always -» jenyong (1/2)

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〘 DISCLAIMER: The plot contains sexual activities and profanity not suitable for young audiences. Kindly decline reading, if not engaged to such contents. And it's also cringy so pls buckle up.

Lee Taeyong
Jennie Kim

The night was solemn with a bright huge moon appearing on the black skies of Seoul City. That moment, Taeyong had decided to join his little group of friends for some drink since his day was boring and a good friend, Yuta, offered him this gathering at his crib. They wanted Taeyong to feel better, considering his state. He was never fine at all, even if he does not admit. His eyes were telling the story by himself and they were too vivid enough to be neglected. And being the guy who always hang around Taeyong, Yuta had seen them bright enough. He was not slow-witted to notice this. No one in the group was. However, Taeyong resembled a tensile wire who flexes himself to conceal the problems he encounter. He buries them all to himself. Sure, he was selfish... in a pretty good way, he thought.

"Hey Taeyong," Johnny approached his friend, meeting their hands in a clap as a smile shone on both of their faces.

"Glad you came," Jaehyun whistled next, nudging him as soon as he sat to the empty seat which they have reserved for him.

"I had nothing much to do anyway," Taeyong had shruged, faking it all out, again. Like he used to.

Everyone in the table had exchanged stares of pity, but managed to build on a smile for their friend.

"Well, yeah," Yuta shrugged, uncapping the soju bottle before meeting everyone's eyes as if he was a protagonist in a thriller film. "Let's celebrate!" He suddenly stood up on his chair, raising the bottle of soju as the others clapped and cheered in excitement upon his hilarious move.

Taeyong had smiled, a little. After all, his friends can make him forget those bad things shortly.

"Heyy~" Came a voice for somewhere on the left side of the table as the footsteps went closer by distance. There eyes averted to that particular person and there he was, their talkative batchmate, Kim Doyoung, they were all about to nag at him for his unacceptable tardiness but he was not alone. Alongside him was a lady with a petite figure; face slightly seen as her head was set down low, busy scrolling through her phone. "She's my cousin by the way," Doyoung quickly snapped as he noticed his friends eyes were suddenly fixed right at her. Doyoung then nudged the female to catch her unbothered figure.

Creasing her brows reluctantly, Jennie gave Doyoung an unamused look because her cousin knows how much she hates socializing and this guy only forced him to go with him by which she had no other choice than to go for it. They had a short debate that only both of them could hear before Jennie finally raised her chin and sneered at all the boys around the table. On the contrary, everyone's eyes sparkled upon the sight of her. Her eyes were like of a fox's. Taeyong noticed the same thing, but he was less interested.

"Hi. Kim Jennie," she shortly greeted; her eyes trying to make eye contact with the others 'til the last person who turned out to be Lee Taeyong. They shared an eye contact but got over it after four seconds, going back to fiddling with her phonescreen.

Doyoung had shaken his head out of disappointment. How awkward could this Jennie girl ever get?

Next thing they knew, the members were already seated on a circle with the bottle of soju that was popped earlier, now lying coldly on the ground. Johnny, being the oldest, took turn in leading the night's most awaited game. Doyoung had to pull Jennie beside him and grip on her wrist just to make sure she'd join the fun. "Goddamn it," Jennie murmured while glaring at her cousin's hand, gripping tightly on her wrist. "Fine, I'll join the game just let me go, yea?"

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