Chapter Thirteen: I, Freezing, Hate, Everyone

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    I watched, helpless and hopeless, as Huntor walked away, head held high, eye flashing with ire. I flexed my fingers, talons shooting out aggressively. I spun away from everyone, and walked toward the wall, but as I raised my talons to my own throat, an ice shard sank into the wall inches from my face. "Don't you fucking dare." Sarah said quietly. "I swear, if you even try, I'm going to make you pay." I spun round, eyes hot with anger. "What are you talking about, you did this, you got my hopes up, got me excited for something that wasn't true." Sarah shook her head. "No, I said I hoped it would be you, I'd be happier if it was you, but clearly, it's not." "No, because a possessed bitch thinks it's not." Sarah snarled. "Don't you dare say that about her." "I'll say what I want about anyone, don't you get that? I've lost everything, Huntor is everything to me, and now I've lost him. DO you get that? Besides, you said you didn't like her. Said that he deserved better, deserved me.You said you hated her." Sarah bared her fangs. "First off, no, I didn't say I hated her. Let's get that straight. Second, yes, I know what it's like to loose everything, you haven't lost anything." "YES I HAVE." I shouted. "I've lost him, everything." Sarah snarled. "Get over yourself Zavala, now you're being selfish. You're acting just like her. Which is the reason why Huntor never loved her back. She was just as selfish, just as rude and cared for no one but herself and Huntor. You think you're the only one who got the things you love taken from you? You think you're the only one who lost everything to you? Well newsflash, you're not the only one." "I don't need to take this." I snarled. "No, but you need to listen to her." Said a gentle voice. I turned to see Pheequa watching, her face calm. "We don't have time to argue, you both need to come with us, we need to make sure you three understand what Huntor has to do." "We already know." Sarah said. "No, you don't, Huntor and his mate, along with the army, and his army, are keys to the prophecy." "Prophecy what prophecy what are you talking about?" I asked quickly. "Prophecy." Sarah muttered. "Of course there's a prophecy." We followed Pheequa through an underground passage into a gigantic tomb.
    "This is where the eldest dragon rests, the creater of the Dragon Breath Falls. Indeed, a giant stone body laid flat over the floor, maw slightly agape, stone eyes closed. Qudorzo gestured to a far wall, where lines in the dracon tongue were on display. "Read it." I cleared my throat, still feeling full on ire. "It says, the tales of the dragon has come to a close, though their next generation has arose. From mountains filled with molten power, to dark seas, and plains of lower. From these two are born, from these, both are torn. As alike razes alike, and seas undulate red from life. As the sun falls for it's final breath, as horrors from the dark unleashed as precursors of  death. As the Black Demon wakes, the torn will recreate the ancient's tale, and raze the horrors freed. Though the Black Demon, will be free, and the Apocalypse, shall start." I frowned. "So you're telling me that though Huntor and Sydney will save this world, the Dark Queen will just destroy everything else?" Sarah asked, incredulous. "I didn't say it made sense." Qudorzo said. "But we've had a special force trained and ready, for the day that this prophecy comes to pass, which it has." I scowled. "You're joking right? You, or this, this is saying that though Huntor will be given the most power ever in the worlds, he, and this Sydney won't be able to stop the Queen, just destroy her legions?" I paced. "I don't understand most of what this says." "We do now." Pheequa said. "And that's why we need to move, now, get to the Northeast tower, to rescue Huntor." I froze. "What do you mean?" I asked. "They're going to kill him, take him to the Dark Queen, and use him and Sydney to free her." Quedesha pointed to the prophecy. "The fall of the sun is in three days, that's when she'll wake, we have three days to get to the Talons, stop the armada from attacking the Silver Plains, and—"And what? Stop the Dark Queen?" I asked, waving at the wall. "Look, it's, literally, written in stone. There's nothing we can do." Sarah said, "Prophecies can be changed. The future isn't set in stone, Huntor knew that. He's going to do whatever it takes to change this." I paced, turned, paced, then turned again, then frowned. "Wait, where's the rest of it?" Qudorzo shook his head.
"No one knows, the rest might have been two, maybe three more lines, but they've been clawed out." I bit my lip, unable to accept this, accept everything. Qudorzo gestured to the stone giant, "Rumor claims that, in the deepest darkest oceans, dragons still fly, that—"What?" I laughed. "There are no dragons left, they've been driven to extinction." Quedesha said, "Rumor has it that there are no IndoDragons left, but your boyfriend is one." I snarled. Sarah said, "So, you believe that, after thousands of years, that dragons, snow dragons are still living?" Qudorzo nodded. "We have three days, three days—"To find Huntor, prepare the armada to sail, and get to the Talons." I said in a snarky voice. Quedesha was suddenly in my face, her night black hair swaying, her equally ebony eyes flashing hot. "Don't take this as a joke hatchling." Her voice was frozen and sharp. Her eyes were like hot flames, but her voice was frozen ice. "Your boyfriend is one of the many keys that will, if we aren't careful, cause the end of all worlds. He and his mate, if you, don't take this seriously, then I promise, I, will personally skin you alive." "Wanna try it?" I challenged. "Quedesha." Qudorzo warned. Quedesha's talons shot out. "I promise you." I readied myself to fight, when Sarah stepped between us. "Look guys, now is not the time ok." I snarled at her, but she said, "We have our own problems now, this prophecy is at the top of that list. You both fighting, is only going to make it worse." Sarah turned to look at Quedesha. "Is it possible for us to get to Huntor before they sail?" She asked. Quedesha shook her head. "No, we need to sail though, that's how we'll catch up." She gestured to the wall. "Alike razes alike." "Meaning dracons face off with dracons." She nodded. "Great, and I thought the last war we had would've been enough." Pheequa said, "Think of that being child's play, as you call it. This time, you're going against warriors and demons who've lived for centuries of experience, who lasts longer in battle, who will see you as hatchlings." "Great, so basically, we don't have a chance." Wenzi stated.
