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Maya finds herself at a large house hours after her kissing session with Riley, music booming so hard the floors are vibrating and couples dancing in every space. It's loud and sweaty and if Maya wasn't so whipped, she wouldn't have stayed for longer than ten minutes.
However, Maya is just that; she's so fucking whipped and it's a little pathetic and also a little worrying, because she just met this girl and has already lost all ability to deny her of anything. This doesn't surprise her, though, because it seems that no one really knows how to say no to Riley.
So rather than hightail her way out of this meat market of a party, she makes her way to the kitchen to grab something to drink, preferably fruity and also strong enough to make her loosen up. She isn't positive where Riley went – probably off to socialize because, jesus, this girl knows everyone – but she isn't really worried because the two of them are fully capable of being apart at a party. Totally. Maya definitely isn't anxious at all; she isn't a child anymore.
Okay, maybe she is a little anxious. She isn't like Riley or Riley's friends. She's a lone wolf, she does things on her own. Sure, Maya has a history of getting into trouble and being a bit of a wild child, but her reputation isn't that of a party animal. She doesn't enjoy mingling, and she definitely doesn't enjoy mingling with a bunch of people she doesn't know and doesn't care to know.
Maya grabs her drink, a bottle of something she can't pronounce the name of but it's pink and smells like melons so she'll take it, and makes her way through the living room once more. She shoves past the bodies and trips over three ankles, but eventually she's outside and breathing in the fresh air and things feel alright again.
The outside of the home is a lot less packed. There are a few people making their way home, and a few lingering in the grass, and Maya has never been so thankful to be by herself again. It's a little pathetic how quickly the crowd of people inside affected her, and she feels bad knowing that Riley didn't have to bring her as an uninvited guest but still chose to. Riley is always bringing Maya along, is always sharing her friends with her and yet Maya can't even manage to stay inside long enough to appreciate it. Pathetic.
She walks towards the backyard, taking a seat on the swing set that seems to be abandoned, nursing the drink in her hand as she rocks back and forth on it. She should probably text Riley and let her know where she is, but she knows that will make Riley want to join her, knows it will make Riley worry about her. She isn't going to ruin her new best friend's fun because of her issues with crowds.
Rather than alert anyone of her disappearance, she sits quietly, the only noise being the steady creak of the swing set as she barely moves back and forth on it.
She wonders for a moment why she's out there. Why she can't just be normal and enjoy the free alcohol and dancing that's currently at her fingertips. She supposes she's never really been normal, though – has never had many friends and has never really fit in with anyone. It's no doubt that Riley's friend group will be the only friends Maya will ever really have, and for a bitter second she finds herself jealous of Riley.
Jealous that she's so pretty; her skin is so clear and tan, and her hair is soft, her smile is beautiful. She's jealous that her family is so sweet, so caring, and so overwhelmingly picture perfect. She's jealous that Riley has no problem making friends with anyone – with everyone, really – but mostly she's jealous that Riley will have these things forever. She's going to graduate with Farkle, Smackle, Lucas and Zay by her side, and they'll probably be there to watch her go through college and get married to someone great someday. Riley's life is great; it'll always be great.
Maya won't have that, she knows she won't have that. The next three months will be her prime; the only point in time where she'll have the same loyal, amazing friends Riley has, and the only time she'll ever feel like she truly belongs somewhere.
She's so caught up in wallowing in her own self pity, that Maya doesn't notice someone take a seat on the swing next to her until she hears someone speak.
"Why are you all alone?"
Maya looks over, eyes scanning over the frame of an older looking male.
He has dark hair, and a skin tone like Riley's. In fact, he looks very similar to Riley, like maybe he could be her brother or a close relative.
"Because I want to be. Do you know how creepy it is to sneak up on teenage girls this late at night?" Maya asks, her fight or flight response on edge as she suspiciously eyes the boy.
"You're right. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be weird. You just looked a little, I don't know, sad."
"And so you thought you could be my shoulder to cry on?"
The boy scoffs, an eye roll coming over his features as he does so.
"No, I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I thought something might have happened."
Maya pauses.
"You're a nice guy," she states, giving him a small smile.
Nice Guy returns the smile, reaching a large hand out for Maya to shake.
"I'm Josh. It's nice to meet you," he introduces.
Josh is attractive, and his smile is very pretty, and Maya feels her cheeks redden at the sight of it. She thinks maybe she has a type, and that type is nice people who look like Riley.
She shakes his hand.
"I'm Maya. Thank you for checking up on me, you really didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to. I have to admit, I really needed an excuse to talk to you anyways. I saw you come in earlier, and you're just, really beautiful."
Maya's face turns a darker shade of red, and she really hopes it's not light enough outside for Josh to notice. It seems like he does, though, because his grin turns wider and more confident.
"I bet you say that to all the sad girls you meet at parties," Maya challenges, smirking as Josh's smile falters.
"Only the really intriguing ones," Josh counters, "Did you come here alone? I didn't see a guy on your arm."
"I came here with my friend," Maya responds, though she internally cringes at the word.
Friend seems too loose of a word for what Riley is. They've shared too many kisses and sweet nothings for riley to be a friend, but they also aren't girlfriends, not officially anyways, so the terminology is a guessing game.
"That's good to know. Maybe we could hang out sometime, if you want?" Josh suggests, and Maya simply nods as a response.
It's only after they exchange numbers that Maya spots Riley making her way to the swings, bouncing up to them with her sunshine smile.
"Peaches! I've been looking for you everywhere," she hums, sending a wave towards Josh.
"You know each other?" Maya asks.
"Of course we do. He's my uncle, silly."
Maya freezes a little at that, because god, how did she not put that together? Josh is practically the male version of Riley.
Then the situation really hits her. She had totally just flirted with Riley's uncle. Riley's uncle who is undoubtedly into her. She looks between the two, practically basking in their bright grins that are both directed towards her.
Leave it to Maya to get caught in between two versions of the sun.


hi! this was supposed to go up last night but i slept from 3 pm to 3 am soo.... yeah! hope you guys enjoy this :)
next chapter will be thursday morning.
-kayla 🖤

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