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Serenity stood under the hot stream of water that was flowing from the shower head above, her eyes swollen and red. She pulled her long hair out of the bun that it was in, letting it fall past her shoulders. The hot water slid down her somewhat cold body, making her shiver softly at the sudden change of temperature. She ran her hands through her hair, letting the water droplets soak it.

After Rosa had left, Cassie and Serenity sat down and she explained everything in more detail than she had over their regular FaceTime calls. She explained exactly how Rosa was and how she belittled Serenity every time she opened her mouth.

"Why're you still friends with her, then?" Cassie asked, sitting cross-legged on the couch, facing her best friend.

"I don't know," she said truthfully.

"Babe, it's not good for your health. You've been through so much already, you don't need that bullshit in your life as well."

"I know, I just..." Serenity trailed off, "I don't know how to do anything about it."

"We'll figure it out, okay?" Cassie reassured her, rubbing her arm softly.

"Thank you, Cas."

A small tear slipped through her blue eyes as she ran her hands through her hair, untangling the knots that had formed. She had no idea where everything had gone wrong with Rosa. Her mind travelled back to before Rosa had changed. Memories of them playing on the swings flooded her head, causing tears to flow out of her eyes more openly now. She didn't really know why she was crying, but she couldn't stop it.

Once she got out of the shower and was dressed, she walked into the living room where Cassie was sat, playing on her phone. Her eyes were slightly puffy from the crying, but it wasn't anything makeup couldn't fix if she wanted to go out.

"Oh no, baby, you were crying," Cassie said, a small pout playing on her lips. She opened her arms as if she was beckoning her over. Serenity walked over to her and smiled softly as Cassie wrapped her arms around her black haired best friend.

Serenity pulled away and sat in the small half circle armchair with her legs swung over the left arm of it and her back against the other arm. She was wearing a plain pair of black sweatpants that ended just under her knees along with a grey camisole, and her hair was down so it could dry.

She took the black leather notebook off of the coffee table and slid the pen out of the holder that it was in on the side of the notebook before opening up to the next empty page and spilling her heart out. She wrote it as if she was writing about a character with her problems rather than as a diary entry. Serenity hated writing diary entries.

Cassie was sat wearing a pair of grey gym shorts with a white, crisp t-shirt that flattered her every curve. She had her legs crossed and her hands in her lap, holding her phone. She was in a group chat with Reece and George, but Serenity had absolutely no clue about it. Cassie had gotten their phone numbers through Blake, whom she had texted through Serenity's phone.

The three of them were planning on surprising both Serenity and Blake by having Cassie and Serenity take the train up to Nottingham as if Cassie was going to show Serenity her flat, but instead, the boys would all be there. Cassie had told them where she hid her spare key and they had planned on meeting there, at her flat, tomorrow.

The boys came up with the idea after finding out that Cassie lived in Nottingham. Reece had come up with the part about them tricking Blake into thinking they were doing a cover at Cassie's apartment, mainly so they could record the two close friends meeting again.

Reece; well George, it's not like we can kidnap him.

George; would it even be classified kidnapping? he's our best mate.

Cassie; do you two ever shut up?

Reece; no, that's why we're so lovable.

Cassie; who said you were lovable?

George; me.

Cassie; okay, then you are.

Reece; you're going to listen to George, and not me? :(

Cassie; oh shut it you absolute banana.

George; get wrecked mate.

Reece; how am I even a banana?

Cassie; you just are. can we get back to planning?

Cassie laughed down at her phone, causing Serenity to divert her attention to her. Cassie simply shrugged it off and said that she was just trying to make an edit and the first draft came out so stupid that it made her chuckle. Serenity smiled at her best friend before going back to the words on the pages of her notebook.


"Siren," Cassie said after quite a while of texting George and Reece. They finally finished planning the surprise for the two of them, and while Reece and George were talking to Blake, Cassie was going to talk to Serenity.

"Yeah?" she said, her Canadian accent coming out slightly.

Serenity Parks was born in a small town in the Okanagan, British Columbia. Her, Rochelle, and Ezra lived there for the first three years of Serenity's life before moving to Toronto for eleven years after. Rochelle decided that as soon as Ezra had left them, that they'd pick everything up and move straight to London. She didn't exactly mind the change, but she missed her childhood best friend.

"Can I take you back to Nottingham with me tomorrow?" she asked, "I haven't had enough time with you, and I'd love to show you my flat."

"Of course," Serenity told her. Cassie mentally sighed, thankful that she was okay with the idea.

"I was scared you'd say no," she laughed softly.

"Aren't you glad I didn't?"

"You will be, that's for sure," Cassie said inaudibly.


"Blake," Reece said, trying to get his attention. Blake was tucked under the covers of his bed in the hotel room wearing only a pair of grey boxers, scrolling on his phone. He looked over at the blonde haired boy sitting at the edge of his bed and shut the screen of his phone off before speaking.

"Hi," he smiled, throwing a pillow at him.

"You're an absolute banana," Reece said, causing George to break out laughing from the bed he was sat on beside Blake.

"Did I miss out on some inside joke?" Blake frowned.

"No," George laughed, "Reece is just an absolute banana."

"Anyways," Reece scoffed, sending daggers over to George which only caused him to laugh harder, "we're going to film a cover tomorrow at a mystery location."

George; Cassie, Reece is making fun of me.

Cassie; Reece wtf

Reece felt his phone vibrate like mad in his pocket and he tried to hold back a laugh. He was trying to make it so it didn't look like he was hiding things, but George was making it impossible.

"Okay," Blake said, running a hand through his dark locks, "can I go to sleep?"




"I'm Reece," Reece exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air.

"No, you're an absolute banana," George laughed.

"Bloody hell you two, you're so lame," Blake said before putting a pillow over his head and sighing. He felt the bed go back into place as Reece got up, walking over to his sofa bed. Blake pulled his phone up to his face and sent a small goodnight text to Serenity before falling asleep, excited for the day ahead of him.

Blake; Goodnight sweetheart, x.

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