Chapter Eighteen: Dining With Demons And Monsters

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I, WAS, FLYING. The wind was flowing through my feathers like the best kinds of whine, not that I actually had any before. The one time I was about to drink some Kitana appeared out of nowhere and said, "Nice try Camille, but whine, isn't, for us." I'd growled at her, but she'd merely growled back and took my perfectly good cup, and, dumped it, I mean seriously, the nerve that Whore-Bastard had, well, I'd never call her that, because that Bitch, pun not intended, scares the living shit out of me. Anyway, I, was, flying, flapping my eagle wings, practicing the tricks Diana had taught me. I folded my wings in, and dove, letting the wind scream by, falling through the clouds, feeling primal exhilaration as I fell toward the ocean. I flung out my wings and caught an updraft and glided high high high into the air. "Let your instincts take over, let yourself command the body you claim." Diana had said. I curved in a deadly ark, back flipped, looped, then dove again, excitement turning into a kind of feral drug. I soon lost sight, haha, of what I was doing, and only remembered when a sharp pang in my mind brought me back around. "Don't forget why you're out there." Kitana said dryly. "Oops." I thought giddily. "Give the girl a chance to fly ahead and behind, and she gets drunk on it." "No," I complained. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I promise promise I'll behave." Kitana sighed, already bored with me. That's how our friendship spiraled into existence, she'd never admit it, but I knew she actually loved me, cared about me. Being who I was, I prided myself on being the center of everyone's world. Well, I tried to be anyway. "Nothing behind." I said. "How far ahead are they?" She asked. I flapped hard, harnessing the wind, just like Diana taught me. I flew into the wind, breathing it in, flying like a hunter, or, a huntress. I stayed in the lower part of the clouds, and, spotted the ships, twelve of them. "Twenty nautical miles ahead." I reported proudly. Kitana swore. "I'll let Huntor know, he can figure out a plan when we talk over dinner, landscape, then return." Obeying, I looped five more times, then flew in a wide circle, spotting that we'd left the major oceans, and were in a kind of peninsula, surrounded by mountains that clawed the sky, tinged with the looming sunset. I turned and flapped in place. With my eagle sight, I had perfect vision, and could see all the way to the horizon, could see our nine ships approaching swiftly. They sailed toward the mouth of the peninsula, and with the way the mountains curved toward each other, it gave me an ominous feeling.
I could see creatures scurrying over the peaks and slopes, see creatures hunting, killing, or trying to hide. All at, or, near, the mouth of the peninsula. But here, where the ships below sailed, these mountains were quiet, nothing moved, nothing scurried about, as if even those creatures wouldn't come out until they knew they were safe. I looked toward the golden-red disk, or, more like orb, of the sun as it fell toward the water. I soon became transfixed by it's perfection, flaping in place there. "Pretty." I thought, starting to flap toward it. "Camille." Kitana warned in my head. "Huh?" I asked. "Sorry, huh, what, were we going somewhere?" She sighed. "Return to the ship, now." "But pretty sunset." "So I've been told, now come on." Reluctantly, I flapped toward the ship, doing several more loops and turns for good measure. When I was above our boat, I folded my wings and dove. This was the part that scared me the most, the diving and shifting back to human. Wind whistled in my feathers, cooling my flaming soul, cooling my mind, and, and, and, and. I opened my wings, and swooped over the boat, shifting with a flash and burn of muscles and bones and landed as myself, stumbling a little but catching myself on Huntor. "Oops, sorry Big-Wolf." "Meh." He answered. "You know, it sounds really bad when you call him Big-Wolf." Wenzi said. I growled at her, but Huntor said, "Behave Kid." Kitana appeared, saying, "Report." "Ok, so, we're a good ten miles, nautical that is, from the mouth of this kind of peninsula." "The Talon Peninsula." The big male dracon, what was his name again, oh, right, Qudorzo, said. "Yes that. The other ships, twelve of them, are already maybe a quarter way through, about twenty. Then, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. Oh, right, there's something wrong in there." "Yeah, what a surprise." The female, Quedesha said. "No, I mean, at the mouth, you see all these creatures interacting, you know, doing their thing, but further in, it's like a death chamber, nothing moves, nothing is doing anything." "It's the legions." Qudorzo said. "They've instilled massive amounts of fear into the Talons's occupants, ensuring that nothing will stop them." "Great." Huntor said, gesturing toward a table, "Let's talk about monsters and demons while we eat." And so, we all sat down, catching each other up, and eating some really, really, really good food. At least, everyone, except Huntor and Sydney. No, They kept their conversation low, and didn't really engage with everyone else, which, naturally, made me wanna bug and bother and pester him. "So Huntor, did you do that thing with her yet?" I blurted. Sarah choked on her drink. Leia spewed her's all over Joy, who swore viciously. I could almost feel Luna giving me a disapproving look. "Why?" He asked coolie. "So yoou can pick up some tips for you and Joy?" Joy squealed, and I felt my face go red. Sydney asked calmly, "Camille, and Joy, how interesting." "Don't get me started." Luna commented. "Maybe." Was my only answer. He just said, "Muerdeme kid." "What's that mean?" Sydney asked. "It means bite me." I said.
"Shouldn't I be doing that?" She asked. "It's an insult." He said. "It really means kiss my ass." "Muerdeme." Sarah said. "I like that." I shook my head. "Please, he does enough of that." Sarah laughed. Qudorzo said. "We need to start planning, tomorrow, we'll be doing all out war." That killed the mood. Huntor said, "Fine." He took a breath. "So, we have nine ships, fifty dracons on each, three elementals on three of that nine, which will make a major difference. Camille, were you able to get a guesstimation on how many warriors are on there?" "No, but I'd gather maybe twice what we have, plus there is twelve ships." "Fine. So, here's what we'll do." He began to assign us to different ships, began to designate leaders for each ship, and those who will be under them. "Briella and," He paused. "Kitana, I want you on my ship, this one. I want both of you on opposite sides. Then, Qudorzo, I want you to head this boat. Quedesha, I want you to head our left flank, Pheequa, our right. Seeka and Theia will take to the skies, them and four of your top elementalists, they will fight in arrow formation, attacking from the air." When he said my name, I nearly complained, but before I could, he said, "You will be in the water, you and Sarah, you will be attacking the hulls of the ships to bring them down. Because, for all the warriors we have, they want Sydney and I to fight, want us in the battle, to drain our indigoism, and we aren't going to do that." "You won't be fighting?" Wenzi asked. "Oh, we'll be fighting." Huntor said, and I heard the ferocity in his voice. "But we'll be fighting as dracons." "How very fun." Sydney said. I hadn't heard the girl sound so assured of herself, as if she really had changed for the better. As if the lost lonely suicidal girl was long gone. Then, Huntor said, "The Queen is already in the Spines, no doubt is doing everything she can with the others to start the process to raise the Queen." "What are you saying?" Leia asked. "That, despite everything we try, the Dark Queen may rise. I need each of you to be prepared for that possibility, be prepared to face the end of the world as we know it. The U.S. will not be the only country effected. This effects the entire Earth, therefore, I need each of you to ready yourselves." "We've been working with the states back home." Kitana said. "Working to ready for the possibility of an invasion. We've tried letting other countries know, and continents, and, well, you of all people know what that's like." "Any replies?" "Asia is going to work with us, them, and Europe, minus Russia, Germany, Parts of Africa, like—"South Africa." I cut in excitedly. "Yes," Kitana said. "But we aren't liked among people, mostly because of our beloved president—"Dickhead." Briella muttered. "Yes he is, and the fact we're warning of an impending apocalypse makes it even worse. Never mind it's one about gigantic creatures of darkness and nightmares."
"They'll believe it when the spiders are ripping them to shreds." Sydney said coldly. Huntor squeezed her hands, but didn't reply. "Sissy, can you take to the skies with Seeka and Theia?" "Of course." She said. Huntor nodded, his braids sliding into his face. "However this happens, know I love you all, and that each of you have come so far. You're no longer my students, but my warriors, my generals, my legacy. I, am, so, beyond proud of each of you, and—"Please," Joy said. "Don't give us the speech ok, we love you too, wouldn't be here without you, blah blah blah, but you aren't dying, we aren't dying. We're the freaking indigo, we, will survive." "Joy." Luna chastised. "Be tactful." Huntor, on the other hand, laughed hard. "Yes, I was right to bring you along." Joy laughed. When we were finished eating, and planning, I left the table and went below decks ot shower and change for bed. I stood in the bathroom in my cabin, running a brush through my hair. My senses told me that someone had entered my room, and I said, "Yes?" "Want me to do that?" Joy asked. I shrugged. "I guess." She took the brush and started running it through my hair. She ran her fingers through it, brushing, then running her fingers through it. I moaned involuntarily. Good, it felt so, so good. Joy purred a laugh behind me. "Woah there girl." I purred as she ran her fingers through, touching a very sensitive spot in my head. "You like?" She asked. My answer was a moan. "You know, we never got to finish what we started before. At the Symbol." She laid the brush on to the counter, "Why don't we rectify that." "Fine," I said, circling her as we heading out, and toward my bed. "But for your info, I like being on top." "Well then," She moaned. "Ravish me why don't you, but we'll see who begs first."
    I shoved her against my bed and started stripping her out of the tank and shorts wshe wore. Conveniently, she didn't wear anything underneath. My mouth went full with saliva, "Take me then Camille." She said, luculently seeing my face. I leaned forward and closed my mouth on her right breast. She moaned, her hand sinking into my hair, moving me against her breast. I felt her nipple harden in my mouth, and i nipped it. She moaned hard, and her hips jerked. I circled her nipple with my tongue, feasting on it, enjoying the sweet flavor on my tongue, enjoying the flavors. She moaned, pressing me against her breast, digging it further into my mouth. I nipped and savored it, then, moved to her left breast. She reached between us and grabbed my own breasts, squeezing them with a kind of feverish need. I moaned against her breast, savoring it, savoring that taste, that beautiful sweet taste. I growled against her breast, needing her to start begging, wanting her to, craving her to. But Joy held out, moaning, digging my face into her breasts, between them, over her neck, her shoulder, behind her ear, but never begging. I finally growled, and trailed my tongue down, between her breasts, over her belly, and down between her legs. Joy arched backward against the bed, her legs flying open wider, her body starting to quake. I reached behind her and started squeezing her cheeks, feeling just how rounded they were, rounded and firm and, oh, so, good.
    She cried out hard, and I felt her walls twitch, felt them as I started plunging my tongue deep in her, plunging over and over into her. Then, a wild, horny, insane idea echoed in my head, and I used a bit of my power and allowed my tongue to grow, to lengthen until it filled Joy entirely, until she was gasping and screaming, her body wildly quaking from the pleasure. She rocked her hips against my mouth, her walls twitching around my elongated tongue. She began to buck, her body forcing me to move my head in time with her. Her desire was so sweet, tasted so good, almost too good. Yes, yes this was what I've wanted, craved for since I was in school. To taste someone, to please someone, to plunge my tongue in her and hear her cry out my name, moan my name with a kind of ferocity that drove me deeper, harder into her. "Yes Camille." She moaned. "Oh God yes, harder harder harder harder, yes yes yes yes yes." I shoved my tongue harder into her, forced it deeper into her. I felt the climax rising into her, felt her body start quaking more insistantly, felt her walls twitch harder around my tongue. SHe cried out, her desire pumping and pulsing out of her and into my mouth. I slirped it down, drinking it in, tasting her, enjoying her, loving it, needing it. Her body quaked over and over, harder and harder. Finally, she relaxed against the pillows. "God that was so good." She said. I moaned, licking her up, feeling some savage primal part of me make me do it. I rose from between her legs, and she smiled, and moaned, "My turn." Then I was on my back, and Joy was yanking down my shorts. She ran her hands over my thighs, my panties still on. She slid her hands up my body, squeezing my breasts. "You're going to make me strip you huh?" She asked. I nodded. She pulled my panties down, and ran a hand over me, from one thigh to the other. Then, she squeezed my butt, making me moan. "Beautiful." She said. My heart raced, she'd called me, beautiful. "Nothing." I thought. "It means nothing, just sex, just a one-night-stand, just a weakness we needed. But her word struck deep.
    She leaned forward and, tentatively, suckled my left breast. The pleasure, the sheer desire tht burned through me made me go wild. I bucked under her, feeling the urge to just let her take me, have her tongue deep in me and just pump away, plunge over and over and over in me. "Let's see how you handle loosing control." She moaned, and started squeezing my right breast while sucking my left, her teeth scraping over my nipple, so tender, so, very, very, very tender, so, good, oh, oso, good. It was nothing compared to my solos, nothing compared to me between my legs, to my own hands. Joy over me, Joy touching me, "Yess." I moaned loudly. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes yess." Joy laughed against my breast, and switched to the other breast. She pinched my nipple with her lips, then ran her tongue over it, causing more pleasure to strike through me like lightning. I began to roll me hip, needing her to just take me, to savagely take me. "Look at who's begging now." She moaned. My only response was, "Ahhh, oh uh-huh, ahhh ahhh ahhh." She laughed and trailed her hands against me, feeling me, but not filling me. She sank her teeth into my shoulder, then neck, then against my jaw, then behind my ear, her tongue sliding out. I jerked my mouth to her's, but she drew away, "Oh, no, now it's time for me to go between your legs." I gasped as she savagely lowered her head between my legs, and started shoving her tongue into me.
    Joy, wasn't, gentle. She pushed her tongue in me, shoved it hard and fast into me, sending me over the first climax without me even realizing it. I gasped, trying to catch my breath, trying, trying, because, oh, oh, oh yess it was so good, so very good. I rolled my hips, trying to get her deeper, trying to get her, "Ahhh oh ahhhh ahhhh ahhh yess JOY." I cried as her thumb pressed against my bundle of nerves, pressed hard. "Thought that would get you hotter." She said against me. She pressed her finger harder against me, as her tongue surged deeper in me, plunged harder in me. I cried out, the pleasure almost too much to handle. I bucked, feeling another climx coming, feeling another climax begin. My walls twitched around her tongue, began to liquify as I began to orgasm again. "Do it." She said someehow able ot speak clearly with her tongue deep in me. I went over the edge again, again, again, and again. "JOY." I screamed. "YESS, YESS, OH YESS." I rolled harder, needing more more more more. She plunged her tongue harder, surging it in deeper, deeper, deeper, until. Her tongue hit something deep in me, so deep that I cried out, my body not just shuttering, but shaking, shaking from the intense agonized pleasure. Then, Joy pulled out of me, and curled up beside me. Before we both crashed, I managed ot say, "I won." Joy, laughed. A gasp, woke us both up the next morning. "Joy." Luna said. "Yes?" She asked sleepily, rising, and causing the blankets to pool around her, showing her nakedness. Luna muttered, "Don't know why I try." Then, "Get up, both of you, it's time." Joy slid out of bed, and began to dress. I slid out and into the shower, letting Joy braid back my hair. "THank you." She said in my ear. "For what?" I asked. "For one of the best nights I've ever had." Before I could respond, though, truthfully, I didn't have one, she was gone.

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