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hi! i've spent the morning thinking over it, and decided i totally will continue. i'm not very busy, and reading over the old chapters made me very nostalgic for this! i'm going to post a new chapter this evening, and i really hope those of you who still want to read this enjoy it.

However, please keep these things in mind:

- my writing style has changed over the past year or so. this means that the fic itself might sound a little different, but i'm hoping this will be more of a good thing than a bad thing. i'm a lot more descriptive now, which means the chapters will (hopefully) be longer, and the fic won't end as fast.

- i don't really remember what plans i had for this fic. in the last chapter i did, i said something about how the next chapter will be dramatic. i have no idea what drama i planned to include! so this could go in a completely different direction than where Past Kayla intended for it go. again, i'm hoping this will lead to a much better direction, though!

-i'm going to be setting back the time frame a little. i can't quite remember, but in the last chapters, maya's stay was very close to being over. however, that seems way too rushed! in this next chapter, maya will have only been 3 weeks into her stay, and will have about 3 months left in hawaii. this is so i will have plenty of time to get my fic going in a slower, better direction.

-feedback and voting is super appreciated. i love getting comments or votes on my work because it really does motivate me knowing someone actually enjoys what i'm doing. also, if anybody ever has any ideas about where this fic could go, i am always open to hear new suggestions! so if you have any plot recommendations, please send me a message because i will honestly appreciate it so much, even if i don't use the idea.

- i plan to update at least every two days. sometimes i might update once a day, or sometimes it could be as little as once a week. i'm going to try super hard to update way more than i used to, because discontinuing was very unfair on my part and i'd really like to follow through with this fic now.

sorry this was such a long, boring update! i'm very excited to continue. also, i'm not using capitalization at the moment, but when i write the chapters i promise to include capitalization. i know not capitalizing could bother people, haha.

also thank you to the people who encouraged me to continue, it made me feel super happy and motivated!

-kayla 🖤

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