Chapter Twenty: Casualties

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I recovered well from what Geney said was a severe flu. He had gotten his hands on a wool sweater I put underneath all my clothes and made sure I was bundled up if we weren't running around for casualties. Men continued going on missions to clear the forests around Foy. Like I had told Lewis days earlier, we were only gearing up for the assault on the town. I was sat on the edge of my foxhole clutching a big cup of coffee the Dimingus had made for me when I could hear a couple guys whooping and hollering across the camp. I looked over to see Hoobler showing something off. I stood up carefully and buttoned my greatcoat before heading over. I took generous sips of my coffee and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Hey Hoob, whatcha get for me?" I joked.

"I finally got my Luger!" he smiled. "Isn't she a beauty?"

"Sure is, Hoobler. Be careful, alright?" I kissed his cheek and walked around to do my rounds on the men.

Since we had gotten the penicillin we were desperate for, most of the men were getting rid of the colds and cases of flu they had. That I was glad for. In small skirmishes, we had lost a few men with a few wounds but... I think they'd come back to us eventually. I was about to sit down in my foxhole when Lipton crouched beside me.

"You seen Dike at all? Buck was looking for him." 

"Nah, Lipton. I haven't seen him in days. He doesn't care about reports so I talk to you, the other NCOs, Winters, and Lew. I can't ever find him." 

"Alright, thanks Lieutenant." 

I looked around at my men. I say that like I'm their CO or something. The company was taking care of themselves. Peacock could be found sometimes but he was about as useless as a screen door on a submarine. But he was being sent home for some war-bond hoo-hah they had going on. I almost never saw Dike. He always disappears on all those long walks he takes. There was a stretch where I never saw him for three weeks. I instead made my reports to all the other officers. 

On New Year's Eve I found myself snoozing in a foxhole next to Heffron and Garcia. I was about half asleep when I heard a few shots ring out and then a call for a medic. 

"Duty calls, guys. See you later." 

Fuck, it's cold. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I said.

"It's Joe Toye, out in the OP."

Fuck. Fuck, fuck fuck. 

Upon arriving I slid down into the foxhole and was immediately faced with Toye, clutching his arm. 

"Aww, darling. What did you get yourself into this time?" I asked.

I could hardly get a word in sideways with how much he was cussing. 

"Joe Toye, if you don't shut the hell up-"

"Fine, fine!" he said. 

"What happened? Are you okay?" 

"I got pinged in the arm, Lieutenant." he griped and winced as I pried his hand away. 

"Well, you're not going to die. You're gonna be just fine, darling. Just fine." I kissed his forehead and quickly examined his wound. "Quit your griping and let me bandage okay? Someone get me a Jeep! You're gonna be fine. " 

It didn't take me long for me to take care of him, give him a chocolate bar and a forehead kiss before sending him on his way to the aid station. January 2nd we were only attacked with some machine gun fire. Two or three casualties got sent to the aid station and then I was back in my foxhole. 

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