Chapter Nine: Males Are So Egotistical, Except Maybe Huntor

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    Huntor stepped between them. "Listen to me when I say, I expected this. I knew that I'd make enemies of the queen and royal family." "But Huntor, they're planning to kill you, from the sound of it, have been for a long time." "I know." Huntor said. "After what you and your brothers told me about the queen, I spoke to the other renegade snow dracons, they all say the same thing about her. So I started my own plans." "What?" Draco asked. Huntor nodded. "I didn't want to say anything until the time was right, but, meh." He shrugged. Draco spun to Seeka and Theia, "Did you know about this?" Seeka shook her head, "I knew Huntor was planning something several steps ahead, but, well, he's always had contingencies, always." Draco snarled. Theia snarled, "Enough Draco, Huntor is what holds this court together, we don't need fighting amongst each other." "Right, a renegade court that was founded on lies and broken laws." Zavala snarled, but her's was drowned out by Raveaque's own snarl. Huntor must've done something because neither sibling attacked. "Are you questioning my leadership, my, authority?" Huntor's voice was just as soft, as, frozen, as it was when he faced off with Vileneequi. "Yes." Draco said. Raveaque snarled. "Enough Draco." But Draco stepped. forward. Huntor snarled violently, and Draco stumbled back, as if something yanked hard on him.
    "Don't make me do this Draco." Huntor snarled. Draco snarled back, and fell to his knees. The sound of them hitting marble cracked through the room, and my heart stumbled as I eyed Huntor, saw. The ire in his face, the inhuman ire, and, knew. Draco roared in agony, and no one, not even Wenzi, stopped him, as Huntor stepped forward. "I understand you Draco, I understand why, but, I, will, not, have you question me like this, and fight among our. Members. You wanna fight, you take it up with the guards downstairs. Or, you take it up with me." Nothing human, nothing remotely human in that face, in that eye, in that body, though he hadn't shifted beyond his talons. And face, beyond the scales that ran up and down his body. Fear, true and undaunted, surged through me, as Huntor bared his fangs. Zavala even stumbled away. The girl had no lust in her face, nothing but fear as Huntor let a little of what was within go, as he unleashed a little of the dragon inside. Huntor just wasn't a demmidracon, he wasn't just half dracon, half indigo, he, was, half IndoDragon, half indigo. He was a part of a rare species of dragons. Even I and Wenzi, who had to be IndoDragons, we stumbled away from the ire and power that radiated off him in pouring torrents. "Forgive me Huntor." Draco stammered. "I meant no disrespect, please, I apologize." It took me a few moments to realize he'd spoken in the dracon tongue, in Italian. Not only that, but, I, understood him. From Wenzi's face, she did too.
    Huntor nodded. "Rise Draco." Then, Huntor announced his plan. After he did, he went into his room, and Draco followed. Zavala looked like she wanted to follow, but Huntor must've commanded she stay behind. She snarled, but looked like she couldn't move. I faced Theia, "What are we going to do?" I asked the dracon. But before she could give an answer, Huntor and Draco appeared. Draco seemed calmer, but Huntor looked like he was indeed planning something several steps ahead of everyone. He lifted his iPhone to his face, checking something. "We have half an hour until my happy fun time with the head dragon and his guards, well, Wenzi and I." "Won't that be fun?" Wenzi asked. Huntor shrugged. "If not fun, then it'll get us killed." Zavala snarled. "I've always wanted to go out in a blaze of glory." She accented her words with a fire flashing to life on her hands. He faced me, "And I want you to come with us." "Huh, why?" I asked. "You might learn a thing or two. There's presents for you there." I raised my eyebrows, now truly interested. "Huh?" Wenzi asked. Huntor just gave her a wolfish grin. Then he frowned, as if something just flashed across his mind. "A Bitch in heat." I wondered if he realized he spoken aloud, but of course, it was Huntor, he meant it. "What are you thinking?" Seeka asked, but Huntor just shook his head. "Let's go have some fun." He said. I had to figure, one of these days, that line would be my downfall. Meeting the head dragon was so different from what I first thought of. Then again, I couldn't really think much since we flew, and most of my thoughts were filled with, "Shit shit shit shit shit, shit, shit, shit, damn damn damn damn, shit shit shit." Yeah, a dracon afraid of heights, how sad. Vileneequi and Veevuqui would so, be laughing, or snarling, or both. Then bullying me more than they did Huntor. Daqutos would certainly do it. Raveaque was gentle though, proving he was in action, as he was in speech. He glided rather than flew, easing through the air with gentle care.
I knew it was a mask. That Raveaque's smooth kind gentle nature was to hide the warrior within. In a sense, it reminded me of Joy and Luna. How Joy was the wily one, unhinged, problematic, dangerous, a flaming hot pit, and that wasn't swearing, it was the actual facts. Luna was the calm relaxed river, or, maybe even lake. They balanced each other out evenly, and you could tell they loved each other. But Draco and Raveaque, Draco was the definition, of fire, even if he was a snow dracon. His very essence was fire. Every word that was spat out was flame, while Raveaque was stone, or a gentle breeze. Raveaque flapped his wings and began to lower, flowing through the huge doors into the antechamber of the castle. Seeka swerved violently, Wenzi's flaming red hair flashing in the sun. Huntor, who road Draco's back, raised his arms as Draco dove, rose, then dove again. Then we were outside, and Draco rose higher, higher, higher still. I saw everyone watching them as they rose up into the air, up to the clouds that dotted the skies. Then, I screamed, and so did Seeka, Theia, and Zavala, screamed, because Huntor jumped off Draco's back, and dove, dove, dove, skydiving in the most extreme way possible. Draco's body went limp, and he dived too. Raveaque's body stiffened, as if telling me he wasn't going to give me the same treatment.
"If you did." I whispered. "I'd kill you, in the most brutal way possible." Raveaque rumbled, as if in agreement. Draco's body spun slowly, rolling through the air. Huntor's body was in an eagle's form, as if he really were flying, flying toward his death. Huntor rolled, spinning, and no doubt screaming out his pleasure. Then I heard it, heard, him. I heard his roar, faint, very, very faint at first, then it grew louder, louder, louder. Huntor's scream wasn't a scream, so much as a roar of triumph, a roar of power, passion, desire, a roar of defiance. Then he flashed his arms, and Draco's wings flashed out, sending a blast of cold air down toward us, and sounding like thunder. Huntor grabbed Draco's taloned forearms, and they rose, then gently fell. Raveaque let out a sigh of relief, and gently flew toward the guard's training area. When we landed, Zavala raced toward Huntor, and threw her arms around his waist. I frowned, because I was so certain she wanted to snarl at him, snarl and bitch, just like I did. But Raveaque rested his dragon head against my arm. I thought, and realized just how bad it would be if Huntor's court started snarling and yelling at him for his choices, as if he gave them permission to question him. I nodded, and walked toward them. "You, dear Huntor, are a freaking daredevil." Was the only thing I would say before passing him, and facing the huge dracon male watching us. "I'd guess you're the Head Dragon?" He nodded. "I have three of my very best working with you today. Qudorzo, Quedesha, and Pheequa." "Now I'm sorry, but I'm stupid. So I am going to need your help pronouncing those names." I said. The head's lips twitched, but didn't smile. "Qudorzo, you pronounce it, kuh-dor-zo. Quedesha—"So, every name is spelled with a q u, but pronounced with a k?" I asked. He nodded. "Oh, ok then, that makes my life so much easier. Then that other, Pheequa, just p-h-e-e-q-u-a?" "You pick up fast." A female said. "It took me weeks to figure out their names." I gave her a shy smile.
    "There you go." Pheequa said as I spun, and brought my fan up. We'd been working for a few days now, and through that time, Huntor, Wenzi, and I, learned the Dragon's Flight, the Dragon Dive, the Dragon Talon, and plenty others. I spun and danced back, lashing out with a Dragon Wing, then returning with a Dragon Whip. "Perfect." Pheequa said, baring her fangs in a feral smile. Since working with them, they showed us how to use out dracon side more than human. How to fly, to swim like a dragon, how to fight like one. To use our tails as whips, our wings as the very fans we fought with. Pheequa dove at me, faster than I could see. My dragon took over and I spun, my tail whipping up and slamming against the side of her horned head. Pheequa went flying, but rolled and sprang again. I dove, sending snow spraying into her face as a distraction, then sending an ice dagger up for her underbelly. She barely managed ot avoid the blade and landed feet away, grinning. A gong rang out, and we turned, facing the rest of the training area. The head was standing to one side, watching us work. He nodded, impressed with his charges, and said, "Lunch. Everyone has a ten minute recess afterward." I had come to charish those recesses. Pheequa and I walked toward the tables where food was laid out. A dracon male stared at my stomach openly and I bared my fangs. He looked away. Every dracon female was tall and fit, muscled with flat bellies. I, on the other hand, was short, a bit on the chubby side, and proud. Though my belly was now flat, my hips, butt, and breasts were still a bit hefty. I actually snarled at every male who stared at my belly openly, then the head actually broke up a fight I got in to with a dracon male. So, now, if they stared, I just bared my fangs, and threatened to castrate them. They might not of been werewolves, but apparently they still had their pride in their dicks like them. Once again, my first teacher, Kitana, was right. I ate fast, shoveling the food in just how I was taught. Eat, because during battle, the luxury of enjoying food wasn't an option. Eat, because in the next moment, you might be needed.
    I set down my plate, and dove at my cup, drinking fast and deep. Pheequa chuckled and said, "Don't choke darling." I flipped my finger, gasped, and took deep breaths. I stretched, rubbed my flat belly, and grinned like a demon. After eating, everyone milled around, breathing, enjoying every minute of their recess. "How are things?" Huntor's voice behind me. My ears quirked up, my dracon, my dragon going alive at his presence. Huntor packed on more muscle, though he was still lean like a panther, he was taller too. His face grew up more, became more eternal, more God-like. I wasn't sure if he noticed. His braids were longer too, all thanks to you-know-who, they fell to his elbows, and got him noticed by every female. 'I'm fine." I told him. "How are things with you and Qudorzo?" "He's awesome to say the least." Huntor smiled, face lighting with genuine affection for the male. I took his taloned hand, feeling the power there, the barely hidden strength underneath. His talons were long, three inches of serrated viciousness. He was dressed in his semi-armor, if it could be called that. A turquoise dragon scale shirt, indigo pants made from the same scales, and his boots. Oh, and those braces too. "We're doing navel battle next, you should join in." "Why? So you can see me all wet and soaked?" He gave me that wolfish smile, that smile that made me wet inside, though the sensation was faint, telling me that I wasn't just getting ove rhim, that what I felt was normal. Qudorzo told me that we apparently experience something called the Volken—"Volken? Isn't that a Roman god?" He laughed. "Yes, though I think the spelling is different I think."
    He shrugged, and said, "You should join us though." "Wait, what's the Volken." "Oh right, it's basically the dragon version of going into heat." He grinned, and heat bloomed in me. "Apparrently since the three of us haven't had it, the rfirst time is going to be the hardest. We'll apparently be near feral, needing nothing but sex and will do anything to get it." "And?" I purred. "And I'm telling you so you're aware. Wenzi said she'd find someone, but—"But you wanted to tell me because you don't know who you want to share that with. Because you have so many offers lined up for you." He rolled his eye, but I knew he wasn't offended. "I'm ok if you choose Zavala, you know that." He shrugged. "I don't know when it is, he says that it usually happens to us during the winter months, which has already started." "How long do they last?" "Usually two weeks, though the firsts can last a month." "That doesn't sound so bad." "Tell that to the ones who go through it." I shrugged. "Maybe I'll choose Zavala, skies knows the girl has been begging me to take her." "So do it." I said. The gong rang out, and dracons moved toward their next stations. Qudorzo came toward us, Pheequa by his side. "Sarah, we're going to do a little navel battle gtraining." "Great, yippee." I said sarcastically. We walked toward the water, the water that was eighty feet deep, suited for their underwater battling. When we ffirst tried it, I was horrified at the idea of holding my breath for more than thirty seconds, let alone for two hours, then to fight while doing it. But now. "Race you." I challenged no one in particular, and ran. Son, I heard Huntor's even breathing as he neared my ass. "Show off." I muttered, pouring on the speed. I jumped, rolling through the air, but Huntor dove in under me and made barely a ripple as she went into the water.
    I landed, making a big splash. Ignoring the looks I knew I got, I dove after Huntor, who was flying through the water, his bigger wingspan helping him along with his crocodile-like tail. Suddenly, he spun, and his tail came up, slashing for my face. I whipped around and our tail entangled. He pulled and I felt his foot hit my ass. I gritted my teeth, knowing that was a perverted love tap. Again, he spun, bringing a fan up and around, performing the Dragon Wing. I dove aside, sending my own ice fan toward him. He vaporized it into bubles and we faced off. Then Pheequa and Qudorzo came out of nowhere for us. As if in one mind, Huntor and I, attacked together. Four hours later found us in one of the royal social halls, where dracons danced for the royals amusement as they snacks and socialized. My hair, as usual, was out, flowing to my buttt, and I was seated by Huntor's right, Zavala to his left. At least us three seemed bored with the whole ordeal. Raveaque and Draco stood guard, while Wenzi Seeka, and Theia weren't permitted to join. Huntor, instead of insisting on it, let the matter drop. I remembered how the Queeen, Veevuqui and that other one were planning Huntor's death, remembered how he took it so easily, telling me he was already planning something ten, maybe even twenty steps ahead of everyone else. Veevuqui, speaking of the devil, is it considered devil if you're a dracon? Anyway, she came over, and sat by me, leaned over me as if I didn't exist, and said to Huntor, "So, I hear your dragon's Volken is coming soon." He quirked an eyebrow. "I guess. Why do you ask." "I wondered if you've chosen anyone to be your partner." She said innocently. I didn't fail to notice Zavala's head snapping up like a wolf, and her gaze landing on me, then Huntor. Oh Zavala hadn't known, hadn't even guessed that we were dragon enough to have the Volken, or that Huntor would even consider sharing it with anyone. "I don't know, I haven't decided." "Well, I'm willing to share some options with you, if you'd like." Oh yeah there was no way for anyone not to notice the way she spoke, or the way her voice deepened, or how she rose just enough to expose her breasts. I was more than annoyed. "Ok, you can get off me now." I shoved up and she went flying back. She caught herself just before she fell. "If you wanna court him, you can do it on your own two feet, or is it four?" She bared her fangs, but just brushed off the shirt she wore. "Think on my offer." She said. Then, she was gone.
Zavala watched her walk away, ire written all over her face, then she stared at Huntor. "Is it true, will you go through the Volken?" He shrugged. "It looks like that." She scooted closer to him. "And if you do?" Her eyes were hopeful and wide. I felt like a third wheel, and searched around the room for Seeka or Theia, hell, even Wenzi. But someone else caught my eye, and sneered. "Excuse me lovebirds, or, love-dragons." I said, and rose. Huntor's attention went to me, then across the room, and he snarled. Daqutos was glowering at me with the ice of a thousand glaciers, and only I would ever know the truth in that saying. I held my head high, and walked over to him. "Is there something I can help you with?" I asked. He sneered up at me, his hands busy in a female's shirt. He didn't answer, just continued groping and sneering. I leaned forward, "Daqutos, is there something I can help you with?" He bared his fangs, "Unless you wanna take this Bitch's place." "Since I don't have a doggy tail, I'm going to presume you didn't mean it that way. Because, nerp, that's disgusting you ass." "Daqutos is the most beautiflu and sexiest male I ever—"Yeah yeah yeah, how much coin did he pay you to say that? I've met some better looking dracons than him, especially with his horrible loss the other day against Huntor." "He cheated." Daqutos snarled. "He used sorcery, he doesn't deserve—"Are you really that stupid?" I asked, truly astonished. "The dragon duels called for every skill the dracons have, Huntor just so happened to have more than a few skills. You underestimated him. Own up to it, he's better than you." Daqutos moved to his feet. If it wasn't for Kitana's grueling training, then added in Huntor's, then Seeka's and Theia's, the war, hell, even the few weeks of training in the rings with the guard dracons, I'd never have seen the speed in which Daqutos moved.
Ok, so maybe it wasn't so much as I saw, so much as I sensed it. My dragon felt him get to his feet super fast, and I reacted accordingly. I snarled and held up my arm, telekinesis flashing gold over my tongue. Daqutos's arm snapped out to grab me, but his air instead. He frowned, and reached again, but couldn't get through my shield. "Again, you must be that stupid." I shook my blonde head in wonder. "Do you research Daqutos, then maybe you'll realize just who we are." He snarled, and the female got to her feet. "Daqutos, Daqutos." She ran her hands over his chest, his stomach, his abdomen. "She's nothing, she's useless. I'm what you want, take me Daqutos." He purred, and nuzzled her. "You outta learn how to behave like a female Bitch." He nipped the female's neck and she moaned. "I behave as I choose to, Kitana would hate you lot, and I don't blame her." Taloned hands grabbed my hips and, without thinking, I lashed out with a vicious back kick, then spun and delivered a flying spin kick. The male who thought to try me, laid flat on his back, struggling to breathe. "You should really ask for permission before assuming every female wants your hands on them." I said with a vicious smile. Two dracon males came toward us, faces filled with rage. They glowered at me and Daqutos. "You said it would be easy." One snarled, lifting their friend. Daqutos snarled back, "She's nothing, it should have been easy." Itt took me a moment to realize that they were speaking in the dracon tongue, and I understood them. "Het hem." I said, choosing one of Huntor's little lines. "I can understand you, idiots. And I'm not a thing." THeir faces registered shock, then outrage. One stepped forward, baring his fangs. "Try it boyo." I said, putting my hands on my hips. "I took out your friend with just two kicks. I don't need to do much to take out all of you." "You're a defective disgrace." One snarled. "A half-breed bastard born. You don't deserve to live." I nodded. "Uh-huh, well you take it up with the queen, because I'm her biological child fool. Why don't I tell dear old Mommy just what you called me." Both males went pale, ha ha, rhymes, anyway, they paled, and stepped away. "Daqutos, you, you, you, you never, you never—"Oh he didn't tell you, figures." I said with a smile. "They love to keep secrets in this family." "She lies." Daqutos snarled. "She lies." "DO I?" I asked. "Well I guess there's one way to tell, I don't usually cut myself, but." I unleashed a claw, and drew a little line on my wrist. A drop of blood came out, smelling of strange things I never noticed before. Eternal power, icy snow, roaring winds, glaciers from far far far away. If they could, both males went even paler. Daqutos looked like he was trying to swallow a dragon's egg. I smiled, and Hovered my hand over the wound, healing it fast. They stared in awe and horror. "Yeah boys, I'm royal born, and so is Huntor, and Wenzi." I sneered at them back, and heard a familiar voice behind me. "Is there a problem here?" Pheequa had strolled over, hands in casual reach of her weapons. "Nope," I smiled at her. "We were just finishing."

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