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Serenity woke up early the next morning, happy to find Blake laid beside her. She rolled over onto her side and rubbed her neck—it must've been bent weirdly on the sofa because it kind of ached. She held her head up on her arm, looking at the sleeping next to her. She looked around the room, taking in every little detail, like how Blake had a guitar propped up against the corner of his room, and the dark bookshelf beside the bed that had books and pictures of him and his family on the shelves.

Her eyes fell on a small picture of the both of them on the small nightstand just beside his bed and a smile appeared on her face. It was the picture of that the smaller old lady had taken of them kissing. She had no clue that he had actually taken it and put it into a frame. Mentally taking a note to ask him about it, she rolled back over to watch Blake sleep.

His hair was messily tossed and his eyes were closed in the most perfect way, making him look peaceful. He was lying on his back with his hand on his bare stomach and his other arm stretched over towards Serenity. A small giggle slipped out of her mouth as she took in every little characteristic of his face, causing him to stir awake.

"Damn it, I was trying not to wake you. You looked so peaceful," she whispered as the older boy turned on his side to face her.

"I was dreaming of you," Blake said, "of course I looked peaceful."

A smile appeared on his face as he took in the view of the girl in front of him. Her hair was all over the place, but he thought it made her look even more beautiful, and her nose was almost barely scrunched as she chuckled.

"You're insane."

"Am I?"

"Yes," Serenity told him, "I'm not that fun to dream about."

"You sure were in my dream," Blake winked, laughing.

"Jesus," she replied, "that sounds very bad."

"Depends on the meaning of bad that you decide to use."

"Blake!" Serenity laughed softly, hitting his shoulder playfully.

"What time is it?" he asked, groaning slightly.

"I think, around six?"

"Oh fuck no," Blake said, rubbing his hands over his eyes. "Come here."

Serenity smiled and took him up on his offer, moving into his opened arms. She laid her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around the cold girl, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Blake?" she asked, just before she was about to fall asleep again.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"I didn't," he said, a smile appearing on his face, "until I met you."


"Cassie," George whispered, shaking her awake lightly.

"I'm awake," she mumbled after a second, hands immediately going to her eyes. "What's up?"

"It's late," he said, "Blake and Serenity are out in the kitchen making brunch, we wanted to know if you wanted any."

"Yes please," Cassie said, swinging her legs out of the warm bed carefully.

"Here," George offered, holding his hand out for her to hold. She took it gratefully and stood up, wincing at the small aching pain in her stomach. "You okay?"

"I think so."

George helped her out to the kitchen where Serenity was taking a tray of freshly baked croissants out of the oven. His hand was in hers as he led her over to the barstools, making sure she felt comfortable. He sat down beside her, looking over at Blake, who was leaning against the marble island.

"Reece's still not awake?" he asked, setting his elbows down on the counter and holding his chin in his hands.

"Nope," Serenity replied, pulling the blender out from the back of a cupboard and placing it on the countertop.

"I'll get him," Blake offered, walking out of the kitchen and into the hallway, finding his way to Reece's bedroom.

"What're you making?" Cassie asked, her voice coarse since she had barely used it since last night.

"Fresh baked croissants, smoothies and..." she said, pausing to grab the bowl of fruit out of the large, stainless steel fridge. "fruits."

"That sounds amazing," Cassie and George hummed. His hand was placed on his knee and Cassie looked over at him as she placed her bruised hand on his. He intertwined their fingers and smiled as Reece and Blake came back into the kitchen.

"Good morning sleepy," Serenity said, chuckling and throwing a strawberry at Reece.

"I've not even been awake for two minutes and I've got people throwing things at me!" he exclaimed, catching the strawberry in his hands and taking a small bite out of it.

Blake walked over to where Serenity was standing at the counter and wrapped his arms around her waist as she cut up a mango, putting the small slices into the blender. He rested his chin on her shoulder, watching her prepare the smoothie.

"Hi," he whispered in her ear, his fingers fiddling with the bottom of her t-shirt.

"Hi," she smiled.

"I didn't know I was fifth-wheeling," Reece said, holding a bottle of water in his hands as he sat down on the barstool beside George and Cassie.

"We'd have to be dating for you to be fifth-wheeling," Blake pointed out, causing Cassie to chuckle lightly.

"How do I know y'all aren't?"

"Y'all?" George questioned, tilting his head.

"He picked it up from me," Cassie replied, running her thumb along George's knuckles.

"She picked it up from me," Serenity said, explaining the whole ordeal.

"And you got it from where?" Blake asked, backing away from the smaller girl as she turned the blender on.

"Canada," she replied, laughing.

"I didn't know anyone in Canada said that," Reece laughed.

"Some of us do," Serenity told them, grabbing five glasses from the cupboard above her head and placing them down on the countertop. She poured the smoothies into each of the glasses and handed one to each of the people in the room.

Blake placed a croissant on a plate for each of them, along with slices of oranges, some grapes and a few mixed berries. He handed them out and sat on the other side of the island with Serenity, facing George, Reece and Cassie.

"Thanks for breakfast, Siren," Cassie said, taking a bite out of her croissant.

"Of course."

"What do you guys want to do today?" George asked.

"We could stay in all day and have a movie day?" Serenity suggested, smiling at Blake when he placed his large hand on her bare thigh.

"Sounds absolutely perfect."


[this is so short i am sORRY]

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