    Qudorzo shook his head. "We'll make sure you do last. The three of you, plus Huntor and Sydney, are important pieces to the prophecy. But we have to leave after them. He Huntor, he told me that he suspected this would come to pass, said Veevuqui mentioned it in their lessons, and that he suspected that they would do this." "Great, so he tells you, but not us, not his mate." I snarled. Quedesha lost her temper. She spun and slapped me so hard my head turned, and a millisecond later, the pain registered. "You frozen dragon ass. I swear, you're going to get it now." I threw myself at her, but a wall of ice separated me from her. Sarah eased forward, hands on her hips. "Zavala, calm down. Right now, Huntor needs us, he needs us to go, to sail after him, and to save his ass, you fighting everyone isn't going to do anything." "You think I want any part in rescuing him? After this, after this? No, he's on his own." Silence met my words, then Wenzi said, "That's a load of bullshit." I'd never heard Wenzi cuss, though I knew she could, I never do it toward me. "Oh?" I asked. "He put his ass on the line, for all of us, he gave you a home, gave you a family, did what he could for you, and that's how you repay him? That's how you repay my brother?" Her eyes began to glow with orange light, as her hands glowed with fire, and her hair turned red. "I'm not helping him, he can rescue himself for once." I turned and stormed away. I stormed through the Capital, watching cariages pass on either side, seeing yet not seeing the dracons going about their daily lives, not seeing me, not even knowing who I was. I stopped by a vender, and looked at his vast menu. I pointed to a drink and he looked sad, but poured and handed it over. I leaned against the counter, and heard his slight cough. I hissed, talons shooting out. He retreated a little, and I realized he wanted his payment. I dug around in my pockets, realizing last minute that I never actually tried to keep gold silver or copers on me. But there was a small pouch of gold in my jacket pocket. I frowned, then scowled, knowing who it was. "How much is each, sorry, I lived at the castle and never had to pay for anything." His face brightened, and he said, "Oh, that's ok, there's fifty silvers in a gold, ten copers in a silver."
    I handed him a gold piece. "Keep the change." I sipped the drink, not really even noticing. "Is everything ok? Everyone's a little on edge this morning. Well, today really." "Why?" He pointed to the distant shore. "Oddest thing, for the entire royal family to be leaving, apparently the Queen her children, and only selected warriors are going, they won't return for a few weeks. Oddest thing." My heart sank as, indeed, I saw ships just disappearing over the horizon. I swore violently, but just stood there. "It's alright, I'm sure you can still get into the castle." I just sighed, and kept drinking. Then, when I was done, I started walking back toward the castle, not seeing anyone or anything, just walking dejectedly along. Then, talons were at my throat, and I was yanked down a narrow lane. I was shoved against a wall, and someone hissed, "Hurry up, get yourself ready." Another voice, "I'm already ready." Then, "You gonna get it girl, never seen skin like your's in a long time." "I wonder if she tastes as good as she looks?" Someone asked. I relaxed against th wall. I heard feet, then felt something long and hard against my butt. Horror and disgust poured through in waves, along with ire and rage, but I held still. "She feels so good, so freezing good, I can't wait to be in her." As if I were a thing, not even worth it to them. "I can beg for you." I purred. I felt his cock harden even more against me. "Oh, so you want it huh, you want this in you?" "Don't hurt me." I whined. "Please don't hurt me, I'll be good." He went for my pants, growling, "Oh I don't want you to be good, not at all." "Good." I said coldly, and spun, drawing one of the fans that Huntor had made for me, and swinging it hard. The male didn't even stand a chance. His throat was slit from ear to ear, and I kicked him away. His friends roared in outrage and attacked. I spun, opening the fan and drawing the other fan. Spinning and ducking, lashing out with fan and feet, and the eight males were reduced to bodies. I breathed heavily, staring at their decimated corpses, the rage I felt seeping away. Then, a voice in my head, sounding strained, but amused, "Huntor." I sobbed in my head. "Hey Zeej." THen I sobbed, "Why, just, why?" "I don't know. But neither of us did anything wrong Zavala, neither of us, the Dark Queen is to blame, not me, not you, no one but her." I wiped my eyes, and stared at the corpses. "I killed them." "Rightfully so, otherwise I would've."
    "But we aren't mated." I said. "Why woudl you?" "Because I'm not a heartless bastard or prick. I'd defend anyone who was going to be raped. But you handled it yourself." "What happen?" I asked, wanting to bare my fangs at him. "Why did you let them take you?" "Because it was necessary. I can't alter anything like that, only delay it as best as I can, which I did. The question is, are you going to sail with the others?" "What do you mean?" I asked. "You have to make that choice Zavala, if you're going to put what happened aside to find me, or, let it cloud you and end up hating me." "Hate you, I would never hate you." I said automatically. "You say that now, but Zavala, it was the reason her and I grew apart, because, in the end, she ended up hating me because I couldn't love her." I was ready to say something, but then I saw Raveaque enter the street, see the corpses, shrug, and ask, "Are you coming?" I looked at the dead, then back at Raveaque, then back at them. "I, I'm coming." I said, turning away, away from something that, maybe, Huntor foresaw, something that, he might have seen coming. I followed Raveaque out of the little street, and into the open. Raveaque watched me, a solum look on his face. "Don't you dare start on me." I said, teeth bared. Raveaque shook his head, sorrow eddying into his gaze. "I'm sorry Zavala, I'm so so so—"Don't." I snarled. Raveaque backed down, eyes widening just the slightest. "I freezing hate everyone. Everyone's a heaping pile of dragon dung."

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