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Today was the day. Today was the day that both Cassie and Serenity have been looking forward to for two and a half months.

Cassie woke up beside Serenity, this time on her bed, practically screaming. She was more of a superfan than Serenity was, but she was good at hiding it. She only really let it out with Serenity and a few of her other friends that were way bigger fans than her.

"Wake up," Cassie chanted, shaking Serenity so hard she almost fell off the bed.

"Jesus, I'm awake, you dork," Serenity said sleepily. Her voice was croaky; it usually is when she first wakes up. She pulled the covers away from her body and shivered slightly at the change in temperature.

"Today's the day," Cassie said, watching Serenity walk over to her closet. She turned around and looked at Cassie with an almost confused look on her face.

"You're kidding me?" she asked, "I can't believe it's actually today."

"Me, either."

Cassie got up and unzipped her suitcase that was sat at the end of Serenity's bed. She pulled out a plain, loose, baby pink hoodie along with her dark blue ripped jeans and some undergarments before she made her way into the bathroom to get changed.

As for Serenity, she was settling for her favourite black long-sleeved shirt that was almost see-through, along with white ripped jeans and a grey nylon camisole for under her shirt.

Cassie opened the bathroom door slightly and peeked her head through the small opening. "Hey, Siren. Can I use your shower?"

"Of course," Serenity told her, "you didn't have to ask."

"Just being polite, that's all. I'll meet you in the living room, yeah?" she asked, smiling.

"Yeah," Serenity replied. She got dressed as soon as Cassie slipped back in the bathroom before realizing that she needed her stuff out of there.

"Cass?" she asked, opening the bathroom door only a little. "Can I come in? I've to get my brush and makeup."

"Sure," Cassie said, over the sound of the water falling from her shower head.

Serenity walked in and grabbed only her mascara, lipstick and hairbrush before walking back out. She went over to the main bathroom in the flat and set her items down on the counter in front of her.

One of the things Serenity had always loved about herself was her naturally rosy cheeks. She's never had to spend a single dime on blush because of it.

She had just put on a small layer of mascara and her favourite red lipstick. It was bright, and it clashed almost perfectly against her jet-black hair and icy blue eyes. She decided on leaving her hair down, mainly because she thought it matched her outfit better than it would've in a high ponytail.

Serenity finished up and pulled her phone out of her back pocket, checking the time. It was nearly half five, which meant that they had time enough to take the train to get some dinner and be able to make it to the concert on time. Cassie and Serenity had slept most of the day, again, because they were too excited to go to sleep last night. They ended up passing out at 8 a.m., though, which is why they woke up rather late into the day.

Serenity went and sat on the couch in the living area, waiting for Cassie to be finished in the bathroom. She had noticed that everything was still in place from when she cleaned everything up just before Cassie had come, and her mind travelled to her mum. Part of her wondered where she was, but most of her had absolutely no care in the world. It's not like she ever cared about Serenity.

"You okay?" Cassie said, walking out of Serenity's bedroom and into the living room.

"Yeah," Serenity replied, standing up and grabbing her coat. She threw it over her arm and slung her purse across her body, watching as Cassie did the same.

"Shall we?" Cassie smiled, linking her arm with Serenity's as the two of them walked out of her flat, locking the door behind them.


Serenity and Cassie had stopped at Nando's for dinner, each of them having a simple chicken sandwich with garlic bread— Serenity's favourite.

Once they got to the venue at which New Hope Club was playing, it hadn't taken them that long to get to the front where they were supposed to be. Girls were screaming everywhere for some reason, and Cassie was quite annoyed at that.

"Why've they got to be screaming?" she asked, "no one's even on stage yet."

"No clue," Serenity said, just before everything in the venue went silent, and dark.

Music started playing through the speakers as Reece, George and Blake ran onto stage. Everybody started screaming except for Serenity, who watched with a smile on her face from ear to ear.

It wasn't long until they started singing their new song, Crazy. Serenity danced along to the beat with Cassie on her arm, happier than ever. Blake walked to the part of the stage near the two girls. Serenity had caught his eye, but she had no clue. He winked at her, causing every girl around her to go absolutely insane. She didn't realise that he meant it for her, and her only.

As soon as they finished Crazy, Reece and George started playing the chords to Perfect. Before they started the song, Blake stood at the front of the stage, looking straight out at the crowd.

"This one's for the black haired beauty with the icy blue eyes," he said before turning around, winking at Serenity again. She could feel her cheeks heat up as she smiled, watching the boys dance around the stage and sing.

"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms, Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song, when you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath, but you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight," Blake sang, his voice more beautiful than ever. Reece let out a slight chuckle as he sang, sending a short-lived smirk at Blake.

Cassie turned to her best friend with her mouth wide. "You just got called out by Blake Richardson," she said, gasping.

"I guess I did," Serenity said over the music, smiling at her.

Blake ran through her mind the whole night. She kept thinking about how he winked at her, twice, and how he dedicated a song to her. She felt like it wasn't real— and if it wasn't, she didn't want to be woken up any time soon.

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