The Neighbors

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Hi everybodeh! I'm 100% Fil and expect when this story go farther...there will be Tagalog Language.

So in this chapter , the The Voice Kids didn't happen but the NEXT STAR in Canada happened.

ONE WEEK LATER..........

its so fast

Cheska's POv

So yeah its saturday still in my bed but its already 7:30 in the morning. I felt laziness for a sudden.

I get my phone and then i texted:

"hi hazel"

"morning!"she quickly replied

"so watcha doin'?"i just said to have a topic

"nothing....just watching t.v. in mah room"she said "how bout you?"

"nothing ... Breathing, typing,"

"ok. so bye for now ive gotta do something"she said

"ok. bye"

and then 5 seconds...... i heard a BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!

Who was that ? Then i remembered what hazel told me last week.... Actually i forgot about it these past few days but now i remember...I sneak to my window then open it....... I saw a little cute girl...and then I saw a girl that looks like a mother that is carrying things inside the house.... she's beautiful and just look familiar but nevermind..... then at the other side i saw a man that looks like a father. Actually he's handsome ... Oh i think this family is perfect! ...... then i just stared outside .... then later on a boy caught my attention and he looks like the cute little girl a while ago..... and he looks so familiar and ...uh..uhmmm....... to be honest he's handsome... (And hot. Oops. Erase erase erase) just like the man that looks like their father ..... he looks just like my age ,13, and he was a little bit taller than me. Maybe? I think so. Then.....Stop it Cheska. So yeah I went downstairs.... Say goodmornin to everybody. Then later on...

I saw Max staring outside and he was looking to the cute little girl next our house..... And i broke the silence

"Max!"i said not too loud

Then Max's eyes widen

"yiiieeeeee! i saw you were staring to the girl"i said then have a smirk in mah face

"ateeee!"he said. Annoyed.

"I think Max is blushing!"i acted like I was talking to somebody.

"no ate!"he said hiding a smile to me


You Are The One (a darren espanto fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon