Chapter Twenty: Someone Make Me Feel Alive, And, SHATTER ME

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    A shy smile crossed my face as they all laughed at my comment, a comment that no one was expecting me to say, "Shouldn't I do that?" Huntor had squeezed my fingers. I was able to read him better now, and, it was the fact that the bond between us, the mating bond I had thought I'd broken, was still there,hidden deep between us, but still flickering. The kisses between us had kindled that fire, kindled to a small flame. I leaned against him as conversation continued. Tomorrow, we'd all most likely die, tomorrow, Huntor and I would do whatever we could, but possibly die, but now, now, we'd be free, have fun, and live. He rested a hand on my thigh, and heat sparked from his fingertips, into my thigh, and up, up, up, up, and between my legs. Slowly, he stroked it, running his fingers over, over, over, until my head lolled on to his shoulder, drunk on the sensation. An iPhone rang out, an insistent ring of, "Oy, oy you, oy you there, it's your son, yeah, your son, your lovely little boy, your bad child son." I lifted my head, and Huntor's fingers paused. Camille shouted, "JEFF JEFF." Then she whipped out a multicolored phone, answered it, and screamed, "JEFF JEFF." I looked at Qudorzo, who stared in wonder at her. "Her device has, an, interesting signal." Huntor just shrugged. "It's Camille for you." She continued to squeal, and make insistent, quote unquote, "Mommy-Birdie." Sounds, this from Briella. "How very warrior-like." She said, swigging deeply from her goblet. "Holy shit, you mean you tweeted and didn't tell me? Hold up, what did you put on insta now?" Silence, then, "Well shit that's awesome sun, yay, maybe I'll tweet some of the battle on Twitter, or shoot some vids for Instagram." Qudorzo coughed pointedly, Huntor just sighed. "Or, maybe not. But anyway, be sure you put hashtag love Mommy on there, and hashtag save the world too." Everyone rolled their eyes at that. Camille continued to coo and cream, and make those Mommy-Birdie sounds. Sarah looked up at the dark sky. "Should we get to bed? We barely have time to catch some real sleep before we all die." Huntor agreed, and helped me up, his arm gentle around my waist. I remembered how skittish I was, well, skittish wasn't the right word. Terrified, horrified of what I'd done, been forced, to do. Horrified, tormented, and partially demented. But Huntor had brought me back, brought me into the light, he'd help me become strong enough to shatter myself, to break away and be something better, to come out fo the dark, and into the light. And what did I do, what did I do to repay him? I tried to shatter the mating bond, and nearly killed him, sending him into such a pit of despair, and, nearly kill himself, saved by Camille Lorna and Briella. But now, now, now he'd found me by accident, and, and, and acted like nothing was wrong, that we were still together, still in deep love, or, kept up the pretense to keep questions at bey. What had Joy said, "I won't ask? I'm not gonna ask?" Yeah, there were things we had to talk about, had, to do.
    Huntor lead me to a doorway, and we descended the stairs. Everyone else went further down, but Huntor lead me off to one side, and opened a locked door with his telekinesis. The room was huge, and had, "Oh, wow." I breathed. A wall of windows stood against the far wall, looking out over the water. A huge bed in the center of the room, and stools with bowls of gems and odd things sitting around. "I, commandeered, the Captain's quarters for the night." He said, walking and sitting on the bed. I smiled openly, safe, safe to do so around him. "Did you threaten him?" I asked. A spark of fire in that vivid sapphire-blue eye. "No, well, perhaps." He said innocently. "Perhaps I stated simply that, in a battle of wills, he was outmatched, perhaps I simply stated that, in a battle of the talons, he was still outmatched, and that I and my mate outrank him." I laughed, oddly flattered, and, dare I say it, roiled just the right way by the idea of him going toe-to-toe with someone over a room for me. I stepped toward him, feeling that heat pound in me with every step. "I, I don't—"Shh." He said. "Drop it Syd, I'm willing to drop it all, and forgive you." "But I hurt you, hurt you badly." "Well then, I guess you'll have to make it up to me, won't you?" His voice was sly, but in that eye, in that beautiful blue eye, there was that same heat, that same demanding, crude, horrifyingly hot heat. I smiled at him, and stepped slowly toward him. "I've only done this once, and under my dragon's influence." My voice was an inhuman purr. "DO what you want, not her, you." I stopped, inches from him. I reached up, and slowly, began, to, strip, him.
    When he was naked from the waist up, I froze, admiring the plains of lean, really, really, lean muscles, lean, and yet pronounced. The six pack on his belly, the smooth skin, his strong arms, those deft fingers that could manipulate wind, water, and my own body. But those fingers stayed still, arms limp, he leaned back, exposing his body to me. My eyes flamed with hunger. Mine, this, him, he was mine, it felt right, felt, true, felt, home, home to be near him, to see him. My fingers shook slightly as I reached for his belt, unbuckled it, and slowly opened his pants, the zipper sounding loud in the pounding heat of our silence. Slowly, I pulled his pants down, and let them fall. I stared at his undershorts, the long thin cock erected proudly. I slowly pulled the shorts down, gently easing them over the length of him. I stopped, and stared at him, his body laid flat out, in a way I knew he would never let anyone else see. He managed to look both relaxed, and insouciant, like he could care less to the fact his body was bare to anyone who'd just so happen to step in and see. Then, I asked quietly, "Do you want to strip me?" "I think, I'll just watch. In my own way." He purred. I reached for my shirt, for the laces that held it together. I slowly began to untie them, flipping my fingers through, slowly, very, slowly. Soon, the blue material they called a braw was slowly exposed, holding my breasts in place. As they were slowly uncovered by the shirt, I saw his eye darken with lust. I smiled, and said, "You like?" He gave me that wolfish grin, that grin that made me hotter. I let the shirt fall, and stood there for a moment, a braw over my breasts, then, I hooked my fingers into the buckle over my pants, unhooked it, and let them fall, slowly. I stepped free, and drew closer, letting him see, smell, know, feel. I began to unhook the braw, and let it fall from my breasts. I went for the band that surrounded my waist. I hooked my fingers into it, and drew the panties down, and, stepped on to the bed.
    Huntor laid flat out, his face pointed ot the ceiling, eye closed. His cock was still up, still proudly displaying his desire, as if I needed it to tell me. Between us, the small fire steadily grew, hotter, hotter, bigger, bigger, bigger. As if I hadn't destroyed it at all, as if it were merely asleep, and was now awoken. My legs were spread as I crawled toward him, liqquid dripping down them from excess desire. "I've missed you." I said breathlessly. "Show me." He purreed. I paused, my body over his, gently, I let my hand graze his belly, the hard muscles, smooth skin. His belly twitched involuntarily. "Scaredy-cat." I hoked. He murmured something that had me gasping for breath and lowering my breasts over his chest. As if he sensed it, his body tightened, as if trying to resist touching me. I rubbed my breasts gently against his chest, surprised to feel intense pleasure from the small contact. I pressed harder against his skin, and felt him jerk, felt his cock press against me. I gasped and moaned. "I can't do this." I said, and grabbed him. He groaned, as I pressed him against me, and slowly, slowly, drove, him, in.
    The sensation, the sensation of him back, him in me, filling me, spreading me, it made me moan loudly. "Another benefit to having this room, is that no one can hear us." He smiled at me, his eye opening, showing me dark blues with flashing lightning. I kissed him, my forked tongue sliding out, sparking against his, then, I slowly rose, and fell, rose, and fell, rose, and fell, rose, and, fell. I road him slowly, road him deeply, rising and falling ove rhim, moaning loudly as the sensations flashed through my body. I planted my palms over his shoulders, and began to move faster, plunging him harder, deeper into me. Harder, harder, harder, harder, harder, harder harder harder harder harder. Huntor finally cried out in pleaure, his groan filling me with a primal lust that made me move harder, roiling and rolling over him, completely taken over by the need, the love, the craving for him. My breasts grazed his body as I arched and roiled over him like a serpent, flexing and recoiling, my walls tightening around him, releasing, then tightening again. I rocked harder, faster over him, shoving him deeper in me, harder in me. Finally, finally, Huntor broke. His arms banded around my waist, yanking me down over him. I moaned a laugh, then cried out in pleasure as his hands gripped my rounded butt, and squeezed, hard. "Oh yes." I moaned. "Squeeze it, squeeze it good Huntor, yes, yews yes, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes." His body vibrated under me as he thrusted his hips up, shoving himself harder in me, making me moan louder, moan harder. "YES." I yelled. "Yes yes yes yes yes, harder harder harder harder harder, HARDER."
    My mind was blasted over and over, hot licks of fire that bloomed in my mind, in my soul, in my heart, in my very being. Tendrils that wove together once more. I moved harder, even harder against him, bodies coiling, him so deep in me that the spot, that one spot that would make me cry out was just out of reach. Or at least, I thought, it was. A finger pressed against the bundle of nerves on me, a finger that wasn't gentle, pressing hard and stroking fast. I lost it, moaning so loudly that I was certain they heard us down below. "HUNTOR, HUNTOR HUNTOR HUNTOR HUNTOR HUNTOR HUNTOR, YESS YESS YESS YESS YESS HUNTOR." He pushed himself harder in me, bucking relentlessly, shoving deeper and deeper. THat finger didn't stop, it kept stroking, kept pressing against me, and that finger, combined with him crashing in me, slamming over and over, thrusting deep, so deep that, I cried out, Huntor's cock hitting that spot deep in me, as his finger pressed hard. The climax hit and I screamed, shouted, my body trembling with the force of it. "HUNTOR HUNOR HUNTOR HUNTOR HUNTOR HUNTOR ahhh, ahhh ahhh ahhh yess yess yess yess yess HUNTOR." I moaned as the climax took over me completely.
I woke up, my leg wrapped lazily over Huntor's hip, my mouth close to his, hair a tangled mess over us both. For a moment, I just watched him. Watched him sleep, just like the last time, and yet, so, unlike the last time. Lonely, scared, horrified of my own body, haunted by the nightmares I lived through. I knew that I was always going to b haunted by them, knew that, in every sense, that those nightmares made me who I was, what, I was. I was Sydney, Huntor's mate, I was who I wanted to be, out of the darkness, I was in the light now. I stroked his face, enjoying the feel of his soft skin, beautiful skin. I looked down at him, looked at what I'd done to him. Done to him, and, myself. I had road him. I had taken him in me willingly, and road him. No nightmares, no dragon forcing me. I had done it willingly. I licked my lips, my pink tongue back to normal. He wasn't hard, wasn't active, well, not yet. Could I do that? Could I, willingly, knowingly, truly do that? I wanted to, wanted to try, but, but, but, I wasn't sure if I could. Instead I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. Huntor's body tightened, tightened like a stiff board, then, he relaxed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and played with my butt. I moaned and pulled away. "You like squeezing my buttt don't you?" He grinned. "What can I say, it's all rounded," squeeze, "Firm," squeeze, "Pliable," squeeze, "And it turns on my mate too." I moaned hard, brain going fuzzy. "Stop it." I said in a moan. "You're fogging my head up. I had this whole idea going." "Oh, is that right?" He asked. I nodded. "I wanted to wake you up with it." "But instead, you woke me up with kissing." I nodded, still moaning from his hands working my cheeks, squeezing one, then the other, then one, then the other, then both. "That feels so good, oh Huntor, Baby, it feels, so, good." I pressed myself against him, finding him hard as a rock. He laughed deeply and ran his teeth over my neck. I slapped his hands away. "Away away away. I wanna do this." I said. He laughed. "I love you Sydney, I swear I do." It filled my heat with fire, and fueled the fire between us. I grabbed him with both hands. Huntor went udderly still. "Now I have your attention." I murmured. "Your's, and, his." I leaned down, drawing my face closer to him. Huntor's breathing increased, increased as, as he realized, just, what, I, was, going, to, do.
I closed my mouth over him,  and, he, groaned, arching backward against the bed. "I thought you'd like that." I said around him. In response, he twitched in my mouth. I rolled my tongue around him, enjoying the silky feel of him, the slight salty flavor of his own desire. I scraped my teeth against him and he growled in pleasure. I lowered my mouth, sinking him deeper in, letting him brush against the back of my throat. Huntor gasped, and his cock jerked in my mouth. I felt and tasted a pulse of desire, shooting out like a current of electricity. He gasped and I lowered over him again, moving my mouth faster, harder, closing my lips entirely, and roiling my tongue around him. Huntor gasped over and over, his pleasure evident in the defined muscled that were exposed fully, in how he gritted his teeth, eye closed, face filled with agonized pleasure. I scraped my teeth over him, again, again, again, again. He jerked and twitched in my mouth, then, "Oh holy Hera Sydney, holy, freaking, Poseidonas Sydney." I surged him deeper in my mouth, and his climax hit, squirting his desire in, his whole body shuttering in the throws of passion. Finally, he laid back, and I felt him soften a little in my mouth. I licked him, cleaning him up. I wasn't sure why, in the dark days of before, I never did this, never licked the men clean, hell, after they climaxed, they just pulled way and was done. But Huntor was different, I wanted to clean him, to care and do this. And he didn't seem to mind it either.
    I climbed back to his side, and laid next to him. He looked to be at peace, face soft, satisfied, then, he grinned and said, "No one, ever, ever, licked me clean. Then again, I never let them try so." "I love you." I found myself saying. "I love you, so much, so so so much." I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "I love you too, but I'm not kissing you." I laughed. "I'm sure I'd say the same thing if you went, what's the phrase Briella said, went down on me." He grinned, and kissed my cheek. I rolled off the bed, and stood, searching curiously for my clothes. "This is a stupid question, but, are you ready?" Ready, ready to face the Dark Queen in the flesh, to finally confront that face, ready to fight and battle and defend. "I don't know." I said distractedly. "I'm scared—"Well I'd consider you a fool if you weren't, and a liar." He said. "But, I don't know, something in me says I'm ready, says I need to stop hiding in rooms, in the dark, need to use the light, need to be stronger." "Let me tell you something." He said, putting his hands on his hips as he rose. "Before, when I started the indigo, we read books, read stories to figure out what we were. The Percy Jackson series, Heroes Of Olympus series, yada yada. I wasn't able to introduce the newer stories I was going to. But honestly, no tale, no book, no poem can foretell what we become. Kitana is the daughter of Thanatos, and yet, she has werewolf powers and instincts. Can produce literal death with a black darkness. She read the stories, and yet, became something completely different. I thought I would just be me, a descendant of Poseidon, the sea god. But instead, I'm an IndoDragon. Half indigo, half dragon, created by the snow queen. As Sarah was created, as you, were created. Through all that, no one can truly speak our prophecies, no one can say one thing, and think it'll be the future. As I've said, Kitana can produce pure death, she can sweep death across the lands, can, can, can." He paused, a light glowing in his eye. "Holy freaking frozen Dragon Talons." He cursed. "The prophecy." "What?" I asked. "Darkness." He muttered. "Horrors unleashed, as a precursor to death." "Huh?" I asked, truly confused. "Holy freaking shit." He said. Then he shook his head. "Never mind. If I say something then it'll change." I rolled my eyes. He started to dress, and said, "We'd best get up there, skies knows don't wanna be late." I laughed.
In fact, we weren't late, we were one of the first ones up and moving. Huntor lead me across the main deck of the huge ship. I saw the tall black haired male Qudorzo talking with someone who looked like his twin, then the little shorter blonde female, her blue wings neatly folded. Huntor arrowed toward them. "Qudorzo, we need to talk." He said. "Ah Huntor, yes, I need to ask, are you fighting in this battle?" I frowned, I thought we were. Huntor said, "No, no we aren't." "Huh?" I asked. "Why?" Qudorzo nodded. "We just finished talking about it. Most likely this is nothing but a distraction and diversion so they can finish whatever they're doing for the Dark Queen. That when we defeat this armada, then there'll be another on the way." "Ragni Di Morte." Pheequa said. Qudorzo nodded. "Yes, most likely they will be sending a force down here to deal with us, to check for survivors." Huntor nodded. "Yes, and that's when my people will truly bring out their powers." I waved my hands. "What?" "What they want, is us, all the indigo, to waste our powers on this armada. To use our indigoism to fight, rather than steel and or claws. But we aren't. We're going to use steel, wit, everything we woudl have if we were human. Just to prove that humans can fight these beings." Huntor said. "When the spiders come, that is when we will use out powers." He pointed to one of the tallest mountains straight ahead. "That is where they will be, where she'll be now, in her tomb, we will go there, and do whatever we can to stop them." Everyone started coming, and Huntor took my hand and lead me up a staircase to one of the quarter decks. "Come, time to eat." "I just did." I teased. He kissed my forehead, then my nose. "I brushed my teeth." I said. He grinned. "So I smell." Then we sat down, and started eating." After a time, Camille and Joy came up, and I couldn't help to notice both looked, rested, and, a bit wild eyed. Then Kitana came, and spoke to Huntor. He rose, and I followed him.
She handed us new indigo crowns, and glasses, somehow knowing who's went to who's. Then demonstrated how they worked. Then, as we all were gathered, as we all were around, the weight of the reality, wore down on us all. Soon, I found myself by the main mast, waiting for Huntor, waiting, for the end of the worlds. The ship moved, a steady beat of hearts, of the dracons rowing us. I watched Huntor approach Camille and Sarah, who sat on the rail, legs swinging gently. Kitana joined them, and they spoke for a time. Then, both girls flipped backward over the rail, and into the water. Dracons swore and hurried to the side. Camille's body began to glow as she shifted and changed, transforming into a huge beast. Ahead of us, a sapphire-blue dragon pierced the surface and roared her challenge, then sank beneath the water. Huntor returned to my side as Kitana moved to her side of the ship. Huntor pulled me into the mast, and his mouth crushed against mine. He shoved me against the wall, and his hands gripped my breasts, hard. I cried out in surprise and pleasure, grinding myself against him. His tongue slashed out like a knife, shoving into my mouth. My tongue burned as it shifted, as it became forked, forked with three prongs. He bent me backward, and I moaned, the position making me go blind with hunger. He opened my shirt, lifting my braw faster than I could even catch enough breath to moan, let alone say anything coherent. His mouth attacked my right breast, nipping and scraping his teeth over it. Then scraping between them. He pushed hard against me, rubbing against my bundle of nerves, making me gasp and moan harder. "Huntor, ahhhh-ahhh, Huntor." I moaned, crying out as the pressure became to much for me to handle. He pushed me against the wall, rubbing harder and harder against me, making me grind and press harder against him. Finally, it was all just too much, the heat between us, the roiling fire, him against me, his mouth on me, fingers scratching and scraping. I moaned, "In me, in me, in me right now." He was already yanking down my pants, his own already down. I jerked hard, moaning loudly as he sank into me, sank up to the hilt, sank deep and fast. He pumped hsi hips, nothing gentle, nothing soft as he pounded his way inside me, thrusting harder and harder within. I threw my head back, unable to do anything but scream as he thrusted and shoved his way in. His mouth found mine, and, crushing it hard against me, he threw himself harder into me, until the climax hit both of us, hard, deep, and filled with roiling flames. He slowly pulled out, and righted my clothes for me. "Well, aren't you, sweet." I said, breathless. He kissed my hard. "I don't intend on that being the last time we make love, nor, will I let either of us be sacrificed like animals." He dressed himself, and we climbed the ladder, windy air hitting us, and, the sound, of, silence. Together, we stood, and, watched the ships across the demarcation line. Huntor tapped my headband. "Best change into our suits of armor eh? See just how well the glasses work." "At your behest." I said in a snarky whisper.
    As the battle begun, Huntor spoke in my mind, "The mountain straight ahead, that is the tallest of the—"The tallest mountain of the Spines and the Talons." I thought back. "Yeah, I got that." I turned my attention back to the battle, then, snapped back around, staring at Huntor with wide green eyes. "Huntor." I thought. "Yes." He answered nonchalantly. I gasped, then, there was an explosion. Quedesha's ship went up in flames, as did the ship to our port, where Kitana was fighting. I saw Camille's huge dragon shadow, fighting in the water, riping into ships. "You had her turn into a dragon." I noted obviously. Huntor nodded. "I figured I'd be a Dio Indaco of legends, of ancient tales." "Is that tales as in tales, or, as in tails." "T a l e s." He said, rolling his eye. We faced ahead, watching the battle. Through the mask, I flipped through the different colors of the spectrum, marveling over it, when a fireball jettisoned forth and slammed into our ship. "I've always wanted to say this." Huntor thought, then, out loud, he shouted, "ABANDON SHIP." Huntor wrapped his arms around me, and soon, we were falling. I opened my mouth to scream, but when I saw Huntor, I saw he was calm, face blank, and, strangely peaceful. We slid into the water with barely a ripple, and I felt air around my face, and, began to breathe. "How—"I have my ways." Huntor said. "Where are we going?" I asked as we zoomed below Camille and Sarah, and toward the opposite side. "We're going to fight the spiders, head them off before they get here, or, there, or, somewhere over the rainbow." Despite it, I, laughed.

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