our aviary -» jenyong

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Title: Aviary
Genre: Suspense

alternate universe

It is a normal and inevitable matter to be in such a hideous ride of romance

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It is a normal and inevitable matter to be in such a hideous ride of romance. And dealing with the odds is the hardest thing to be narrowed.

"Darn it," Taeyong cursed under his breath right after checking out his wristwatch. "Can this get any worse?"

"Calm down, sir," the driver spoke, stretching his head to scan the situation in front of them. "There's probably some kind of a car crash ahead of the road. It might take a while to settle this."

Out of impatience, it was the time for Taeyong to groan and wash his palm over his face. "Goodness, I have to see my wife!"

The driver as well felt bad at the situation and had nothing else left to do than earn peevish remarks as his boss grew out of frustration. Taeyong could care less. He wanted to throw all his anger out, knowing that he's still in the car while his wife was at the hospital. And he did not know what has happened. He just arrived from Busan after his three-month long workload and fetching up with a sudden news tore his heart tremendously. The words were typed loud and clear.

"Jennie was sent to **** Hospital this early morning. Head straight to room 107. This is an urgent matter. Keep safe," says on his mother-in-law's text message. He was rereading it all over.

Gritting his teeth was not enough. Seething was not enough. Cussing was never enough. Even praying for her health was nothing satisfying. He felt useless of a husband. He cannot be there, even if he wanted to. It was a terrible feeling to sum it all up.

It has been three months since the last time she felt her embrace, heard her voice whispering against his ear, felt her warm lips pressed onto his, and seeing her smile personally that always elevates his mood.

He began to cry, sadness welling up inside him.

I want to see Jennie, it was the only thing running through his head.

Later that day, he made it to the hospital. Huffing with his hands on his knees. Perhaps the man had ran his way out of that busy traffic to arrive earlier than expected. As he made his way to the entrance, he quickly pressed the elevator and headed in once its slides went open. His crestfallen heart reverberated with the possible assumptions clouding his head.

"No, this can't be. My wife is okay. She is fine," he thought.

As the elevator dings, he rushed his way to the hallway, earning gasps from the chattering nurses along the way. He did not give any single damn. He has only one thing in mind — and that was the welfare of his wife.

Halting his steps, he finally saw the room.

The numbers one, zero, and seven were written in salient red on the room's door.

He closed his eyes, catching his breath as he felt his eyes welling up when he stood at its doorstep, praying.

Hastily, the door automatically shot open, revealing the petite figure of her wife laid in bed, basking. It was an unexpected situation.

Surprisingly, everyone was gathered in the room including his own parents, Jennie's parents, as well as their closest friends. They turned their heads towards Taeyong as soon as he entered the room. Everyone in the room had smiled even wider.

"Oh my God," Taeyong could not suppress the feeling anymore. He fell to his knees as his hands travelled to his mouth.

There he was — in a depth of shock and other emotions combined. His tears streamed down to his cheeks as he took sight of what was ahead of him. The beads of his tears hitting the pale white ground.

"Taeyong, son, you arrived sooner!"
"Wow, I can't believe he's here."

His wife was fine after all, he thought. She was absolutely fine! What the hell was he even thinking? Of course, his wife was pregnant.

Jennie had smiled warmly, sharing an eye contact with her whimpering husband as she held the sleeping newly born baby up to her chest. She easily forgot about the pain she had during the course of her delivery. Seeing her husband right there — a few meters a way from her — regained her strength.

"Taeyong," Jennie said softly but audible enough. She sooner began to tear down, whimpering. "Stop crying, y-you look ridiculous!"

Taeyong had sauntered closer and knelt beside her bed before holding her hand warmly. "Jennie, I'm glad you're alright. I was so worried. I thought something bad happened." He was flabbergasting.

Jennie had only laughed at his reaction.

"Look, our baby," Jennie smiled as her tears never stopped streaming. "Boy."

Taeyong quickly raised from his position and carefully carried the baby in his arms with both corners of his lips lifted. Jennie smiled upon seeing his little reactions. Taeyong scanned the baby from its now shut eyes down to the its pink lips. He felt the greatest as if he was carrying an angel — in which he believes it is.

"Jennie, he got your nose and lips," he told her with a genuine smile lighting upon his face. "And his eyes — he got my eyes, Jennie!" His smile even grew wider as he kept on examining his child's beauty. Right then, he raised the baby closer as he leaned in to press a soft kiss on his forehead.

Everyone were in awe as they saw it.

"I'll protect our little family, Little Lee," Taeyong grinned, staring intently at his son.

"He's not Little Lee anymore," Jennie spoke, earning everyone's attention.

"What's his name then?" Taeyong looked at his wife.

"David Lee."

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