The plan...

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After they had agreed on Nightmare's plan. They split and went to their separated ways. SwapFell and Fell(XD) went to their Au to fetch some 'tools'. Nightmare and Dust went into UnderLust to buy some 'costumes'. While Cross and Horror kept Error busy and Killer with Fresh. The glitch groaned in frustration.

"Why did I have to get stuck with these two idiots..." He accidentally thought aloud. Cross and Horror stopped their conversation and whipped their heads to Error, who looked at them confused to why they suddenly stopped talking.

"What. Did. You. Call us?.." Cross asked, gritting his teeth, as Horror clenched his fists. Error realizd that he must've accidentally said aloud his thought. He slowly got up from the couch, cautiously raising a hand in defense. 

"Guys, don't you dare. I mean it- Dudes, I swear if you chase me right now, I will end- AAAAHH!!!" Error barely dodged Horror's incoming axe, flying towards him. He stumbled back to the right, as the axe hit the spot where he was just standing.

"Are you nuts?! Nightmare's gonna be pissed about the couch!! He just bought that yesterday!!"  The glitch exclaimed annoyed. A knife then soon followed, almost hitting Error in the face. Error yelped in surprise, instinctively moving his head away from the knife that was now stuck in the wall.

"Dude, the hell?! Nightmare's gonna be pissed about that too!!" Cross smirked, tossing his knife in the air, then catching it with his hand, boredly.

"Heh, atleast we get to have fun!" Cross stated, jokingly. Horror smirked, gripping his other axe tightly. Error mumbled an 'Uh oh!', before bolting off outside the door.

"Get him!!" Horror shouted, as he and Cross chased after the run away glitch. Meanwhile, with Killer and Fresh, they were just having a good time. Killer scooted closer to Fresh, who was still playing 'Super mario', since he hadn't died yet.

"Hey, Fresh.. Do you love Error? Like 'love' love?.." Killer asked, like it was normal. Fresh looked at him in surprise, causing him to die in the game (Me: -_- Now that's cheating, Bruh..).

"W-What?" Fresh stuttered nervously. Killer smirked, taking the controller from the smaller parasite.

"You heard me." He stated, smirking, as he clicked, 'RETRY' and played the game. Fresh blushed madly, his shades turning to, '..-.?'.

"I-I don't know, Bruh.. Maybe?.. I.. I've never felt these wacky feelin' before, yo..." Fresh explained. Killer paused the game, as he stared at Fresh.

"Look at me seriously..." He said. Fresh looked at him, his shades into, '?!-?!'.

"Look at me in the eyes, Fresh.." Killer said sternly but aslo gently, as he placed a hand on the smaller skeletons shoulder. Fresh sighed and nodded slightly. Killer was the only one, he will only show his eyes to. He took his sahdes off and looked at Killer, in the eyes. His purple and purple upside down Soul, giving off a purple mist.

"What do you really feel about him, Fresh..." Killer asked gently. Fresh suddenly felt something drip down his eyesocket. He placed on his cheek and then pulling back. He saw a slight stain of purple tears. He was crying.

"I... I-I feel.. H-Happy.. I-I feel happy when I'm around him.. So h-happy, it hurts.. I want him to make friends.. But, why do I feel someone is stabbin' a hole right through my Soul.. Whenever I see him hangin' out with them..." Fresh admitted truthfully, feeling more tears spill from his eyesockets, giving up on his usual 90's slang (Sayori reference! Comment 'Just Monika!', if ya get it!). Killer frowned, this wasn't his Fresh at all. Fresh was supposed to be childish and joyful. Not depressed and sad. Killer scooted closer to Fresh, hugging him tightly. The parasite hugged him back, while he sobbed on his shoulder,staining Killer's dark blue hoodie. But, Killer didn't mind. All he cared about was comforting Fresh. After a few minutes, Fresh had now managed to calm down, only sniffling and hiccuping now. While Killer rubbed circles on his back.

"T-Thanks, Killer..." Fresh croaked out, giving shaky breaths, as he wiped his tears with the sleeves of his jacket, letting go of Killer. Killer nodded.

"Hey, if it's hurting you so much. Why don't you confess to him?" He suggested. Fresh looked at him, nervously.

"How?.. I-I don't even know if he'll like me back.. I always kept annoyin' and- and prankin' him.. What if he just gets mad or laughs at me instead?!" Fresh rambled, panicking. Killer noticed his friends stress and placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Now don't you say that. You wouldn't know, till you try it. I'm sure Error won't laugh or get mad at you." Killer replied gently. Fresh looked at him, with a defeated look. He sighed.

"Fine.. I guess you're right.. So, when should I confess? When's gonna be the right time to do it, Bro?" Fresh asked, placing his shades back on, so no one could know he was crying or also see his true eyes. Killer smiled at him.

"I think you should confess tonight! Boss is planning a 'Game Night' tonight!" Killer told Fresh with a slight mischievous grin. The smaller neon skeleton perked up a bit at that.

"Game night? That sounds awesome, yo!" The parasite replied excitedly. Killer nodded.

"Yeah, it will! There will be truth and dare also!" Killer then wondered what Error, Cross and Horror were up to.

"Huh, truth or dare? That sounds fun, I guess?" Fresh stated, confused. Killer didn't mind it though, assuming already that he didn't know what truth or dare is. Just then, Fresh's stomach growled loudly. Fresh grinned sheeishly at that, blushing a bright purple in embarrassment. They then bursted out laughing. Once they had calmed themselves down, they got up and walked outside Killer's room.

"We should go and eat, it's almost time for dinner anyways." Killer said. Fresh grinned, his dorky smile coming back, as he finger-gunned Killer.

"Now yer speakin' my language, Brah!!" Fresh exclaimed, happily. Killer chuckled. Suddenly Killer noticed three figures dashing towards them. He instantly recognized them as Error, Cross and Horror.

'Wait, are they chasing Error?' He thought. He realized that they were sprinting towards them at a very fast pace.

"FRESH, LOOK OUT!!-" He called out. But, it was too late. Error collided into Fresh.

{The unexpected pair in the Gang! An ErrorFresh story!} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now