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so when i walk in our house my mom asks me...

so how was your day? do you have fun with him? my mom asks

Yup mom. i just said smiling

oh. i see my mom says go wash your face darling she says while smiling

so yeah i ran straight upstairs and went in my room.... i took a selfie with my icecream face and post it.

and then i wash my face and change my clothes. I put on my favorite pyjamas then i lay in mah bed.

then i hear my phone vibrates

then i see who was it

and then it was


D . hi
C. miss me already?
D. yup
C. really?
D. yup

seriously? he miss me already?

C. ok. so watcha doin?
D. nothin. how bout you?
C. nothin too. whats with the accent?
D. haha just my trip.
C.ok. fine .haha.
D. i dont know too much all from u.
C. me neither. wanna ask somethin?
D. when do you become beautiful?
C. since birth. hahaha.
D. haha. i see....
C. yup! so are u handsome?
D. ofcourse yes..... am i? haha
C. nope!

just kidding... yeah you are.

D. haha finally.
C. finally what?
D. nothing.... haha
C. k. fine i need to go to sleep early ... theres school......but before i sleep where will u study?

D. my mom says i'll study in HTS.
and im grade 8....
C.We have the  same school! and im grade 8 too. ok. see u tomorrow.
D. ok goodnight. ms beautiful....whats your favorite song?
D. me too!
C. ok. were the same ... goodnight mr . domino
D. haha. its cool. so i'll call you ms domino.....goodnight
C. no you wont!
D. yes i will
C.ok fine . i need to go to sleep
D. goodnight

END of the textssss.....


ok. so how was that chapter... is it great? ahaha need to study now....

~francesca <3

You Are The One (a darren espanto fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon