This Is the Best Day Ever!!!!

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We are all here in the biggest cottage you'll ever see. Hahaha.. We're like 20 or something...they are so many foods na nakalatag in the table... It's a feast! This is fanttaassttiiiccc!!!!!

"Ops.ops.ops! Later Darren don't put your hands in the food without praying and washing your hands" Tita marinel said when Darren wants to get the chicken..... And that made all of us laugh because of the reaction Darren gave Tita ..... Then Darren stand beside..

"But I'm hungry" Darren whisper to me

"Me too" I whisper back... Then we all started to pray for the foods then after we washed our hands.... Foods are spaghetti, lasagna, leche flan,chicken, rice,some fruits, adobo!, menudo,barbecue! and etc. You know I'm really hungry.... So I started to get a plate and eat as much as I can because I don't wanna get hungry later... Duhhh!....who wants to?... I sat to the last space in the long chair and eat...

"Gutom ka nga" darren told me while I'm eating....

"Bakit? Ikaw rin kaya... Tingnan mo kaya pinggan mo... Haha!" I said.... He's eating leche flan, barbecue, chicken, rice and at the side of him is a glass of coke.... Then we just laugh at it...

"Hey lovebirds! Smile" hazel said taking a picture at us.then the flash... Nakakasilaw talaga...

"Ang cute nila noh!" Hazel said showing the pic to others then they just nod then look at us while smiling... Why is it awkward? They always do that...

"Let's swim na! It's getting sunny na e!" Rica said

"Ok. I'll just change some suit and put some sunblock"I said

"Sige, sama na ako sayo" hazel said walking towards me.... Then the two of us find some room to change...

There we saw a cabin...we enter and change... I wore the bathing suit I wore when it's my birthday.... Remember when Hazel told me that time when she said that we're going to the mall when it's my birthday?


Im so bored and i want to look at the view of the pool from my terrace but before my terrace, There's a large curtain.... so i stand in my bed and when i nearly open the curtain someone knocked impatiently....

Cheska! Cheska! Open the door! i think its Hazel so i opened it..

Hi! She said in a happy tone

Hi.. where are you yesterday? i asked her...

Im just busy yesterday with some other stuff... (Hazel lied)

oh. ok..... i just said so... why'd you come here? i told her...

We need to go to the Mall! Hazel said excitedly

But why? i asked her

I need to buy a bathing suit ..... and you too...!!! Hazel said jumping up and down

But why? i asked her very confused

Coz... uhhmmm next week or this coming saturday we will have a family hangout with your family in the beach! Hazel said happily..

Really??!!!! i told her with a very excited voice

Yes! Let's go! ....she looked at me then You look great! she sid looking at my dress..

~end of flashback~

And this hangout is the hangout hazel is telling me....

I put some sunblock and I'm wearing the same suit and the same short...then I went out... Hazel is next..

You Are The One (a darren espanto fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon