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"We're back!" Reece called from the door of the hotel room, his coat slung over his arm. George and Cassie walked in right behind him, laughing at something Serenity had no idea about. 

Serenity and Blake were sitting cross-legged on the bed, facing each other with a deck of cards between the two. She had chosen to play snap with him, considering it was one of her favourite card games, and because it was rather funny to hear the other scream 'snap' as fast as humanly possible. 

"Hello," Serenity said, not taking her eyes off the game between her and Blake. The two of them had placed a seven down at the same time, and Serenity screamed, "Snap!" 

"Jesus Christ," Cassie said, practically jumping out of her skin. She turned away from George and looked over at the two playing cards on the bed. Immediately, her eyes landed on the few love bites scattered around Serenity's neck and collarbone. "Are those hickeys?"

Serenity and Blake both tore their attention away from the card game, looking over at Cassie. Serenity was wearing a low-cut, floral tank top with lace around the neckline, which showed off the marks that Blake had made, just perfectly. She ran her fingers over one on her collarbone and just barely winced at the foreign feeling, but smiled regardless. 

Her mind travelled to the earlier events that had taken place, a small, tingly feeling spreading throughout her lower half. She remembered the way Blake had looked up at her from between her legs and how amazing he'd made her feel. Chills ran down her spine just thinking about it. 

"It is," Blake replied, scratching at the back of his neck. 

"Did you do that?" Cassie asked, pointing at Serenity. He nodded as Cassie walked over to him, hitting him over the head and laughing. "Disturbing my innocent little baby, are you now?" 

"I guess I did," he said, chuckling. 

"Did you two fuck?" Reece asked blatantly, earning himself a swat on each arm by both Cassie, and George.

"You can't just ask that!" the both of them exclaimed, causing a small laugh to fall out of Serenity's mouth. 

"No," she said, "we didn't—exactly..."

"Oh my god!" Cassie screeched, running over to her best friend and wrapping her arms around her neck. She laughed and hugged Cassie back, burying her face in her hair. 

Reece and George both looked at Blake as the girls hugged. Blake smiled from ear to ear.

"You two are perfect," Reece said, dropping his coat on the armchair beside the bed he shared with George and Cassie. 

"Honestly," George agreed, patting Blake on the back while Cassie pulled away from Serenity.

"Anyways," Cassie said, "we thought we'd go to Winter Wonderland tonight, and I thought you two might want to join us."

Blake glanced at Serenity, a ghost of a smile still playing on his face. She shrugged, "sure, just let me get dressed. It's too cold to wear this." 

She stood up from where she was sat and walked over to her bag, pulling out Blake's hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants and walking into the bathroom. She slid her shorts off of her legs and slipped on the sweatpants before glancing at herself in the mirror. 

"We'll meet you in the lobby, yeah?" Reece asked as him, George and Cassie were about to leave the room. Blake nodded and shut the door behind them before walking into the bathroom, where Serenity was staring at her reflection.

"You're so beautiful," Blake said softly, coming up from behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist loosely. He rested his chin on her shoulder and smiled. 

Serenity spun around and placed her small hands on his chest. "You make me feel like I really am."

Blake smirked softly and ran his fingers across the few hickeys on her skin. He was proud of them—they showed that she was his, and his only. She looked up at him as he dragged his fingers the bites, her ocean blue eyes meeting his luscious brown ones. 

"I feel like I'm dreaming," she said, never tearing her eyes away from his. 

"What do you mean, love?" Blake asked, tilting his head only slightly. She looked down at the ground, letting her hair fall around her face before looking back up and finishing her thought.

"It's every girls' dream to have their favourite singer fall for them," she said, "and here I am, getting fingered by my favourite singer and falling head over heels for him. It doesn't feel real—any of it. I'm scared I'm going to wake up one day and you'll be gone; that everything that's happened since we met has just been a dream."

"Baby, I can promise you that this isn't a dream," Blake told her, pressing a small kiss to her still swollen lips. "I know what you mean, though. I'm absolutely terrified that you're going to fall through my fingers like water."

Serenity blushed and looked up at the boy in front of her. She kissed his cheek and watched as a small smile formed on his face. "I promise you won't lose me, okay?"

"Okay, darling. Now, turn around so I can slip this hoodie on you."

Serenity complied, turning around and lifting her arms over her head so that Blake could slide his hoodie over her head. Once it was on, Blake turned her around so that she was facing him and he pressed his lips to hers, hard. His hands were on her waist, holding her as close to him as he possibly could. Blake pressed himself closer to her while her hands traveled up into his hair. She jumped and Blake set her up on the counter, her legs automatically wrapping around his waist.

The two kissed for what felt like hours before Blake pulled away with a small smirk on his face. "Come on, we better get down there before they start getting worried."

Serenity giggled at his words, jumping off of the counter. She slid the arms of the hoodie down past her hands, fingers clasping around the cuffs. She walked out of the hotel room and into the hallway with Blake coming out right after her. As the two walked into the lift, Blake slapped her arse, causing her to jump slightly and scowl at him. 

"Where've you two been?" Cassie asked as the both of them walked out of the lift, Serenity's face red and her lips swollen. 

"I got my hair stuck in my necklace, and he's too stupid to know how to get it out without cutting my hair off," Serenity laughed, elbowing Blake in the side. He looked down at her and winked, laughing along with her and Cassie.

"Whatever," Reece said, walking over to Serenity and slinging his arm over her shoulders playfully. "Let's go ride some roller coasters!" 

"You're such a noob," Cassie said, intertwining her fingers with George's. Serenity made a mental note to ask about that as Blake did the same with hers, a smile on each of the five's faces. 

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