Still Remember?

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We arrived on our own houses after that exhausting intrams. I'm already laying on my bed looking on my ever beautiful ceiling. Tama ba yung Ginawa ko kanina? Sure na ba ako dun? Totoo na ba Lahat Sinabi niya? Ano kaya reaksyon ni Twittle? Ga-

"Anak! Kain na!" Mom said knocking my door.

"Opo, andyan na po!" I said while already opening my door.

"Ma, si Max po?" I asked her.

"I'm here ate!" He said running closer to me.

"Hi Max! Misshuuu!" I said hugging him tightly.

"Mishu too ate! Alam ko namang busy ka e" he replies.

"Labyu" I said

"Labyu too"

We all started to eat. Dad came back to Canada this past week. So it means that three of us were left here.

"Kamusta school?" Mom said looking at me and Max.

"Okay naman po" Max said stuffing chicken on his mouth. Biglang pumasok sa isip ko yung nangyari kanina.

"Ah, ma. Natamaan po ako ng bola sa ulo kanina at napa unto din po sa ka-team ko" I said naman.

"Magdahan-dahan ka naman sa susunod. Ano nangyari sa game Niyo?" Wow, game talaga inalala ni mama -_-.

"Na-postponed daw po. Bukas nalang daw po itutuloy"

"Ate Galingan mo ha!" Max said pretending that he's cheering me.

"Para sayo!" I said them we hi-5.

"Ate, miss ko na sai Kuya Darren" sabi niya.

"Awwe, bukas tatawagan natin Siya. Magha-hangout tayo. Do you like that?" Tanong ko sakanya.

"Oo ateeee!!!!" Exited niyang Sinabi. I laugh and finished my food. I washed the dishes after that and go back on my lungga. Hahaha. My room. I changed into my pyjamas.

My phone vibrates beside me. I look at it. For the first time someone called me in 2 weeks.

Darren? I answered it.

D: hi!


D: darren to. Deleted agad ako sa contacts mo?

C: Haha! Alam ko naman e. Nagtataka lang ako Kung bakit ka tumawag.

D: gusto lang kitang tanungin Kung ayos ka na..... Baka mamaya magka-amnesia ka na Di mo na ako makilala."

C:Hahahaha. Uy darren, wag ka naman OA.

D: joke lang yun. Ayos ka na ba?

C: yeah, I'm good. Thanks sa Concern.

D: that's nothing.

C: darren, miss ka na daw ng pare mo. Punta ka naman dito tomorrow. Please?

D: sure! After school?

C: yup!

D: Sabay na tayo!

C: okay!

D: pag iniwan mo ako. Sige ka, Di ako pupunta"

C: opo, opo. Ba bye na.

D: ok. Bye Sof-Cheska!

C: bye Darry-en!

Then I hung up.

Di ko pa ring maiwasan ang mga ganitong sitwasyon. I still feel the ants in my heart. I went on my balcony to see the stars.

"Psht!" I look over at Darren's house.

"Hi!" He yelled. The dogs starts barking.

"Psshhh" I said.

"Okay" he whispered yelled.

"Miss ka na ni little bro mo.... Punta ka naman dito tomorrow.... Please?" I asked him giving my puppy eyes. I saw him chuckled.

"Okay, I miss him a lot too..... What time?" He asked

"After school" I told him

" Sabay na tayo" sabi niya.

I nod and smile.

"Blood moon daw ngayon. Look!" He said pointing the moon.

"It's so niiiccceeeeeeeee!" I said jumping up and down like a child.

"Hahaha" he said laughing at me.

"You never changed" he whispered. He thinks that I didn't hear it. But I did.

"Neither you" I whispered back.

"Remember our stars?" He shyly asked me.

"Of course yes. How will I forget about that?" I replied happily.

"Look over there!" He pointed out in the sky.

" they were beautiful" I said looking at the stars beside each other and twinkling.

"As you" he really whispered the like you and I really didn't hear it so no reaction.

"I miss you" I whispered looking at him.

"I miss you a lot"

"The fudge?! How'd you hear that!?" I yelled awkwardly.

"Well, I don't know." He replied.

"Goodnight" I just said and close my sliding door immediately of shyness.

"Goodnight too! See ya tomorrow!" He yelled so loud that he wants me to hear it.

"Okay!" I yelled back and dog starts barking again.

" e Kung magtawagan na lang kayo?! Edi Walang naiistorbo!" Hazel shouted from inside their house. I went back in my balcony to see. I just saw their roof.

"Sorry!" I yelled. And darren too at the same time. I ran to my bed again. But before that I close the sliding door.

I roll.



Nahulog pa ako. Tch. -_-

I think I broke my hipbone. Huhuhuhu. I went back in my bed and started to pray. After that I drifted off to sleep. Good luck for us tomorrow.


Hi! Good news to us Darrenatics! I can post some photos and videos every chaps! Woohoo! Really happy about it. It happens when you update in iPad.

>>Picture of darren in his hoodie disguising at one of the mega mall and his live cover in Canada of Build A Girl..... Wish ya love it. And I'm sorry there will be a delay update. I will have my periodical test this week and I really wanna pass it. Especially MATH. So thank you for all the reads everybody! Wish you understand. SMILE! :)


You Are The One (a darren espanto fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon