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*haaaaah* "bye friends. See yah see yah!" I told them while I was opening our gate.

"Bye! See yah see yah!" They all replied.

I ran straight to my room and rest for awhile. There's still no classes tomorrow. Another day for fun. I wonder.

I change into my pajamas and walk to my restroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Oh come on, my eyes are so tired. What time is it? I looked back to my wall outside and there I see. 10:01. My door is open that's why I can see my bed and wall. I stare first on the mirror before I go out.

"Good night" I told myself while smiling in the mirror.

I lay on my bed. Why is that when you're doing something, you're getting sleepy. And while it's time to sleep, you're eyes seems wide opened.

Oh, that's it time for prayer. Sorry I forgot.
"Dear papa God, thank you for this wonderful day that you gave me. Wish this will not be the last. Thank you for giving me and my family a strength everyday and thank you for the good health. Thank you for the blessings you gave me and the food I ate everyday. Thank you for providing my needs every time I need it. Thank you for being always there for me and for protecting me from danger. And lastly, thank you for the best friends you gave me. They are the best. That always make me happy and they gave me reason to live. Please always guide and protect them wherever they are. For Rica and hazel, wish that they will have a strong relationship to their..... You know. To JK, wish he'd always be happy. To Andrei, wish that he'd never leave rica. And lastly, to Darren...... Papa God. I know I don't have to say this to you but he's the most special friend to me. Please always protect him and his family. Thank you po for giving me a chance to meet him. I know he's popular in Canada and someday, it'll be the same in this country. Please don't let him be away to us. Done for it. ..........., sorry po if I do sins. Sorry if sometimes I hurt somebody's feelings that I didn't notice. Please forgive me po. I promise that I'll be careful in what words I'm gonna say and in what actions I'm gonna do. I promise I'll never do it again. That's all po. Good night.

After that I slept.
"Morning baby!" I said hugging lynelle.
"Awww. You're so cute" I said pinching her cheeks.
"You too Kuya!" She said pinching mine.
"That's why Ate Ch- oops!" She said and covered her mouth.
"Hey, little girl. What is it? Don't hide something to me." I said releasing her hands from her small mouth.
"Uh- Nothing Kuya. I'm hungry na! Ba bye!" She said running quickly downstairs. This kid.

I walk downstairs and find Mom. Dining room. None. Living room. None. Comfort room. None. Her bedroom. None. Attic. None. Where is she?

"Lynelle! Lynelle!" I shouted not in an angry voice.
"Why?" She said in a cute tone and hands in her waist.
"Hey, bata ka pa. Wag ka munang mag-ganyan. Nagmumukha kang cake" I said scanning her face.
"Why Kuya? Is it really horrible?" She said while running to the mirror.
"Well, I guess. Haha" I said while stopping myself to laugh. It's really horrible.
"I hate you Kuya. I did it myself kaya." She said with cross arms.
"why? I'm not saying anything. Cake is cute" good defender. Haha.
"Psh. What are you gonna ask ba?" She said while cooling herself.
"Where's mom? I can't find her"
"Kuya. You're so blind! Mom is in the garden!" She said while pointing on the glass wall to the garden.
Aaarrgghh. Now she's laughing at me. How crazy I am that I didn't look in the garden. Maybe I just...,,,, forget about it.

"Morning mom" I said walking closer to her.
"Good morning son. Why is Lynelle laughing?"
"I- I don't know" I hate it when I'm not telling the truth. Mom should be laughing right now if I told her.
"Please give her medicine" mom said.
I chuckled at what she said.
"Need help?" I asked her.
"No. Thank you" she said and went back to her work.

I went in the dining room. Hmmm. What to eat? I looked at the table. I saw some cereals. I ate it. Finished. I went straight to my room again. I opened the Television and started to fix some things. It's a little messy though.

"Who ate my cereallllssssss???!!!!!!!!???!!!!!????!!" I heard lynelle's voice from the dining room.
"Oh no"

You Are The One (a darren espanto fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon