Chapter Fifteen: Ohhh, So, That's Why It's Called Indigo Apocalypse

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"Look Camille, calm down ok, can you do that." "Yes yes, yes, yes, yes, ok, just, yay, bout time we saw some real action." I sighed. "Give the phone back to Kitana." "I'm sorry." Kitana said dryly. "She's become apparently bored here." "Tough tits." I muttered. "Ok, you have the coordinates right? You know where to go?" "Yes, we'll be there." She answered. Then asked, "How's Leia?" "She's, she'll be ok." Indeed, she was on her feet, and walking through the royal tower with us currently. Everyone had taken one look at her, and ran in the opposite direction. Why, I had no idea, but it made getting to our rooms easier. We now were leaving them, all our possessions packed, ready for the voyage that we had to take. Qudorzo and his sister, along with Pheequa said they'd meet us at the docks. "We'll see you soon." I said as we rounded a corner, "I suspect we'll—" I froze, my words hanging off. Kitana sensed my silence and said, "I have some things to see to, good luck." Then, the call ended. I stared at the purple eyed beauty, stared at the armor she bore, the knives on her hips, and the warriors around her.
"Let me guess." I said. "Mommy told you to keep us here, or kill us." "The second." She said. Wenzi's hands lit with fire. "Well we're going, whether you like it or not." "Then we'll have to stop you." "Ha, you can try." Seeka said. Vileneequi waved her hand, and they, attacked.
    Ice dracon fans appeared in my hands and I jumped, bringing them down on Vileneequi. A sword seemed to fly into her hands and she spun, saying, "I've always wanted to do this." Her sword clashed against one of my fans. I brought the other one round, and she ducked, lashing out for my legs. I jumped and delivered a dragon kick to her gut. She went flying back, but landed and came for me again. I saw Seeka push Leia against a wall and stand in front of her, guarding her. Theia drew her own sword and attacked. Wenzi's hands glowed with fire and she swept through the little army, wrapping flames around them, lashing our with flaming swords. Like alternating blows, Wenzi's swords changed into flaming fans, as my ice fans changed into a blizzard. I swept them off their feet, ice, snow and wind like torrents of power sweeping through the hall. I suddenly brought my hands together, and they were all frozen in place. "You know Sarah, you killed my fun." Wenzi commented. "Well we both could've killed them where they stood." I noted. We turned and started hurrying through the halls to the entrance of the tower. We found Draco Raveaque and Zavala already there, Zavala covered in blood, a, lot, of blood.
    "Change of plans." I said as Theia tossed them their stuff. "We were found out, and will have warriors on our asses if we don't get to the skies right away." "Wait." I said, hand raised. They all turned to me, eying me. "We have to split up." I said. "What are you talking about?" Draco asked. "We're al going to rescue Huntor." Zavala said, voice cold. "No, we aren't." I said, staring into her face. "Huntor will want at least three here, to defend the Silver Plains when the spiders come." "Spiders?" Leia asked. "You three, along with them." I gestured to the other dracons, the ones who I never learned the names of. "Stay here, work with the Head, get those plains ready for war." Zavala snarled viciously. "If you think I'm going to just wait here while you all find my mate then you are sadly mistaken." Raveaque shook his head, as if he and her had this argument, several times while coming back. "Yeah, you are." Wenzi said, flames flowing over her hands. "Know why, because he needs you here, needs you to guard those he can't be there to guard. Do you know what he's facing, who, he's facing? We do, but you don't, because you don't know him, not like we do." Zavala snarled viciously and took several steps toward Wenzi. "Enough." I ordered. Everyone froze, even Zavala. "We don't have time for this, time to argue. Huntor is out there, he needs us, and we have to race against the clock. You three, along with them are staying, ready for batle. We have to go. Camille Kitana, Briella and the Jewel Twins, will go, will find him, will have to fight through an armada, but, will, find him, and hopefully stop the Queen from rising." 'And if you don't?" Draco asked. "Then we'd best prepare for the apocalypse, the indigo apocalypse."
I jumped on to Theia's back and she jumped off the edge, flapping hard for the antechamber. "Are they going to die back there?" Wenzi asked telepathically. "No, They'll unfreeze, right, about, now." I waved my hand, sending a gust of icy wind behind us. "Interesting." She sounded anything but interested. Theia flapped through the chamber, dracons paying us no mind as we flew pass. As we flew through the main doors and into the air, we weren't so lucky. Arrows were shot after us, castle guards who supporte the queen shouting as we dodged and wove through the statuary. Wenzi shot blasts of fire downward, and I knew not to tell her not to overuse her power, she was even moe powerful than when we first arrived, as I was. Clouds roiled overhead, thick, fluffy, and white. I smiled up at them, and let loose a battle cry. Thunder rumbled, and large hail stones dropped from above, none hitting us. I let power surge, brief, strong, deadly power. Winds knocked arrows out of the skies. Hail slammed into the guards, scattering them. "TO THE DOCKS THEIA." I shouted over the winds. "TO OUR ARMADA." Theia flew, a protective shield around us, as there was one around Wenzi and Seeka, as there was one around all of us. THunder boiled overhead, lightning flashing like talons. I brought my arms down. The sky opened up, winds blasting downward, never-ending stones falling. Theia landed on the deck of one of the ships, and Seeka landed behind her. Leia scrambled off Seeka's back with Wenzi and they hurried to a door, Leia leaning heavily on Wenzi. Guards ran toward us, still firing arrows. The ships were already sailing though, and I used a huge wave to push us out into the Mare Nebbioso, the Foggy Sea.
    When we were a good distance from the docks, I let my power fade, and spotted Qudorzo. He waved me over, and said, "We have nine warships, fifty dracon warriors on each, three elemental warriors on three of that nine." "Three on each?" He nodded. "All with winter gifts obviously, but we have some." "How long till we reach them?" "Possibly a day and a half, maybe three." "WHAT?" I shouted. "They left mer hours before we did." Qudorzo nodded gravely. "No matter what we use, we'll possibly get there during the third day." I swore and paced around. "Maybe you outta check on your friend, she wasn't looking too good." I nodded, and opened a door that lead below decks. I descended the staircase, and followed the sounds of vomiting. I knocked gently on the door, and opened it. Leia knelt before a bucket, Wenzi sitting on a bed beside her. She looked up, and gave me a smile. "I have to go and ask one of our dracons a question. But you're in good hands." Leia looked up and gave me a sloppy agonized smile. "Look at me, patron goddess Kimopoleia, and I get seasick. How very embarrassing." I gave her a cheeky grin. "No more than usual." She gave a weak laugh, and continued to puke over the bucket. I sat next to her, and ran my hand over her shoulder. Her heavy dark hair was in a tail, thanks to the pink pearl that held it there, the pink pearl that transformed into a shield. But her green dagger was nowhere in sight. She looked up, her usual gold bronze face a bit green and sickly. "I know you wanna ask." "Huh?" I asked, feigning ignorance.
    "What happen to me, how I got here, where the pearl and dagger came from." I shrugged. "Those are questions I've wondered since you nearly killed me and Huntor." She gave a weak laugh, and said, "I use to live in Florida." "Really, great, you, Hailey, Amelia, Briella." I ticked them off one by one. "Who's next, Kitana or Diana?" "Actually, I don't know where they're from." "I think Hell." I joked. Leia smiled. "But anyways, yes, I use to live in Florida, but we were very very poor, and had to live on the beach to survive." "Because of the fish." I said. A nod. "But it wasn't just, just, him and I." "Kaio and her." I thought. "There was seven of us, my, my, my mother was a whore, said she was proud of it. At least, my adopted mother. She purposefully took any man who came around if it got her money and sex." I remembered the months I spent under Khione, her cruel delight in freezing Alaskans and using their corpses to rape me. "She raved and gloated that she had a queen's body, did it all our lives. But if she wasn't in bed with someone, she was beating us around. Use to make me and Kaio watch as she slapped or kicked our younger siblings. Then would beat us harder." She bent over the bowl, well, bucket again, and vomited once more. "When we were ten, five years ago now, we realized we were different. Fish came to us easily, we found the best spots to find seaweed, we were able to predict sea storms, able to hide just before they hit, and be able to keep our shack together during them. When we were thirteen, that's when the water powers came, and we, well, we thought is was a gift at first, a gift from some God. But, wsoon she found out, and used us like toys. Use to starve us until we gave fresh water, use to bully the little ones until we did what she wanted." "Fuck." I muttered. "The beating got worse and worse over the years, and our powers grew and grew, so did our tempers. When we were fourteen, and this really bad storm hit, we discovered we could harness lightning, pure and undiluted. We did it in small bursts, used it to start fires to heat our baths, or cook the fish, but again, she found out, and, this was around, actually, I don't know, all I know is we were fifteen, how old I am now. But, she, it was storming that night, and our younger siblings were scared, as usual, and she was yelling and screaming, and beating them. We were gone, fishing, but when we came back, she was drunk, and, and, it was severely drunk, she, when, when we came back—"She killed them." I said quietly. "All of them were dead. She'd beaten them all to death, bashed them over the heads, beat their chests in, kicked and kicked them." Her eyes dripped with tears, but she didn't brush them away. "I lost it. I yelled and screamed at her, I, I, I, I felt this massive rage and then lightning was shooting out of me in this bright blue-white burst and the house was on fire. She yelled back and chased us outside. She was still swinging the beer bottle she'd used on them. Kaio and I just, we, we, we both felt it then, that rage, that anger, and we blasted her, put everything into it."
    I pressed myy lips against her cheek. "I'm sorry, but I'm not kissing that mouth." She gave another weak laugh. "I went back in the house, wanted to try, to try to save them, that's where the dagger and pearl appeared. I didn't know it was a shield until the ocean guard attacked us. But, but, well, everything after that was like a dream." "You're telling me this to explain that you don't know how you got here, how you even found us." She nodded mutely. "All I know is she, she, this is the second time she took over, and I don't want her to anymore. But I don't know how to fight it." She slid the pearl out of her hair and it fell around her face and shoulders in thick locks. She slid it on to her middle finger, and gave it a little flick. The shield spiraled outward, lookin like a pink umbrella of sorts. It shrank back and she took the pearl off. What I was today, what you found me as, I've never turned into that before. I've, I've, I've dreamed of it, dreamed I was this half human half fish thing swimming in the ocean, but, but, never did I actually become it." "Show me the shield again." I said. She complied, the pink shield spiraling outward again. A strap wrapped around her middle finger and thumb, and looped around her wrist into a kind of guard that immured her forearm up to the elbow. "Interesting." I said as she took it off. I rose, and held out a hand. She rose and, lifting the bucket with one hand, I held her's in the other and walked out the room. "What's the use of that, when you have telekinesis?" She asked in a snarky tone, getting some of her own harm back.
    "Don't wanna become weak from lack of lifting simple things." I said in a snarky tone. She laughed a little, and I opened the door to below decks by booting it open. "What size shoe do you wear?" "Why, so you can make fun of me?" "That depends on how small your feet are." "Four." I said primly." Leia laughed, hard. I elbowed her. "Bite me." I said. "Where?" She asked. A blush rose in my face as, the idea, of that mouth, once cleaned, on my body, on my breasts, between my legs, oh, oh, yeah. "Nowhere." I said. I dumped the bucket's contents overboard, and sat it down against the rail. "That's Qudorzo, that's Quedesha, and that's Pheequa. Any questions, you can't ask me, ask them. They won't kill you, probably." Leia's face sobered, "It's Huntor, isn't it, that's why we're sailing, to save him, and Sydney?" Guilt was clear on her face. I nodded. "The King?" I shook my head. "He's not a part of this, just the Snow Queen and her children." "Who I've never met." "Be grateful. Conceded cantankerous assholes all of them." I said. "To put it shortly." I added. Leia gave me a little grin and nodded.
