SLEEPOVER!!! <3 part 1

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A/N: Hey guysss from now on i will make my chapter fast...... but nice! promise! Coz i think my story will be 100+ ...... thats why.... just comment if u disagree ...... i will change it ... promise.....ok. so lets start the story... sorry for the drama.


When i just got home i just took a  bath and have a small nap.... then after that i woke up 7:30 .... so i slept only one hour and 30 mins...... so i change my clothes, comb my hair and get ready to go to Hazel's house................. I said goodbye to mom and to Max then i said i'll be back tomorrow.............While walking in the road my phone vibrates..... its a text message from Unknown

Unknown: Hey come on! were all here!
Me: who are u?
Uknown: i'll say it to you later...

Later???? so he or she is in the house of hazel? i wonder who was it.....i think and think while walking .... then i remember..... RICA! i shout to the road.... Then i heard the dogs barking when i shout it.... so i ran to Hazels house...





Finally i reach it!!!

haah! haah!haah! i say while catching my breath and my right hand is touching my chest then my left hand is touching Hazels terrace.... good thing i close the gate before i enter.........


Im here inside the living room with Rica and Hazel eating Piattos...... and then when i finished it i ask Hazel where is the trashcan then she said it was outside...... so when i open the door i saw cheska catching her breath....

Cheska?! Are u okay? i said with a loud voice.... im so shocked

Yea--h... i---m  oka--y cheska said then we seat to the chair...

Then i gave her the water in my glass that i left outside a minute ago...

Drink i said handing her my glass

No. i--m o--kay....its yours....cheska said while giving me back the glass.

Its clean...Im not dirty! Dont be attention seeker! darren said still holding the glass

Whats attention seeker? cheska said trying to straight it

Ma-arts! i said giving me the glass..

Ok. fine! cheska said then she drink the glass....

Whats the taste? darren said smiling

It taste worst! Lunatic! cheska said throwing the water on the ground soil and i think she's relieved...

hahaha.... so what happened to you? I said trying to change the topic

But before she answers she gave me a bad look... Dogs chase me.... cheska said trying not to laugh...... ....... i was about to laugh but i can take it......




Chhheeessskkkaaa!!!! Hazel and Rica said opening the door...

Finally youre here! rica said...

Then i look at my watch and its exactly 8:00 and then i show to them the time then i gave them my eyes saying are-you-crazy...

Yeah... we know that! but you should come early! hazel said grabbing my hand...and going inside...

Sorry... i fell asleep. I said

Then all of us is inside Hazel's room..... honestly its so big.........  like mine... hahaha.....

Lets watch some movie! Hazel said
yeah! a scary movie! i said with excitement
The Possession! darren said with a smile
Da possessed? rica said confused
Rica...... Da possessed is comedy! hazel said with a hello?face..

oh. im sorry....  Rica said
Nah. its okay! Hazel said.....

So we turn off the lights to feel the movie and then we all lay down to Hazel's bed...... hazel's bed is so big that's why the four of us is fit and comfortable....Then darren is in my left and Hazel is in my right.... and Rica is beside Darren ....

ok. Lets start the movie.... Hazel said then click the movie from the laptop...

Then the movie started with a creepy sounds and songs...... so im a little bit scared now..........






all of us was quiet when we are in the scariest part and then i noticed that darren is not beside me..... i just think maybe he went in the comfort room but the comfort room was quiet when i  look at it and then .......

Boooooooooo! Darren shouted to us so loud that it makes all of us fall down and felt so so so scared .... and also me... Then darren Just laugh and laugh ...

Darren.... thats not good...Hazel said with a bad look

Yeah.. sorry darren said with a smile....... But for my revenge i shout : Darren! At your back! i shout to him while pointing at his back pretending that theres a ghost.

Where!!?????!!!! darren said and quickly jump off the bed then join us at the floor.......

Pfftt... ahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahaahhahahaha! we laugh harder than he laugh to us a while ago when he did that....

Guysss.... its not good...he said then he gave me a bad look

Yeah. I know.. sorry i said imitating his voice awhile ago then i smile....

Then all of us is laughing ..... Then we turn on the lights then the movie is already done....

That is really scares me! i said in the last part..

Me too! Rica said

Not me.... darren said with a proud face...

At your back!  i said pointing at his back like awhile ago

Not anymore! darren said then he stand on the bed then  he tries to catch me .... we ran and ran around Hazel's room then later on Rica and hazel join us playing tag

You Are The One (a darren espanto fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon