Chapter Ten: An Incandescent Wild Ravinous Mating

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    Huntor spun as Sarah delivered a vicious back kick, then spun and went into a perfect flying spin kick. He shrugged, "Meh, she's got it." I frowned, "I'm pretty sure she kicked him in the dragon gems. You sure she's got it?" Huntor laughed. "I wouldn't be surprised if she did." I expected him to wince in simpathy, but he didn't do anything but observe with professional interest. Then, he smiled as Pheequa came over. "Ah, that must be a kick in the craw, or, the dragon gems. I like the dragon tails better. It sounds more appropriate to it than gems." I shrugged. "To each his own, or her own in Sarah's case." He laughed. I squirmed. "Huntor?" His light mood faded, and he observed me, as if he already knew what I was going to say. "I, I, I." I wasn't sure how to say, or, ask, what I was going to ask. "I, I wanna ask you something, but, but, i want you to know that I understand, I really do, that I know that if you say no, it's no. That I understand who you are and what you may need, that I am different from everyone that I—"Are you going to continue to dance around the dragon, or just face the beast?" Despite myself, I laughed. Only Huntor would say something like that.
    "Will you let me share your Volken heat with you?" Huntor shrugged. "Sure." My mouth fell open, and, for ten minutes, I did nothing but stare at him. Then, I managed, "I, you, huh, wha, huh, what?" "I said sure." I still gaped at him, unable to fathom it, to comprehend it. "But, but, I, I, I thought, I thought—"You thought I'd share it with Sarah? Because we have that kind of bond. Zeej, Sarah's my best friend, but her and I aren't really bonded like that." "Why?" He leaned forward. "She's bisexual, that's why, but she prefers females over males." My mouth fell open, shock freezing my body. He grinned. "So, all this time, she never, never really enjoyed it?" "Oh yes she did, she always does. But she just prefers females over males. If I need it, she'll let me in, she climaxes just as hard, but she just prefers females over males." My mouth stayed open, and shock still froze my body. Finally, I said, "She has a mate, doesn't she? Dracons like that, freezing dragon talons, beings like that always find their mates, they're extremely rare, so, who is it?" Huntor grinned, "You don't know her. But she is her's, even if they don't know it yet." "Wow." I leaned against him without realizing it, thrown for a loop with this news. He stroked my hair and my body went from frozen shock to burning heat. I tried to straighten, but Huntor wrapped his arm around me. "Huntor." I purred. "Don't tease me like you did earlier. You have no idea just how horny i was. I'm still not satisfied." He grinned, and that wolfish grin nearly made me climax. "I know. I, know." His eye swirled with dark blues and was truck by lighter blue lightning. As if his eye was a roiling blue cloud with lighter blue lightning. "Woah." I moaned. He bare dhis fangs, when had he partially shifted? His fingers stroked a horn, then the other. Between my legs, hot desire shot out, wetting my undergarment and making the pants I wore, very, very warm. He sniffed, and his eye went from dark, to near midnight blue, lightning flashing in it. "Huntor." I said. "Shit, shit shit shit." He shook his head, closing his eye, and breathing deeply, then opening the eye. It was normal blue. "I think it's coming, oh great, just now is what I need."
    Another little pop of heat shot out of me, and he sniffed, and snarled. His eye darkened fast, then he blinked several times, and it went back to normal. "What are you feeling?" I asked. He rolled that beautiful eye. "I mean, there are warning signs of it. You get horny yes, but usually you choose someone, and when you do, your dragon only can have sex with him/her. You can't get it with anyone else." My mouth dropped, because, because he had, unwittingly, chosen his partner, done it weeks ago. His eye widened, as if he just realized it too. My body went on alert as, as, as, as I realized that, yes, tonight, Huntor, was, going, to be inside me. I pressed my body against him, unable to resist anymore. His hand gripped my left breast, squeezing hungrily, then he came back to himself and pulled away. Then, Draco appeared, and I opened my mouth, ready to snarl, but Raveaque's scent filled my nose. "Relax dear Sister." Raveaque's voice was soft and cool, and his hands squeezed my shoulders gently. My heated lust faded, and I leaned against my brother, needing someone to hold on to. "Later." Raveaque said in my ear. "You can have him all to yourself later, the Volken is upon him, just hold on a bit longer." Draco was talking to Huntor too, gentle words I never thought Draco could even produce. Huntor leaned against him, just like i leaned against Raveaque. Huntor faced me, and said, "Later, later, we will finish this." "Later," I corrected. "We'll finally start it." He bared his fangs, his eye darkening, then going to normal. They had me fly on Seeka's back with Sarah in front of me. I had my arms wrapped so tightly around her I wondered why she didn't say anything. But as we flew, she spoke in my head, making me jump. "He told you I was bisexual didn't he?" After getting over my shock, I said, "Yes, hee did, I hope you are ok with it." In front of me, she shrugged. "Meh, it'of come out eventually. It doesn't bother me as much as it use to." "Is it that girl you were on the phone with that day?" Pink slid up Sarah's face. "Yes, yes it is." "Can I ask you something?" "Shoot." "Do you think Huntor an I are mates?" Sarah stiffened, and I felt her body go to alert.
    "Why?" "Because, because there's something between us. I don't just want him, I actually care about him, a lot. He does do things to me, but it's more than sexual. There's actual feeling behind it." Sarah was silent for a while, then, "I don't know, for a time, I thought him and Sydney were mates." She snarled darkly. "But Sydney broke the bond, and that shouldn't be possible. I don't know if you and him are mates, or if he and Sydney are. He believes strongly that Sydney is his. I don't, but he does." "What if, what if I was?" She thought for a moment. "If you were, then he'd do everything to love and protect you. If there was something I knew of Huntor, he protects everyone, no matter their race, ethnicity, religion, blood, no matter what. He'd protect you." "But I don't need protecting." I said. "I know that, but he can't understand that." "I'm a full-blood dracon, I can fully shift, I don't need protecting." "I know that friend, maybe that's why I hope it's you, because he needs someone he doesn't have to protect. Sydney is broken, lost and alone, she isn't a fit for him, but, if anyone is, it's you." I let those words sink in, as we flew back to our room. Seeka lumbered to a hault as we stopped in front of the doors, which Zenvanescence opened. Seeka lumbered smoothly in, Draco behind her. As Huntor dismounted, I followed, walking behind him into his room, or would have, if Raveaque didn't grab my arm. "Remember, you're sharing the Volken with him. He's most likely going to find a way to share the hormones with you so you need it just as badly as he does." "Raveaque," I said. "I already need him badly, I need no incentive." "What I mean is Zavala, don't test a mating with him." My mouth, fell open.
"What?" "Don't test a mating with him." "Why?" I asked, hurt in my voice. "Because Sister. Huntor has enough on his plate, even more now. He can't take care of you, can't protect you the way we can, he can't—"Damn it Raveaque." I snarled. "Stop it, I can't deal with this, I can't believe you." He reached for me, but I stepped away. "I'll do what I want. If I wanna test a mating with him, then I will. If he wants to, I'll let him. I'm of breeding age Raveaque, plus he doesn't need to protect me." He stepped away, and nodded. "I'm sorry Zavala, I'm your brother, I just felt that—"Right, you're my brother, not my mom, not my dad. You and Draco are my adopted brothers, you both adopted me when I was a newborn. I know that, understood it. But you and Draco have overstepped your boundaries too many times to count. I'm tired of it. Tired of you all telling me what to do and expecting me to just follow along without comment." He nodded again, and walked away, but not before I saw the smallest flicker of hurt in those eyes. I sighed, running a hand over my face, then scenting Huntor behind me. My body went hot instantly, and he wrapped an arm around me. "I'm sorry." He said. "I know some of that was directed at me." "It wasn't." I lied. I looked up at him, realizing that I was taller, that instead of coming to his neck, I came up to his forehead. He quirked an eyebrow. "Fine," I admitted. "It was, at least some of it." He guided me into his room, softly closing the doors. "I'm sorry." He said again.
I wrapped both arms around him, and he stiffened, his eye going dark. "What do you want?" I asked him. "What, right now, do you want?" "You." He breathed. "You naked on my bed, my fangs in your neck, your's in mine." He shook his head. "No, No, I don't know where the hell that came from." My heart leaped, jumping fast. "You mean, you want to test a mating." He shook his head. "No, I have a mate, Sydney is my mate. I love her, care for her." "But you love me, care, for me?" He snarled, confusion evident on his face. I pressed my body against him. I felt him harden fast. "Can she do that?" I purred. "No, yes, shit, shit, shit." He ducked his head, but I caught it with my hands. His eye looked so hopeless, so lost and sad at that moment. "Test one with me Huntor. Please, you need to as much as I do." "But it's her, it's Sydney. I know it." I reached for his lips with my own. I rolled my hips, feeling him twitch against me. I moaned, feeling hot pulses pop out of me in anticipation. He snarled, trying to pull away. "Zeej." He bit my lip, and I moaned. He growled. I rolled against him again. He leaned back, pressing himself harder against me. "Stop fighting." I moaned. "Just do it." "No, I wanna do this right." He said. I rolled my eyes. "What? Do what right? Just take me." He leaned forward, and bit down on my neck. I screamed, the unexpected pleasure crashing through my body. I jerked my head forward, and bit down on his neck. His blood poured into my mouth and I realized he was drinking my own blood. The feeling of his tongue licking me, his blood pouring into my mouth, sent me into ravishing need. I jerked against him, and yanked my mouth away. "Do it." I snarled. "Do it, now." His talons shredded through my clothes and I was on his bed, him, finally, finally, finally, over me.
He paused, and then, reached forward, and gripped both my breasts. I screamed again, squirming under the beautiful pleasure. White-hot pleasure burned from my breasts down my spine, through my entire body. He drew close and his mouth closed over my breast. I cried out, pleasure striking deep. His tongue swirled around my nipple, and it made me wonder just what he, would taste like, how he'd react when my forked tongue swirled around him. I bucked, needing him deep in me, needing him hard and deep inside me. His hands wrapped around my waist and squeezed my butt. Pleasure bloomed there and I hadn't realized just how sensitive it was. I jerked as heat popped out of me. Then, my wings shot out of their own accord, and I saw it flash in his eye, saw the look before his talons hands grazed my left wing. It was like his talons on the very edge of my mind, like he was caressing it. I screamed, bucking harder against him. Tired of being teased, needing to show him just how much I wanted to please him as much as he did me, I reached for him, and gripped him. He froze, and threw his head back. A look of absolute pleasure crossed his face as I squeezed, then pressed him against me. He jerked in my hold and I said, "I'm going to put you in me, very, very, very, slowly." He snarled. "I don't like being toyed with Huntor, I like taking control." Challenge and savage pleasure crossed his face. "Then do it." I slowly drew him close, as I slid him inside me. Finally, finally, finally, he sank deep, sank, as if he were made for me, as if he were mine. He slid in so easily, so smoothly, opening me just enough, and I found him fully inside. As soon as he was, as soon as we were joined in the most intimate way, I, moaned, loudly.
    I paused, and so did he. I saw realization cross his face, saw it flash fully formed in his eye, saw it, and a deep intense agony that struck deep. He snapped his head forward, sinking his fangs in. Realizing, I bit down on his own neck. Power roiled through us both, unchecked, unhinged, power. When he pulled away, there was nothing of the male I had come to love in that face. He looked savage, dangerous, a beast unleashed, completely sexy and a major turn on. My body wanted to ride him, to roll my hips and ride him. But I took another minute, another to really think, "Mine, he's mine, and he knows it." All those months, all those months watching him, wondering about him, wanting him, Holly's teasing, not realizing, never truly knowing just what drew us together. Huntor licked my wound, and I felt the tickle as it healed, the true sign. As it closed, I felt my last walls tumble down, and, roared at him. Huntor's body went rigid, and he roared back, and thrust himself in me, a powerful push that should've hurt, but instead, caused white-hot pleasure to blast through me. He pushed harder, thrusting himself deep into me. I cried out, rolling my hips hard and fast under him. "Huntor." I moaned. "Huntor, Huntor, Huntor, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, geez Huntor, take me, take me, take me please." He shoved himself harder in me, and I felt my walls tighten and twitch around him. His mouth found my breast and his tongue swirled around it hungrily, burning my already hot skin with flames of desire, sparking against my nipple. Every pop of hot power sent me into a powerful climax. I screamed, quaking under him so hard the bed shook. But instead of climaxing himself, Huntor growled in an inhuman voice, "Roll over." Then he was out of me and before I could moan in protest, my body rolled, and reared up, and, he, shoved, in.
    The next moment I was gasping for breath, gasping because the new position had more pleasure pounding through me. I collapsed on my arms, unable to hold myself up from the pounding pleasure. I felt something deep within, something that was more than the bond that linked Huntor to me, and I reared back, twisting my hips and rolling them, riding him hard and fast. He panted over me, tongue sliding over my slick hot skin. His talons scraped over my outstretched wings, sending more pleasure through my mind. I tightened around him hard, but the climax was out of reach. I rolled harder, shoving my body against him, twisting around him, twisting this way and that, trying to get him to hit all the right spots. His fangs sank into my scaled shoulders, the scales along my back, blood oozed out, and I cried out from the contact, not feeling any pain. "Huntor, Huntor, Huntor, Huntor Huntor Huntor Huntor, yes yes yes yes yes. Oh oh oh oh oh, yes yes yes. Harder Harder Harder Harder." He threw his head back and roared in pleasure. Then his fangs went in my shoulder again. I planted my palms against the huge bed, and shoved up. I rocked my entire body, moving with him, rocking and roiling as I road him. "More Zavala." He snarled in my ear. "More more more." "Oh yes." I cried out. "Yes Huntor yes yes yes. I'll give you more, ahhh yes, yes, I'll give you more alright." I reared back against him, tail entangling with his, my wings so sensitive that every breath he took over them sent my body into powerful quakes. "Yes yes yes, ahhh, yes yes yes, come on Huntor, come on, harder harder harder." I reared back, rolling my hips, rocking my body as he surged in me, surged hard, deep, fast. He bellowed and I cried out as the climax came closer. I shoved harder, needing him, rolling my hips again and again. I reared against him, reared harder, harder, harder, reared, feeling him deep, feeling his flesh strike every nerve, hit every part of me. Then, his fangs sank in again and he roared against my skin as his climax hit. At the same time, my own climax struck at full force.
    I bucked against him, the power of it too much for my mind to handle. My dragon took over, rolling my hips harder and harder as he emptied himself into me, my own body quaking as I wrapped around him and squeezed, twitching as my own desire liquified and streamed out of me. As it did, as he twitched and jerked above me, more heat pumped through my system, and I reared up, saying, "Oh great great frozen dragon Huntor, I need more, I need more, so much more." He snarled his agreement and sank himself harder faster into me. I cried out, feeling nothing but the incandescent pleasure strike deep inside me. "More more more." I moaned. "More Huntor, more please, Huntor, Huntor, Huntor, mmm, mmm, mmm, yes yes yes, ahhh, ahhh, mmm, mmm, Huntor, ahhh, ahhh, oh yes." His body over mine, flesh deep inside me, I found that through it all, that this was what I had always wanted, someone in me, someone who'd love me, and through all of the pleasure, I knew Huntor was the one after all. He pulled out of me and without speaking, I rolled, knowing what he wanted, needed. He landed over me, and his talons scraped my wings. I cried out and snatched him, plunging him in me. His talons wrenched away from my wings and landed on either side of my face. He reached down and pressed his lips ot mine. Our tongues entangled, and I felt sparks dance over them. I rolled my hips, begging him through the moaning, through the thing between us, the thing that grew and grew with each passing second. He groaned over my mouth, pleasure striking us over and over, plunging deep into our souls, causing near agony. My breasts skinned his chest, causing my nipples to spark with desire, sending more heat between my legs, as if there wasn't enough there already.
    His mouth yanked away from my left mouth to claim my left breast. I threw my head back, crying out in pleasurable agony as more sparks popped against my nipple, over my skin. His tongue swept over it, lapping up and down in such a fast rhythm that my heart could barely keep up. Then his fangs sank into my nipple, scraping oveer the hard bud. I cried out, walls twitching with a half climax that just demanded more more more. Then hi smouth was gone and against my own lips. I could still taste my blood on his lips, the copery taste unlike anything I'd ever tasted. My own blood tasted like fire and water, like the deepest pits of flames, and the coldest oceans of water, holding the darkest, deadliest creatures. "Yes," I screamed. "Yes yes yes, make me climax Huntor, make me scream, please please please. I want you, I neeed you, I love you so much, please please please. Ahhh ahhh ahhh, ah ah ah, yes." I screamed as more heat pumped out of me in lieu of the climax sure to come. Ha, sure to come, even in the midst of near terrifying pleasure, in near white-hot pleasurable agony, we could joke as one. I rolled my hips again, sensing, feeling, knowing. He pulled out, and I rolled, not even questioning how I knew, not even realizing consciously. The next millisecond he was in me, pounding away, screaming white-hot pleasure and power surging like equal torrents in my body, through my blood. I rolled my hips, rolled harder, harder, harder still. Huntor thrusted himself deep, shoving with a furor that made my mind empty of everything, of nothing but the sensations of his long thick cock in me, of his breath over me, his mind wrapped around mine as tight as I was wrapped around him. Then, I felt it, felt the climax that I knew would send us both over. Huntor felt it along side me and, as one, we moved. I rocked harder, collapsing my upper body on to the bed. My hips rolled, pumping him deep inside. I arched back, rearing harder, harder, harder, rearing with a desperate, incandescent passion that was true and deadly, that thing between us burned brighter, pulling our minds closer, closer, closer, fusing them together with a powerful light that made us move faster. I rolled my hips again, rolled them over, over over over, rolled, and rolled, and rolled, and, rolled, rolled, rolled, rolled. "Huntor, Huntor, Huntor, please please please, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop. Please please please. Yes yes yes yes, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, harder, harder, harder." I rolled my hips again, again, again, rocking, riding him, riding him hard. He shoved deep, deep, deep. He threw his head back and bellowed so hard the room shook. I climaxed along side him, feeling the thing melt together, melt our minds together. I road him harder, harder, harder, as the climax took us both over that final cliff, and sent us plunging into oblivion.
    I woke up to find Huntor still inside me, facing him. My mind was a haze, recovering from the heat that had taken over both of us, freezing dragon talons, the heat, wasn't just heat. The furor he'd taken me, over, over, over, that wasn't just a dragon's heat, just a dragon's volken, that had to have been more. I breathed deeply, enjoying the feeling of his still hard flesh seated in me. I remembered the climaxing we'd done, the way, or, ways, we'd had sex, or, perhaps, made love. My walls twitched around him, and he took a deep breath. I ran my hand over his face, smiling as his eye snapped open, and stared. He gave me a savage smile that spoke volumes. "Huntor, come back to me Love, I know you're in there. Come back to me." I saw the struggle on his face, saw him pull himself back. It took several minutes, but he finally, finally, came back, and, his eye widened. "Fuck me sideways." He said. Despite his expression, I grinned, and rolled my hips best I could. "Well, we're already halfway there." He rolled his eye. "Are you—"I'm fine Huntor, heck, more than fine. Seriously more than fine. Are you ok?" He frowned, as if not really knowing the answer to that question. "I, I, geez ZZ, I don't honestly know. I, I feel like a copious, hell, a myriad weight was lifted off my shoulders. I feel, feel, feel free, myself, like my dragon and I are in tune with each other." "And you know why that is?" I thought. His face went slack. I had the awesome experience of seeing his true surprise, his mouth opened wide, shock and fasination written on his face before shame and horror struck. I ignored the hurt that struck deep and true in my soul, and said, "You know it's true, it's true, and final." "It's impossible." He muttered. "There's no way Zeej, absolutely no way. We can't be mates, can't be mated." "Why?" I snarled. Pain reeplaced with ire. "Why, exactly, can it not be possible? Because I'm just passed breeding age? Because you have so much on your plate that you can't be happy? Because you have someone else? Face it Huntor, I love you, I'm your mate, you feel it, can even see it, sense it." Agony crashed over his face, crashed through us. "Zavala." He thought. "Huntor." I purred soothingly, stroking his mind with mental talons.

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