, the tears welling up making her blue eyes brighter and her skin pink.

"I'm sorry baby." I hug her tiny body.


My Baby// Colby BrockKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat