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I, was, lost. That was obvious. I sat against a tree, desolation and despondence seeping through like the blood that flowed under my skin. A Tinker flew by, a male, trailing blue glitter. I reached for it, but, it was, already, gone. As if even the Indigo creatures were avoiding me, as if, as, if, even they understood the wrong I had done. I wiped away tears, even if they kept coming. I sank, sank, sank, until I sat on my butt, pulling my knees up to my chest, and wrapping my arms around them. The greenery glowed with Indigoism, trees glowed as if they had their own inner light. The grass glowed with incandescence. But it wasn't bright enough to hide me from the darkness, to hide me from the truths I had, the truths I feared. Even the tree behind me seemed to lean away, as if even the underbrush had a mind of it's own, and, even they, didn't want to touch me, have me near them. I brushed back my midnight hair, long and bedraggled, bedraggled, and caked with dirt and grass. Caked, because I'd run, run in terror, in fear, in sadness, in desperation. I tried, tried to find my way back, but, but, I was too lost.
I'd cried out, cried for him, for them, all of them, even Reina, but, no one, answered. Soon, I'd heard large feet, and, ran. I had run as fast as i could, trying to dodge trees, dodge the other creatures who were running, who knew to run, and, I'd tripped, and fell, fell, and fell, and fell. Soon, the feet had vanished, and I had sobbed, sobbed in true unhinged terror, found a tree, and leaned against it, trying to think, but thinking of nothing but terror. So, I was lost, lost in the Indigo world, lost, with creatures I didn't even know the names of. I tightened my grip on my knees as a warm breeze brushed by. Despite that breeze, I shivered. Another Tinker flitted by, this one female, trailing gold dust. Suddenly, I wished I could catch one, catch one, and demand it to take me to the Indigo Symbol, to take me home. I wanted home, wanted safety, wanted protection from the dark, from the dark that would surely, surely come. "I can protect you, from the darkness." The voice came from behind me, and sounded female, and cold. I screamed, screamed as loud as I could, and, ran. Feet pounding behind me, the sound of trees, branches, grass. I dove in and out, black hair flying, orb bouncing between my breasts, terror thick in the air, I, ran.
Something white glittered from the corner of my eye and it leaped over my head and galloped away, whinnying in fear. Then, I tripped, and fell, rolling and rolling down a steep hill. I cried out in genuine pain as my body hit a rock. I was stunned for a moment, and something stopped mere feet away. "There was no need to run." Said that voice, soft, sweet, and frozen. "I can help you, protect you from the darkness, from what you fear." I shook my head, over, over, over, over. "Not again, never again, no no no no no no." Feet coming closer, then, then, then, something, something touched my back, long, sharp, and cold. I screamed, screamed in fear, as that familiar sensation, trailed, up, my, spine. "NO, NO NO NO NO." I yelled. "NO NO NO NO, not again, NEVER AGAIN." "Oh shush girl, it's ok, I have you now, and, you, will, free, me." I shook my head, over, over, over, over, over. "No, no, no, no." The feeling came again, over my spine, my shoulder, "I'll take care of you, make sure you're ripe, and, ready, for the transformation. I've never had an IndoDragon as a hostess before, so, it'll be, very, very, interesting, and, intoxicating, the power we'll wield, the strength we'll command, the fear we'll feed on." I didn't understand most of what she was saying, but I kept begging, begging anyone, anything to help me, to protect me, to defend me, from her, from her, from that dark voice, that cold female with the horrible talons, the horrible language.
Then, I felt her, felt, her, could feel her lift me up. I thrashed, thrashed as those things lifted me in the air, and started dragging me away. "Take her to the mountains, we will begin working on her there." "Yes Majesty." Said a female voice over my head. "I want her ready by the fall of the sun, where darkness is greatest, only then will I be freed for good, and can exact my vengeance on those wretched rulers. By the fall of the sun, I, will, rise, and, darkness will overtake the Indigo island, forever. Then, we'll take the human world." Horrible sounds all around me, horrible, terrifying sounds. "What about Huntoruukos?" Asked a voice. "He'll be dealt with. He'll come to his mate's rescue, it's in his instincts, and, once he does, we'll spill his blood and her's, blood from both kingdoms, that will ensure the power of my territory, and will open the portal we need to enter the human world. And, if not, well, we'll just attack both kingdoms won't we."

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