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"I love you"
"I love you too"

Ew, this is the most crazy part.
I turn off the television immediately and jump on my bed.

Come on, the word LOVE is the most used language. And there's no such thing like FOREVER.

BUT, I believed in those words. Forever don't exist in any planets but it exists on heaven.

I wore on my nightdress. . . . .Just kidding! Like yuck, there's no part of my life that I think about being gay.

I just wore on my pajamas and sando on. (Whatever you call on that sando word).

I jump on top of my bed and invert myself.

🎶 I fell in love with my best friend 🎶

I tug my phone quickly. I look like weird.
It looks like it's my first time to hear my phone ring again. No one calls me except for Dad and Cheska.

I took a look at it. It was Cheska.
Me: Hi, why?
I asked her. I'm actually smiling right now.
Cheska: Hey, I just want you to take a peek on the sky. Bye!

She ended up the call so fast that she didn't even mind if I would want to reply. Well, she's kinda weird too.

So I open my sliding door to go on my balcony to take a look at the sky. I held my phone and put it in my pocket.

*vibrate* *vibrate* *vibrate*
I get my phone and saw 1 message.

Sorry for bothering. Just look at the NorthEast. Okay?

I just replied 'okay' before looking at the NorthEast she's talking about.

And there I see. . .🎇🎆. A beautiful night star. It was twinkling and shining bright. I step aback and sat on the stool.

"Psht!" I look at cheska's house and found her grinning.
"It's really pretty, isn't it?!" She yelled
"Yeah, it is! I can't stop looking at it!" I yelled back.

It's really pretty just like her. If I could just tell her. *sigh*

I looked at her and rest my back on the wall.
She's wearing her nightdress/nightgown beautifully. All I see is perfection. Corny, Darren. I remembered I'm just wearing sando. Ew, I'm ashamed.

"Good night na Darren! See you tomorrow morning! Enjoy the stars!" And after she shout that sentence, she disappeared.

I look back again to the stars. I wanna talk to them. Tell them what I really feel. Hi TWIN STARS. Wish they can hear me.

So I stand and already closed my sliding door. I locked it and went back to bed.

I said my last prayer and went to sleep.

"Morning to everyone!" I yelled going downstairs.
"Hi mom" I said as I helped her fixing food for our breakfast. It was 5 am.

And when we finished fixing, I called Lynelle from her room.

"Good morning baby! How's your sleep?" I said as I carry her. My elbows got weak so I quickly bring her down.

"You're getting super heavy na ah." I told her while cupping her cheeks. We went downstairs and sat with mom.

Lynelle ate her fave cereals that mom bought a few days ago. I engorge my food like I was not eating for a month. Mom told me to chew my food slowly so I can prevent pus and some biting on my lip.

I brushed my teeth and went inside my room to take a bath. After that, I wore my uniform and fixed my hair.


I ran downstairs and bid goodbye to mom and Lynelle. It's already 6:00 a.m. And I ran to cheska's. I found her walking.

"Hey, I was just about to go to your house"
She said with a grin, holding her backpack side to side.

"You don't need to. I should be" I said grinning back.
We went out of the SD and waited for a taxi.
"I'm gonna pay" I said as I tug the money from Cheska's hand giving it to the driver and giving my money to him. I smiled at her playfully sticking my tongue out.

She just pout and tug back the money from my hand and whispered " I'm not gonna let that pass again" she send me a sarcastic killer look and I automatically laughed. I patted her head showing that that won't happen. She just elbowed me and look out of the window.

"LQ" I heard the driver's whisper.
"Ano po yun?" Cheska asked
"LQ daw" I said.
"Ay sorry kuya pe-" I cut her off.
"Hindi PA po kami" I said emphasizing the word PA. Hehe. Inis na to.

"Nako, tama lang. Bata pa kayo. Pero sa totoo lang, gusto ko kayong magkatuluyan . . . Sa future" Kuya driver said and then laugh after.

"I agree with that Kuya" Cheska said
"Na magkatuluyan tayo sa future?" I sarcastically asked.
"Hindi! Yung bata pa tayo" Cheska said and then glared. I just chuckled at her. It's just that she looks so cute when she's a little bit disappointed. Hehe.

"Andito na kayo. Hanggang sa muli." Kuya said and I grin at him.
"Sana makita ko kayo sa FUTURE" Kuya said.
"Kayo din kuya" Cheska said sarcastically.

We went out of the car and quickly ran inside the school gate to our classroom.

You Are The One (a darren espanto fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon