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Wednesday Morning.......


I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. Why did the heck I bought alarm clock? Well, it's not my priority right now. It's Intramurals today and I have to pack up things earlier. It's 4:30 in the morning and I need to rush. I have to wear my jersey and have to pack some stuffs.

Now, I am taking a bath and thinking about my life at the same time. No time for concert right now inside. I have so much problems. I'd spent this wonderful day without her and seeing the horrible person that did that and why this is happening. Oh, I really hate her face! My blood is boiling when I remembered that Twittle girl. What kind of girl is she? Why'd she want to ruin my life? She's nothing...... And she can't finished her plan. Because I know that she will not succeed and my life will go normal again........... How I miss Cheska. I remembered our first meeting in this place. She was so cute. And that's where the time starts that I'm falling.

I step out of my bathroom and wore my jersey. Espanto 24. It was the words at the back. It's color green and so shiny. I also wore my favorite green rubber shoes and went down. Lynelle' still sleeping and I think mom's already awake. She's always like that.

"Morning, mom" I said while going downstairs

"Morning, have some breakfast na. I cooked your favorite" she said

"Thank you, mom" I replied and started to eat

"Why do you look sad? Something bothering you?" Mom asked me worrying. I just shake my head as a response.

"Are you sick?" Mom said holding me in my forehead.

"No po ma, I'm okay lang po" I said.

"O sige, mag-ingat ka sa laro Niyo later ha. Good luck" mom said smiling. I just nod. I finished my breakfast quickly and wave to my mom.

I hurriedly ran to school until I reach our assigned room. 2nd floor for 3 days? Not bad.

"Dude, bat pawis ka na agad. E, Hindi pa naman nag-iistart yung Fun Run natin?" JK asks. Yeah, JK. Combined sections.

"I ran." I simply said. He don't know what's happening don't he? He's not there when that happens.

"Uh. Do you kn- yeah, I know, I know. They already said it to me a while ago" he said as cutted me.

"So what am I gonna do now?" I said looking at cheska chatting at Hazel and Rica. Beside them was JM -_- . Why is he even there?

"Well, if I'm in your place..... We have the same condition" he said as he pat my back and walk outside. That's it? He's gonna walk-out? Where's Andrei anyway?

"Hey, Fun Run is starting" Andrei said as we quickly ran on the field. We're gonna run just 4kilometers out of the school and finished it. The leader started to countdown and we all started to run.






When I'm already in the finish line, I saw Cheska and JM walking with each other. They were also smiling. I just felt persons bumping me and someone won the game. I suppose to be the first but seeing them will be nothing. I felt jealous. She thought that me and Twittle have a thing. But honestly we don't. I just walk inside the school and just won the 3rd place. Funny right? Umagang umaga sira na. I peeked at my watch and it's already 6:00. I went in our assigned room and I rest for a while. I saw that many students are already entering this room and our advisers all call us on air to proceed in the gymnasium. It's Basketball. Next is HS volleyball. I felt we're gonna lose this game already because of me. Not in mood. But I know JK and Andrei will shoot this. Wish this day isn't this kind of day. JM is in my team....... I hate it! Magpapabida lang Siya dun.

"Earth to darren! Darren to earth!" Andrei said pulling me. I went back to my senses and we all ran to the gym. St. Mary Magdalene is the other team. Wish we'll win. E game starts and girls are also starting in their cheers.




In the middle of the game I shooted for the first time BUT it was 3 points! They were all screaming and cheering my name. But I can't hear a single voice coming from Cheska.

And when the ball landed to JM....

"GO JAAAYYYYYEEEEMMMMMM!!!!!!!" Cheska screamed. And the crowd looked at her for a second. Even me. Uh, :( I felt my heart ache. I feel I was broken hearted at what she acted. Uh, I hate this feeling.

"Go JM! Go JM!" She continually cheers. And now, I'm lack of mood. Someone bump me from my back and as I turned JK starts dribbling the ball while talking to me but focusing on the ring.

"You okay, dude?" He asks

"I think" I replied and he shooted. As the ball landed, I caught it. I shoot it and 2 points!. The ball landed to the other team but when the player throw it. Andrei blocked and caught it. He shooted it and it was 2 points. Our teammate pass the ball to me and the crowd starts screaming. I dribble the ball and shoot it! 3 points again. Woohoo! Actually I'm not happy this time.

"Last 3 seconds" the emcee or the boy or whatever said and the ball landed on JK. I look at him blankly. I know he's gonna shoot it but.... No, he passes it to me then I quickly shoot it. 2 points! Yeah! We're the winner! The crowd started to Jump and scream. They all went in the middle of the court and they all congratulate all of us. Shake hands here, shake hands there. ( sorry guys If the game's too short. With no Free throw, foul, and blah blah blah) . I started to find Cheska ..... And there I see Cheska talking to JM. Why the hell?!

"Sabi ko sayo e, mananalo kami" JM told her.

"Haha. Galing nyo!" Cheska said as she hi-5 JM. Ako lang Ang sabihin mo. I peeked through them.

"Ako pa" JM told her. Yabang! Feeling naman niya. Di nga maka 3 points eh. Few seconds ago they noticed me. Cheska looks at me awkwardly and I slightly smiled.

"Ches- I have to go, bye!" She cutted me and ran. She hates me. I frown. JM smirk, I wanna punch his Yabang face.

"Ako Ang nagpanalo ng game, Hindi ikaw" I told him

"I don't care" he replies and bump me on the other way and walk through the peoples and started fake smiling. I was about to walk behind him but girls stopped me.

"Darren, galing mo talaga!"

"Oo nga darren, Ang cute mo pa"

"Na sayo na Lahat darren, idol kita"

They all said. If only they are Cheska, I'll be proud of myself for winning this game. We all went to the section (and by the way, it's already the championship. Hihi) and sat on the floor. I wanna take a nap. 5 minutes pa yung laro ng Volleyball. Nabalitaan ko rin na kasama si Twittle dun sa laro. Makikita ko na naman Siya. TSK!.

A/N: hey guys! How was this chap? Please comment naman your insights please? And BTW, HAPPY 11.56k reads to us!!!!! I didn't expect like this reads so Thank You to all of you. I really love you a lot. VOTE.COMMENT.FOLLOW. :)


You Are The One (a darren espanto fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon