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    Waves crashed on the black beach, huge white waves as the dracon flew through the night. She landed and eyed the breaking waves, the twenty ships currently in harbor. Shadows, demons, monsters of all shapes and sizes worked furiously, carrying building materials, lugging others up the ships, as if to force them to assist. The dracon watched as three humanoid dog-headed demons tore into a carcass the size of a descent dragon. The dracon moved on, her turquoise gaze not locking on anything. No, her gaze was haunted, haunted and lost. Dargonue was the only companion she had in this sea of darkness. The only light, among the dark. Now that light went out, now he was dead, dead, dead, dead, killed by the one he had created. Killed by a torn soul, the soul who was bread to host the queen. Now she'd beheaded him, torn him open and ripped his heart out, and cut him in half. The queen trudged up the shore, nothing but a thing to the many creatures of the night, nothing, to these monsters of hate and terror. A demonic bird flew overhead, screeching it's rage. It dove, and lifted an unsuspecting victim. No, no, no the Snow Queen was nothing here, never was anything. These creatures, these things, they were the Dark Queen's army. She was nothing but a pawn to her, him, which ever. The Snow Queen had allowed herself to be used, had allowed Dargonue to plead to her greed, her lust for more territory, for more powerful soldiers. Of course, when everyone wanted someone to be the figurehead for the Snow Kingdom, she'd volunteered her house. She'd let her kingdom believe she and the Molten Lord defeated the Dark Queen, and razed her army. Let them believe she had taken her fangs for herself.
    Yet, yet, yet, yet. Gormless, absolutely gormless, gormless for her to have allowed them to use her like this. Stupid, idiotic, gormless. She'd let Dargonue feed on her hunger for more, let him use her. When she'd visited him, she'd not seen the predator underneath, and, in not seeing that, he'd sank his fangs into her. She'd found a way to free him, to escape the Molten Lord's grasp. She'd known how to build an army, and, with that very little time, had helped him form an army or traders and rebel dracons. Then, when she'd seen Huntor, she'd seen again, not the cunning dangerous fanged beast, but a harmless, gormless boy who could be controlled. And, in return, he'd sank his own fangs into her, into her children, had baited one into fighting him, and gotten one of his court into baiting another. Dead, dead, dead, Daqutos was dead. How many others were dead, how many of her other beloved children were dead. He'd cared, actually cared for a servant. The thought was, was, was, unthinkable. For one of her's, one of her royals ot even spare a glance for a servant, yet, yeet, he'd seen the tortured soul beneath, and used it, wanted to protect her, and yet, she was dead. Ripped open by Veevuqui, for revenge of Daqutos. How many others, how many others were responsible, was, she, responsible. How many others died because of her greed and demand for power. Amanda, that deranged terrible succubus in a human body. She'd had a demand for power too, but the queen made her, created her with the intention of keeping her, a dog on a leash. Keep her, though she, he, they, had to know the thing was uncontrollable, too ruthless, too power hungry.
    Gormless, absolutely gormless allying with these demons and monsters of the night. Yet, and yeet, and, yet, Huntor had spared the queen, though he and that other one could have killed her without much power, he'd let her go, he'd allowed her to live. The Snow Queen owed her enemy a life debt, and, feared the day he came for her. Because, when, not if, but when he did, she'd have to pay, she was bound to pay. The queen gluided up a set of steps into the rock, the black rock of the island. She came to a huge opening into the island, like the dead carcass of a volcano, a huge bowl of dark black stone, stone that was currently being erected into a huge black temple for the queen. Many other temples and buildings were already erected, forming a kind of dark city within the caldera. Far off, in the center of the island, a huge black tower rose on a pedestal, and at the pinnacle, a tiny silhouette stood, framed against the mist filled caldera. There, there the queen's master stood. Across miles of dark temples and homes, the DarkQueen, in her human form, stood, in heer, male, human form. When the Snow Queen tried raising her, she intended for her to have the option of two human bodies, male, and, female. But, when the time came, even the two children that the queen had created, fought against her. The boy finally was sacrificed, but the girl, the girl, Arachne had fought till the end, and escaped the pincers. Once again, a power indigo, a possible dark goddess escaped the pincers of the Dark Queen. Huntor, the other one, Sydney, and now Arachne. Three powerful gods, three creatures, two of light, one of darkness. If they managed to save Arachne's mind, manage to use her, then all of it, all of it was over. Frozen dragon talons, it was already over. It was over as soon as she walked into that prison block and opened her mouth to Dargonue. It was over when she grew, grew, grew to care for the bastard. It was over when she allowed him to feed her, to sway and mold her. She had, had, grown to care for him. Thought they were in this together. She'd let him touch her, plungee into her, thinking they'd make something out of her kingdom, make something new, but he'd just fed her hunger, and never intended on her surviving with him.
    The queen sighed despondently. Everything had fallen apart, and now, she owed her enemy a life debt. She shook her wings open, and flaped hard. Her armor was soaked with blood, blood from her own soldiers she'd slaughtered or had slaughtered. She had slaughtered them, her and Dargonue. She had wanted to, wanted to slaughter them for their disobedience, but she was the trader. She'd betrayed her kingdom, betrayed her people, betrayed indigos across the indigo world. She flapped, feeling malice, hate, terror, feeling and tasting it all in the air. In her mind, where she was safe, where her power allowed her to be free, she swore creatively, and damned herself, herself, for what she'd done, for what she'd created. Now the power of the sun was gone, swallowed by the darkness, and in it's place, two young gods were born, two lights, in the sea of darkness. Two sun dragons, and the daughter of the queen of spiders and darkness. All three had escaped, and, together, they could fell the queen, whether they knew it or not, remained, to, be seen. The queen landed, and bowed. "You know, you should use the door to my tower." The voice that flowed from the boy's lips was high and cold, too high for a male, even a young teen. "Why use a door when I have wings, my Lord." the Snow Queen asked. "Fair enough." The boy replied. "Rise, and join me." The dracon rose from her bow, and stepped to stand beside the creature of darkness. Together, they faced the caldera, and the twenty ships in the harbor. "They do work fast." The boy noted. "Especially under threat of massive, slow torment. Many have been tortured, and their bodies hang in every courtyard, in every home, as, reminders." He said that word, "Reminders." As if tasting it's every letter, and, as if warning the queen. She'd already heeded that warning though. She'd be careful, she'd tread lightly. The queen bowed again. The boy just watched the island, his face in an expression of thoughtful ecstasy. "They have no chance." She, he, it, they, finally said. "They'll die, they may be gods, theey may have my daughter, but she'll never turn, in fact, she'll lead them straight to me." "You're confident about that?" The queen asked, because she wasn't so sure. She didn't know Huntor, not as well as she thought, but she knew his compassion was what made him so very dangerous. He knew how to protect and sway people to a cause, and had a talent for striking new surprises on others. "They'll all die, because they will find this place, once they do, my legions will have already left these shores and entered Earth. It'll be too late." "Why will they come here?" The queen asked. "Because," The boy said, so sweetly you'd have thought he was talking to his sibling, or a lover. "In order for them to return the sun's power, they need to recreate the δράκους ήλιο here. In order to bring back it's power, and have any hope in destroying me, they need to bring it's power back, and destroy me for good. And when they do, I'll be ready." The boy threw back his head, and laughed, a high, too high laugh thack cackled with undiluted, pure insanity and venom. Behind his back, the Snow Queen shuttered, and, felt, the first, licks, of, fear, terror, and, perhaps, a touch, of, those, sharp, fangs, of, those, sharp, pincers.

The End.

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