    Hours later found us sitting on one of the decks near the port side of the ship, eating dinner. I just finished telling her everything that happened since we left the Symbol. Apparently in the human world, we were three days away from the winter solstice, coincidence? To put it shortly, hell no. Somehow, the Dark Queen managed to schedule her supposed rise to the shortest day of the year. I remembered how, a year ago, I was saved on the solstice, how Huntor and Audrey managed to get into Khione's stronghold of frozen dead, destroy them, and save me from her. Somehow, I was turning into a cynical person, because I had a sinking feeling that this year, we wouldn't be so lucky. THat this year would mark the end of the world. At least, as we knew it. "So, the Ragni Di Morte are under the command of the Queen, out to destroy, but then why did they keep stealing people, what was the point in that?" I shrugged. "I have no idea, I'm guessing you can ask Kitana and Camille when they get here." Leia forked a bit of fish, and munched on it. "SO we're to do battle in less than two days now?" She asked, gesturing to the darkening sky. "It seems that way." I said, feeling a sinking in my belly. Leia held up her hand, water rose from her goblet, and whirled around her fingers. "Show off." I muttered. I raised my much smaller hand, and ice formed. I flicked my fingers dramatically, and the ice shot out, sinking into the wood of the main mast. "Overkill." Leia commented. "If you two are done." Wenzi said dryly. She'd walked up on those silent dracon feet, making Leia jump. "We have a problem." "Just list them off." I said. "No, a serious one. I can't get in contact with Huntor. Telepathically, or, through the link he has with my dragon." I frowned. "That, that's not possible." I waved at Pheequa, she jumped from the main mast and landed by me. "I can't get in contact with Huntor." Wenzi said. "With telepathy, or, the dragon link." Pheequa's face paled. "Oh, Oh holy Molten Lord." "What?" I asked. She yelled for Qudorzo and Quedesha, honestly I was waiting for someone to shout, "Holy Jesus take the wheel." Then I remembered no one here was Christian, or for that matter, it most likely didn't exist.
    The three of them grouped together, whispering too low for dracon ears. At least, until Wenzi blasted the sky with fire, dramatic, but effective. "What in the dragon talons are you talking about?" She asked. "The, the, well, ok." Quedesha raised her hands. "Huntor has most likely been sedated with dragonesia, a drug that was rumored to have been created by the Snow Queen, rumored to have drastic effects on the dragon." "Great, but that doesn't explain—"Holy fucking shit." I muttered, cutting Wenzi off. "What?" Her and Leia asked. "She's back." "Who is?" Wenzi asked. Leia too looked confused. "She, but he killed her, I, watched, him kill her." Leia, catching on, added, "Wonder why Huntor never said what her powers were." "Because they were too horrifying to describe." I answered. "What the freaking—"One name." Leia said. "Amanda." I answered. Wenzi's mouth dropped open, then, of course, she said the first thing that came to mind, "She's dead." I nodded gravely. "I watched, we all did. He chopped her in half, right through the waist." "Gee, put me off dinner." Leia commented. "But, then, then, then, how—"I don't supposed either of you three know anything about this?" I asked harshly. "If, if, if one had the powers, the dark powers to sustain an immortal spiritual form, then, with the right dark magic, or power, she may be reborn into a new body that was prepared for her but someone with equal power." "Great. So, among gigantic mutant spider, the spider queen herself, the winter queen and her mongrels, an army of warriors, we now have a deadly assassin pro, most likely in a more powerful body than her last one." I said. "If you're saying what I think you are," Leia said. "Then how do we kill her, once and for all?" Pheequa spoke gently, and I already knew we wouldn't like the answer, "There is no way to kill someone like that. With every death, they grow more powerful, and, with that power, they become more and more unhinged." She placed her hands on my shoulders, "Do you know how many times she died?" "No, of course not, five minutes ago, I thought she was dead. But what you're insinuating sounds absolutely like the truth. The Bitch was already insane enough before, now she's gotta be down right, down right," I searched for a word, and came up empty. "Just, UGH, FUCK. This is a nightmare." They all looked on, seeming helpless. It struck me that, for once, I might actually have to step up, to step up, come up with a plan, to save my brother, his mate, and find a way to end Amanda, for good. "I swear, I hate indigo apocalypses." I said. Leia, nodded, her, agreement.

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