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  "Lorelei, someone is at the door for you," my mother called up the stairs. She was lucky I would hear, considering the extra set of stairs her voice would have to carry to reach me here in the attic, my room.

I take a last glance at myself in the full length mirror. This was my first outing to hang out with some of the sparing local kids that were my age and honestly? I was nervous. Simply because it seemed friend pickings here were pretty slim and not clicking with any of them would be a nightmare. Doomed to solitude forever!

  My eyes run over my outfit one last time. Ive pulled on black jeans, long wool socks that peak from my black boots, their red & white pattern contrasting all the black. Shirt wise, ive got on a white henley, red & black plaid button down then sandwiched against my favorite bulky jean jacket.

Of course, in Maine, it wouldn't be complete without some knit mittens. My jacket hood is also there if I need it at some point, I have been told this hang out will be outside.

Making my way down the steps I give my parents a short wave without a second glance and get myself out onto the porch. There waiting for me is Jeremy.

  "Ready?" He asks, smiling with excitement.

  "Think so!" I say, admiring the smile as I push past him and walk down my drive way. I could feel my flirty behavior arise, as it always did with seemingly half decent boys. Jeremy was cute, I could admit.

Short length crisp black waves swinging around a structured, shaped face. He's got these beautiful hazel eyes that reflect so much light, swimming in so many different colors. His great height definitely leans in his favor as well. "Are we walking?" I stop, turning from the road to face him.

  "I live down the street, so we can walk to my truck if thats okay?" He admits, trying to read my face. I didnt necessarily care, but what did the small drive down the block matter on his mileage? Weird, I think. But nothing that makes me regret coming out.

  "I mean, its your car," I shrug and turn down the road. Jeremy quickens his pace to catch up and be at my side. We're just strolling in the street, breeze howling around us. Night was crashing quickly through the sky, the moon appeared full. A full moon on halloween? How perfect.

  "I really think you'll have a good time tonight, I am sure everyone will like you," he assures me. The excitement is clear on his face. "We're just sitting around in one of the guy's forest clearings out back of his house. Usually we just play music and drink, have a fire," he shrugs.

"Right, yeah, I think it'll be fun." I give him the sentence just to kill the awkwardness he might presume from me. I wasn't the best at meeting people in groups but I think a few beers could get me through it.

  "As much as it may be fun, I do realize that ugh..." he chuckles, "it can be overwhelming. Especially when youre the topic of discussion. Whenever you want to go, just tell me." I smile at his kindness.

  "You're sweet, thank you, Jeremy. Although, I almost feel like that is a warning about tonight!" I giggle.

  "Maybe," he says, looking up at the moon, "it is Halloween night after all."

By the time we arrived to his truck, all the doors were open, and a small pair of legs hung out of the passenger side. Jeremy's face reddens.

"Georgia, I told you to be finished by
the time I got back.." he says with a harsh hush. A small girl with nearly matching black waves pops her head out, rolling her eyes.

"Look, Jeremy, next time you want me to clean out your nasty trash for your girlfriend, maybe give me more notice. Not when youre walking out the door." I stand to the side of the driveway, watching Georgia hop out with bags of papers, cups, bags and food all in hand.

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